When you design for someone, roll with this.
Originally shared by Fred Hicks
28 mars 2015
26 mars 2015
25 mars 2015
OMG my G+ is full of Epidiah!
OMG my G+ is full of Epidiah!
Originally shared by Epidiah Ravachol
My Patreon Philosophy at Work
This summer will mark the second year of my Patreon campaign. Thus far the journey has been outstanding.
• I've found an outlet for my fiction.
• I've found a venue for my short-form roleplaying games.
• I've found a showcase for new voices in a genre I love.
• I'm learning new skills.
• I'm pushing my productivity.
• And I'm reaching new audiences.
Everything's going so well! Obviously now is the time to change!
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be conducting a patron drive to boost Worlds Without Master's total pledges to $1,750 per issue; because at this level the zine pays for itself and I can safely go monthly without paying out of pocket. Monthly, I tell you!
So why a patron drive? Why the push? Why not wait until the zine gets there naturally?
At the moment, I'm looking at less than a 10% increase in patronage. This number will likely fluctuate quite a bit. I've been publishing every two or three months for the past year and a half, with an average of 4 issues every 12 months. When I go monthly, that's going to triple the annual cost for the Patron Horde. I suspect most patrons are okay with spending $2.99 a month. But some might not be and some are patronizing at much higher levels.
It's always been the intent to eventually go monthly, but I have an established pattern. I want my patrons to know that a change in the pattern is coming so they can make informed decisions about how they spend their money. Some may wish to decrease their pledge to a more affordable level. Some may wish to redirect their pledge to another worthy cause (might I suggest one of these: http://www.worldswithoutmaster.com/from-the-horde/). And some have already increased their pledges to help facilitate the transition to monthly.
This is the magic of Patreon. By conducting a patron drive, I don't necessarily put a deadline on things, but I get to announce my intentions about the imminent future of the zine and each member of the Patron Horde has a chance to make the decisions they need to make before it happens. With a little luck, and some help getting the word out, I'll be able to go monthly by the end of it and nobody will be caught off-guard or left waiting.
You will definitely be hearing more about Worlds and the patron drive in the upcoming days. Until then, just know that if you were ever curious about it, now is the time to join the Patron Horde. Everyone joining in the next week will receive a coupon code for 25% off of the cover price of back issues at www.WorldsWithoutMaster.com, which means you can get the back issues for the same price you would have paid if you had been a patron all along! Such is our welcoming to the pack!
Originally shared by Epidiah Ravachol
My Patreon Philosophy at Work
This summer will mark the second year of my Patreon campaign. Thus far the journey has been outstanding.
• I've found an outlet for my fiction.
• I've found a venue for my short-form roleplaying games.
• I've found a showcase for new voices in a genre I love.
• I'm learning new skills.
• I'm pushing my productivity.
• And I'm reaching new audiences.
Everything's going so well! Obviously now is the time to change!
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be conducting a patron drive to boost Worlds Without Master's total pledges to $1,750 per issue; because at this level the zine pays for itself and I can safely go monthly without paying out of pocket. Monthly, I tell you!
So why a patron drive? Why the push? Why not wait until the zine gets there naturally?
At the moment, I'm looking at less than a 10% increase in patronage. This number will likely fluctuate quite a bit. I've been publishing every two or three months for the past year and a half, with an average of 4 issues every 12 months. When I go monthly, that's going to triple the annual cost for the Patron Horde. I suspect most patrons are okay with spending $2.99 a month. But some might not be and some are patronizing at much higher levels.
It's always been the intent to eventually go monthly, but I have an established pattern. I want my patrons to know that a change in the pattern is coming so they can make informed decisions about how they spend their money. Some may wish to decrease their pledge to a more affordable level. Some may wish to redirect their pledge to another worthy cause (might I suggest one of these: http://www.worldswithoutmaster.com/from-the-horde/). And some have already increased their pledges to help facilitate the transition to monthly.
This is the magic of Patreon. By conducting a patron drive, I don't necessarily put a deadline on things, but I get to announce my intentions about the imminent future of the zine and each member of the Patron Horde has a chance to make the decisions they need to make before it happens. With a little luck, and some help getting the word out, I'll be able to go monthly by the end of it and nobody will be caught off-guard or left waiting.
You will definitely be hearing more about Worlds and the patron drive in the upcoming days. Until then, just know that if you were ever curious about it, now is the time to join the Patron Horde. Everyone joining in the next week will receive a coupon code for 25% off of the cover price of back issues at www.WorldsWithoutMaster.com, which means you can get the back issues for the same price you would have paid if you had been a patron all along! Such is our welcoming to the pack!
20 mars 2015
Trolls & Légendes à Mons (Belgique) du 3 au 5 avril, 10e anniversaire.
Trolls & Légendes à Mons (Belgique) du 3 au 5 avril, 10e anniversaire.
Le festival de toutes les fantasy - Musique (concerts), littérature, bande dessinée, cinéma, jeux (dont jeux de rôle), expositions, animations, marché féérique.
Qui y va ?
Le festival de toutes les fantasy - Musique (concerts), littérature, bande dessinée, cinéma, jeux (dont jeux de rôle), expositions, animations, marché féérique.
Qui y va ?
17 mars 2015
I don’t say it is a great game.
I don’t say it is a great game. But it is a game I have very fond memories of. Memories of riotous laughter and excellent evenings. The better material can't ruin the good, simple, fun :)
16 mars 2015
Lanceurs de Doodle, si vous voulez très simplement me faire plaisir clôturez vos sondage avec la date finale choisie.
Lanceurs de Doodle, si vous voulez très simplement me faire plaisir clôturez vos sondage avec la date finale choisie. Cela me simplifierait la vie, car là je m'angoisse d'avoir raté un engagement que j'aurais pris et la vérification entre Doodle et G+ ne me rassure pas vraiment.
(Juste là maintenant Thomas Munier, Arjuna Khan et Damien Rahyll)
(Juste là maintenant Thomas Munier, Arjuna Khan et Damien Rahyll)
15 mars 2015
Wonder in my children's eyes when they found my old larp weapons in a dark corner of the garage :D
Wonder in my children's eyes when they found my old larp weapons in a dark corner of the garage :D
L'air émerveillé des enfants trouvant mes vieilles armes de grandeur nature dans un coin obscur du garage :D
L'air émerveillé des enfants trouvant mes vieilles armes de grandeur nature dans un coin obscur du garage :D
10 mars 2015
My unlove for that game just lost its shine.
My unlove for that game just lost its shine.
XP troubles in crowdfunding

XP troubles in crowdfunding
Yesterday I was ranting on how in some games playing the game mechanically moved it into not-what-we-want territory. Eg gain xp, gain level, not fun to play anymore in the same arenas and don’t like the new arenas.
Crowdfunding sometimes behaves the same way. Gamification of the buying process? Back a project. It gains backers / pledges, is successful, numerous stretch goal are achieved. Soon what interested you in the project at the start is only a small part of what the project has become. And it will be done much later, thanks to things you don’t want.
9 mars 2015
Sometimes I wonder if XP aren’t the drive of a Peter Principle of rpg: you gain xp to rise to the level of...
Sometimes I wonder if XP aren’t the drive of a Peter Principle of rpg: you gain xp to rise to the level of not-fun-anymore.
(One might argue that these are not-done-right xp.)
(One might argue that these are not-done-right xp.)
7 mars 2015
John Harper's new game #BladesInTheDark is now on Kickstarter!
John Harper's new game #BladesInTheDark is now on Kickstarter!
Blades in the Dark is an industrial-fantasy RPG about a crew of scoundrels trying to make their fortunes on the streets of a haunted city. It features a lighting-fast system for planning jobs, a dynamic action mechanic that you adapt to the details of each fictional situation, and a robust crew creation and advancement system that puts the team in the spotlight.
More information avalaible in the game community https://plus.google.com/communities/112767357581554417629
Blades in the Dark is an industrial-fantasy RPG about a crew of scoundrels trying to make their fortunes on the streets of a haunted city. It features a lighting-fast system for planning jobs, a dynamic action mechanic that you adapt to the details of each fictional situation, and a robust crew creation and advancement system that puts the team in the spotlight.
More information avalaible in the game community https://plus.google.com/communities/112767357581554417629
5 mars 2015
In Apocalypse World, why do the players get mechanical incentives (xp, progression) for doing (some selection of)...
In Apocalypse World, why do the players get mechanical incentives (xp, progression) for doing (some selection of) their moves, while the MC gets nothing for hers? What does this accomplishes? Is it just tradition? (This is an old question of mine, but AW gives me new words for asking it.)
2 mars 2015
Amplification du signal
Amplification du signal ! Maitre Sinh (l'homme derrière 500 nuances de geek, anciennement Narrativiste éditions) se demande s'il faut lancer la campagne de souscription pour la publication de la VF de Polaris de Ben Lehman maintenant ou pas. Faites un +1 sur le message original si cela vous intéresse.
Originally shared by Maitre Sinh
Dites les gens: Polaris de Ben Lehman est prêt pour la campagne de publication. Il faudrait qu'on soit 60 environ pour y arriver.
J'hésite a le lancer maintenant avec Fate. Surtout que c'est dans un genre, disons, un peu a coté de ce qui fait se déchainer les portefeuilles des masses rolistes. Disons.
Alors si vous en seriez, faites tourner le message. suivant le nombre de +1, j'aviserai. merci.
Originally shared by Maitre Sinh
Dites les gens: Polaris de Ben Lehman est prêt pour la campagne de publication. Il faudrait qu'on soit 60 environ pour y arriver.
J'hésite a le lancer maintenant avec Fate. Surtout que c'est dans un genre, disons, un peu a coté de ce qui fait se déchainer les portefeuilles des masses rolistes. Disons.
Alors si vous en seriez, faites tourner le message. suivant le nombre de +1, j'aviserai. merci.
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