XP troubles in crowdfunding
Yesterday I was ranting on how in some games playing the game mechanically moved it into not-what-we-want territory. Eg gain xp, gain level, not fun to play anymore in the same arenas and don’t like the new arenas.
Crowdfunding sometimes behaves the same way. Gamification of the buying process? Back a project. It gains backers / pledges, is successful, numerous stretch goal are achieved. Soon what interested you in the project at the start is only a small part of what the project has become. And it will be done much later, thanks to things you don’t want.
any link with Blades in the dark maybe ? The stretch goal for this one are begining to sound like a joke...
RépondreSupprimerYeah. I think there's something to be said for a simple project to deliver Thing X with no stretch goals or anything. Basically, 'pay up, get Thing X, and if more people pay up more people will get Thing X'.
RépondreSupprimerIt may be, Luke Wayland, it may very well be. But it surely isn't alone. If I look in recent rpg kickstarter I followed, I'd say around one in two works like that.
RépondreSupprimerYes, Chris Longhurst I prefer when crowdfunding works like that. Maybe better editing on all levels, better layout, maybe better illustrations, better paper or color if it is a physical product, maybe a small goodie. And a better future for the game. But don’t drift, crowdfunder, please don’t drift.
That's the point. The drifting of the strech goals. They have to be carefully planned and thought so it doesn't change the original game.
RépondreSupprimersmh at memes with typos. come on. have some dignity.
RépondreSupprimerThis can be a huge problem, to be sure. I don't really see it with BitD though? Most of the stretch goals are related to the core project. Another city in the same setting, a few additional classes that seem just as related to the concept as the initially-announced ones, and a few hacks of the system to play other factions within the same setting (which are being developed by other creators). The core game is done from the sounds of it, 26 months of playtesting.
RépondreSupprimerLike, if he started throwing in t shirts and dice bags, that'd be bloat. This seems like preplanned additional core content that was always expected to be part of the product, used as a way to (at worst) build hype. That initial funding goal was a colossal lowball on this project's reasonable results.
You're right Josh McGraw, BitD is quite reasonnable in that matter. The speed of its evolution is quite high, and it reminded me of other kickstarters where, when they closed, the oiginal-what-you-get-when-you-pledge at meybe was maybe 10% or 20% of the final product.
RépondreSupprimerHey Nikola Tesla , do you really think the Y U NO guy cares about spelling?
RépondreSupprimerI've definitely pledged to plenty of projects just like you're describing. Totally agree it's annoying as hell. I just felt a little need to split hairs that "project has lots of stretch goals" isn't automatically "project bloat."
RépondreSupprimerAnd right you were.
RépondreSupprimerI've been thinking about stretch goals a lot, and I think the only thing I want to add is additional art. This is still something that would push back the delivery, but it's something that would add to the game without changing the mechanics.
RépondreSupprimerGherhartd Sildoenfein He doesnt but the guy who spelled monstrosity correct should.
RépondreSupprimerOh, that! I bet that was more of a happy accident.
RépondreSupprimerOk, I like less and less the direction BitD has. I would much prefer the resources gathered to be used to advance and thoroughly polish the core game, the mechanical system and the original setting that caught my eye, not adding accessories to the core experience. Not more things (that I can do myself), but better things (this is much more difficult, this is where the real value lies).