
28 janvier 2019

G+ shutdown not being enough, don't forget that Hangouts as we know it will disappear this year also.

G+ shutdown not being enough, don't forget that Hangouts as we know it will disappear this year also.

If the Hangouts shutdown sounds like an extremely complicated mess—it is! (...) Google's argument seems to be that the transition plan makes everything OK. But clumsy shutdowns like this are damaging to the Google brand, and they undermine confidence in all of Google's other products and services.

7 commentaires:

  1. meanwhile in the Discord headquarters champagne was flowing

  2. I for one am switching to Signal. Sadly no video chat, but I guess we can use Discord for that?

  3. Eric Nieudan the issue with signal is that it hijack your sms native app making you dependent on internet network for sms (which is an issue depending on the coverage of your location) that made me discard this means...

  4. Do you remember when Hangout had a 3d dice rolling plug-in ?
    Google seems to have something against the rollplaying community to shut down every thing connected with RPG

  5. Luke Wayland no it doesn't. It's a setting.

  6. The trouble with Signal, for me, is that it is tied to your phone number and to a single identity.

  7. Luke Wayland Yeah, you opt in to use Signal for SMS messaging.
    Gherhartd Sildoenfein Hadn't thought about that. It's indeed a problem for community/semi anonymous use.
