
2 janvier 2019

That, especially for rpg and scenarios. And fellow gamers.

That, especially for rpg and scenarios. And fellow gamers.

Originally shared by Robert Bohl

I would like at least one piece of fiction* to pick up on the reality that torture doesn't work. This is especially bad in superhero stuff. Almost every superhero movie or show I've seen has the hero beating (Daredevil), electrocuting (Black Lightning), terrifying (Jessica Jones), or otherwise torturing people for information. Every single one, I think. And note, I named three of my favorite shows, there.

I firmly believe that a big part of why our culture allows itself to torture because our stories tell us it's the good, right, and heroic thing to do. And that's disgusting.

Aside: Has anyone incorporated this understanding of torture into an RPG? I feel like Apocalypse World's "what would it take you to do ____?" option in read a person gets close.

* I'm sure there are examples of this being done right; I seem to recall The Wire having an interrogation scene or two built over rapport. But it's goddamned rare.

4 commentaires:

  1. Oh god, thankfully torture in my gaming is very rare.

    Well, heroic torture, anyway.

  2. So it is in mine, but sometimes only because I don't tolerate it and will explain as long as it takes to give it it's proper representation as something monstrous and completely ineffective for getting accurate and truthful information.

  3. Burning Empires

    Torture: In this game, Torture does not extract reliable information from the victim. That’s what Interrogation and Demonology are for. Torture is instead used to inflict pain and harm on the victim in the form of traits.

    Interrogation: Using a peculiar logic, interrogators gain information from unwilling subjects. Interrogation allows the players to bypass lengthy and uncomfortable roleplaying sessions in which not much is learned except one another’s predilection for bondage.

    Gotta love Burning-things.

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