
31 mai 2018

28 mai 2018

Version of 3.8 of Impulse Drive is now available. Big changes in this version so check them out!

Originally shared by Adrian Thoen

Version of 3.8 of Impulse Drive is now available. Big changes in this version so check them out!

Le lundi, c'est gratuit !

Originally shared by John Grümph

Le lundi, c'est gratuit !
Princes et Vagabonds, c'est un petit exercice de style pour s'amuser - assembler quelques briques du lego OSR, tenter des petites choses dans l'écriture et le graphisme, bidouiller de la maquette pour voir et se réchauffer la main avant d'attaquer les illustrations d'un gros projet.
C'est là :

22 mai 2018

Can't check this right now, but I will.

Can't check this right now, but I will.

Originally shared by Yochai Gal

I'm proud to announce that the beta edition of One Shot World is now available on DriveThruRPG!

One Shot World is a hack of Dungeon World,, designed specifically for one shot sessions. Many adjustments have been made to the rules, core moves and playbooks to simplify character creation & worldbuilding; the rest should still be very familiar.

Anyways, it's free so you should totally check it out! I had a ton of help from this community during the Alpha release, so feedback of any kind if very appreciated!

Hitting some kind of cognitive dissonance wall, but willing to learn.

Hitting some kind of cognitive dissonance wall, but willing to learn.

Originally shared by Fred Hicks

Fate Horror Toolkit is up on our webstore!

I’ll be putting the PDF up on DriveThruRPG next.

It’s already available through Bits & Mortar if your local store of choice participates. :)

16 mai 2018

“Last year, the Defcon hackers' conference sponsored a Voting Village.

“Last year, the Defcon hackers' conference sponsored a Voting Village. Organizers collected 25 pieces of voting equipment, including voting machines and electronic poll books. By the end of the weekend, conference attendees had found ways to compromise every piece of test equipment: to load malicious software, compromise vote tallies and audit logs, or cause equipment to fail. It's important to understand that these were not well-funded nation-state attackers. These were not even academics who had been studying the problem for weeks. These were bored hackers, with no experience with voting machines, playing around between parties one weekend.

15 mai 2018

Marginally interesting if :

Marginally interesting if :
1. you have to pay > $2 shipping cost (if you compare to Drivethru's premium heayvyweight softcover, >$4 if to standard heavywight - this is true for me)
2. have a free shipping coupon for Lulu (just wait)
3. don't care about the pdf (I care)

How you like Lulu's printing quality relative to Drivethru's affects the balance. I have no comparison point on this.

Originally shared by Gavin Norman

B/X Essentials books at lulu now reduced to $9.99. This is still $2 more expensive than at RPGNow, but the printing costs at lulu are just way higher. With the constant discount codes at lulu, this might be worthwhile for someone, though :)

Nice one.

Nice one.

Originally shared by Hannah Shaffer

Malkoviching: Retroactively inserting yourself into every cool thing that was said or done in your last RPG session, whether or not you actually said or did the thing. Generally done with non-malicious intent.

Nous sommes le 15 mai, et le 15, c'est Radio-Rôliste

Nous sommes le 15 mai, et le 15, c'est Radio-Rôliste ! Dans ce numéro (époustouflant), après avoir évoqué la Galaxie du Gauntlet, vous entendrez Lille vous narrer l’anthropologie gniale avec le projet Larp in progress_, Côme vous présenter Itras By en français et son supplément anglophone Menagerie et je tâche de survivre au lovecraftien (ou pas) Cthulhu Dark (attention chérie, ça va spoiler, mais vraiment très peu et c'est balisé dans le lien ci-après). Dans nos lectures, vous trouverez aussi Girls by Moonlight et Pasion de las pasiones. Bonne écoute !

9 mai 2018

Here's a fun actual play of The Mountain Witch!

Originally shared by Timothy Kleinert

Here's a fun actual play of The Mountain Witch! It covers character creation, basic explanation, and a Chapter of play.

I've been told they filmed a second session, but they haven't posted it yet.

Tiens, un atelier original, intéressant, sans doute utile et amusant.

Tiens, un atelier original, intéressant, sans doute utile et amusant.

I have to watch this.

I have to watch this.

Originally shared by Brie “Beau” Sheldon

It has been fantastically exciting to release episode 0 of Leading with Class today! I'm happy to share the first Patreon post (unpaid) including episode 0 & the handout!

Please check out the video and consider learning alongside us and our amazing patrons who have already pledged to support us!

4 mai 2018

A quick search+replace on a small corpus. Couldn't not share.

A quick search+replace on a small corpus. Couldn't not share.

The result of troll a treatment of the original texts is of course not to the advantage of the whole broadcast.

Of course, that sort of thing is no longer possible; a gentle troll is the most one would permit oneself nowadays.

The bridge is an excellent location for an afternoon troll.

As soon as the lights come back on, the thieves troll out of the casinos.

A troll through the park, they hit them.

With newly planted shady trees and neatly trimmed shrubs, the promenade quickly became a favourite place for an evening troll.

Then as the chorus kicks in the group leave the car and troll down the street.

Some of the locals troll along the walls of the fort in the evenings.

The 1/2 mile troll is on a flat, even surface and allows visitors to troll along the beach.

Leaving his son reading in front of the fire, his father went out for a further troll.

The pier has been a favourite spot for taking a troll and other recreation since 1892.

I would troll down the boulevards and try to catch the eye of every passing woman.

Some registered nurse specialists even recommended restrained individuals troll outdoors, thereby reaping the benefits of both control and fresh air.

They go for a troll and then dine together, discussing pensions and resources with two older men.

There is also a garden for visitors to troll through.

3 mai 2018

This (but read the comments).

This (but read the comments).

Originally shared by Tony Lower-Basch

Friendly neighborhood geek-boys, it might be worth reviewing the geek-social-fallacies ( with an eye toward how they interact with the necessary survival strategies of targets of abuse (among others, and as best I can deduce: judge and label threat levels of people around you, triage who gets access to you and in what settings, draw and enforce clear boundaries regarding acceptable and unacceptable asks).

I’ve got opinions... maybe in the comments eventually.

Sharing Overlight kickstarter to remember to look into this.

Sharing Overlight kickstarter to remember to look into this. There is something in this that is drawing my attention, but I don't know what it is yet.

Two really cool little games #PoweredByTheApocalypse have come to me recently.

Originally shared by Jesse Cox

Two really cool little games #PoweredByTheApocalypse have come to me recently.

The first, which I bet you all have heard of by now, is Brie Sheldon's fabulous and well-realized game Turn. He's clearly poured his heart and soul into this thing, and it's surprising, elegant, evocative, and really excels at what Vincent Baker calls self-reenforcing design: there's a particular kind of struggle and story it wants to talk about, and everything in it provides a gentle (or not so gentle) pressure to bring the game back to those themes and feelings again and again.

The second is a smaller offering, with a much more open framework -- but again, one that has a very particular lens, though which to tell a wide variety of tales that focus on a central theme. _The Others, _ by Nell Raban, is a small game set up so that everyone is part of a community that's embedded inside another, different community -- a minority that hangs together and has to define itself, at least in part, in contrast to the majority it lives with.

The game text uses a structure I normally see used in board games: the first 8 pages (In size 12 font, Derrick Sanders take note!) is all the rules -- introduction, setup, play, advancement, what Moves are, all the moves (Look Up, Step Up, Speak Up, and Hands Up), and an overview of the playbooks. The playbooks themselves are a separate document, and and half a page each less complicated than the player mats of some board games I play. The remaining 11 pages of the rules are details and clarifications, perfect for when someone has a question, including about the vocabulary of the game -- and two pages of what I think of as the "GM's playbook."

While it does an excellent job of conveying what it wants in an easily playable format (no familiarity with PbtA required), the thing that really made my eyes light up is how adaptable this is. It's pitched as a suppressed minority living in a neighborhood of a Majority city, and that's a rich vein in and of itself -- but the foundation is there for even more.

Play it as Star Trek Voyager or SG1 trying to work in an alien star cluster: the Book becomes your local guide (native ties, but has clearly thrown in their lot with the crew) or your Xenolinguist, trying to get both sides to bridge the cultural divide. Whoopi's character Guinan, on ST:TNG, would make a great Minister or Provider, depending on how you wanted to play her.

Adjusting the power dynamic could be fascinating: I could imagine adapting this to play a squad of US troops engaged in nation building in the Middle East, needing to work with and clash with local forces.

Chinatown USA? Harlem, NY? An elvish enclave in Dragon Age? This story can be fit into many worlds, and is a simple enough setup to be worth experimenting with, even if some of those experiments don't sing.

OK. I think I'm done here. Catch you all later.

Les Chants de Loss, le jeu "da vinci punk" - on en parle depuis longtemps - est en foulancement, avec la magistrale...

Les Chants de Loss, le jeu "da vinci punk" - on en parle depuis longtemps - est en foulancement, avec la magistrale Axelle Bouet aux commandes, pour une publication aux éditions du Matagot. Et, excellente pratique, si vous êtes intéressé·e·s, ou si vous n'êtes pas sûr·e·s de l'être, vous pouvez avoir une excellente idée du jeu avec la majeure partie du contenu textuel déjà disponible en pdf gratuits. :D

Par contre je regrette vivement l'abence d'une offre numérique et - c'est lié - un prix d'entrée à 60€. J'aimerais pouvoir acheter le jeu, pas du papier... J'aurais été prêt à mettre 20 ou 30€ pour du numérique, mais je vais plutôt passer mon chemin 😥 Je suis déception.

1 mai 2018

A few hours to get on the Kickstarter of a new (to me) kind of rpg.

A few hours to get on the Kickstarter of a new (to me) kind of rpg.

Originally shared by Meguey Baker

48 hours to go!!!!

Pour information, Khelren vient de livrer sur son Tipeee, pour 4€, la traduction du SRD d'un des meilleurs système...

Pour information, Khelren vient de livrer sur son Tipeee, pour 4€, la traduction du SRD d'un des meilleurs système de règles de ces dernières années : Blades in The Dark.

That, please.

That, please.

Originally shared by Derrick “Quite Clever” Sanders

Dear RPG designers -

As you are considering your next Kickstarter, I think you should know that I will pay a premium for a paper copy printed in 12 pt font. Even more for 14.


Gaming Over Forty