
15 mai 2018

Marginally interesting if :

Marginally interesting if :
1. you have to pay > $2 shipping cost (if you compare to Drivethru's premium heayvyweight softcover, >$4 if to standard heavywight - this is true for me)
2. have a free shipping coupon for Lulu (just wait)
3. don't care about the pdf (I care)

How you like Lulu's printing quality relative to Drivethru's affects the balance. I have no comparison point on this.

Originally shared by Gavin Norman

B/X Essentials books at lulu now reduced to $9.99. This is still $2 more expensive than at RPGNow, but the printing costs at lulu are just way higher. With the constant discount codes at lulu, this might be worthwhile for someone, though :)

2 commentaires:

  1. Gherhartd Sildoenfein my personal copies of these books from Lulu and RPGNow are virtually identical. I think the end quality depends on excatly which printer fulfils the order, though, so it's difficult to be definitive about it. (I ordered mine in Germany. The Lulu books were printed in the UK. Not sure about the RPGNow ones.)

  2. My Lulu printed books are always great, my RPGNow ones generally terrible. As someone interested, I'll wait until one of their free shipping deals comes through.
