
4 mai 2018

A quick search+replace on a small corpus. Couldn't not share.

A quick search+replace on a small corpus. Couldn't not share.

The result of troll a treatment of the original texts is of course not to the advantage of the whole broadcast.

Of course, that sort of thing is no longer possible; a gentle troll is the most one would permit oneself nowadays.

The bridge is an excellent location for an afternoon troll.

As soon as the lights come back on, the thieves troll out of the casinos.

A troll through the park, they hit them.

With newly planted shady trees and neatly trimmed shrubs, the promenade quickly became a favourite place for an evening troll.

Then as the chorus kicks in the group leave the car and troll down the street.

Some of the locals troll along the walls of the fort in the evenings.

The 1/2 mile troll is on a flat, even surface and allows visitors to troll along the beach.

Leaving his son reading in front of the fire, his father went out for a further troll.

The pier has been a favourite spot for taking a troll and other recreation since 1892.

I would troll down the boulevards and try to catch the eye of every passing woman.

Some registered nurse specialists even recommended restrained individuals troll outdoors, thereby reaping the benefits of both control and fresh air.

They go for a troll and then dine together, discussing pensions and resources with two older men.

There is also a garden for visitors to troll through.

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