29 août 2014
Ce soir je teste Star Wars: Edge of the Empire avec des potes.
Ce soir je teste Star Wars: Edge of the Empire avec des potes. La dernière fois qu’on a joué à un jeu SW c’était le SW d6 paru chez Jeux Descartes… Malgré le temps – ou peut-être à cause de lui ? , malgré tout le mal que l’on a pu dire entre nous sur les prequels. – la magie de l’univers est toujours là et l’anticipation monte avec les heures qui passent :D Je sais déjà que la soirée sera bonne, j’espère que le jeu sera à la hauteur.
28 août 2014
Could you write a game like a mystery novel, pulling the reader ever farher into the rules by not giving him what...
Could you write a game like a mystery novel, pulling the reader ever farher into the rules by not giving him what he'd like to know? Shouldn't hooking and inspiring players and gamemasters be at least as important as being a clear procedural explanation?
Originally shared by Paul Czege
My "near final" text for The Clay That Woke is now out to a handful of readers for final feedback on stuff like problematic sentence construction and punctuation, so I came up for air and posted a Kickstarter Update about the text and the uniquely constructed Table of Contents I have planned for it.
Originally shared by Paul Czege
My "near final" text for The Clay That Woke is now out to a handful of readers for final feedback on stuff like problematic sentence construction and punctuation, so I came up for air and posted a Kickstarter Update about the text and the uniquely constructed Table of Contents I have planned for it.
25 août 2014
Les jeux qu'il me plairait vraiment bien d'essayer (plutôt en tant que joueur) sont :
Les jeux qu'il me plairait vraiment bien d'essayer (plutôt en tant que joueur) sont :
* Fiasco
* Fate
* Monsterhearts
(Je suis disponible en soirée du lundi au jeudi à partir de 21h00.)
* Fiasco
* Fate
* Monsterhearts
(Je suis disponible en soirée du lundi au jeudi à partir de 21h00.)
Les jeux qu'il me plairait vraiment bien d'essayer (pas nécessairement en tant que meneur) pour le moment sont :
Les jeux qu'il me plairait vraiment bien d'essayer (pas nécessairement en tant que meneur) pour le moment sont :
* Hillfolk,
* Swords without masters.
Mais il faut d'abord que je retrouve un peu d'énergie.
* Hillfolk,
* Swords without masters.
Mais il faut d'abord que je retrouve un peu d'énergie.
22 août 2014
I need to try this. Neeeeed.
I need to try this. Neeeeed.
Originally shared by Teo Morgan
And they say compulsivity is a bad thing?
I made a bunch of pool noodle lightsabers for my girls.
My perception of Self Efficacy has allowed me to consider that I can tackle doing Darth Maul's now.
I recommend the floppy sort of noodle. In the is pic the Purple, Blue, and Yellow sabers are a bit more firm. This doesn't lead to pain when small kids swing them, but it can be more bracing. The floppier the noodle the more air resistance will slow its velocity, and impact. It makes it so that the person swinging doesn't have to hold back at all. I use the really floppy Green, and Red ones to avoid accidentally wapping a kid into tears.
I recommend getting at least two colors of duct tape (regular, and black), but adding chrome, and gold made things perk up a lot.
P.S. Inverting the sabers, then striking each other with the handles is only advised for those who are Chaotic Evil. It brings sadness, and ocular moistening.
19 août 2014
Switching from oral tradition to writen transmission changes Nordic larps, writes Lizzie Stark.
Switching from oral tradition to writen transmission changes Nordic larps, writes Lizzie Stark. A very interesting article that echoes with the (at least French) current trend of wanting to produce "complete game" objects and dismiss or revile oral tradition.
Narrativiste.eu mue et devient Céphalopomme
Narrativiste.eu mue et devient Céphalopomme ! Maitre Sinh - en profite pour nous proposer un site revu et corrigé, beaucoup plus actuel. Et beau. Au menu du lancement du site :
- Horreur Cosmique, un projet de jeu Lovercraftien Powered by The Apocalypse, qui devrait être créé à travers des ateliers participatifs.
- Dread, le jeu d'horreur d'EPidiah Ravachol en VF.
- Shadows de Zak Arntson, un jeu pour enfants qui se joue comme son nom l’indique avec des ombres, en VF (traduction de Zeylion).
- Mobile Frame Zero, le jeux de combats de mecha en Lego de Vincent Baker en VF.
- Les classiques de Narrativiste édition : Danger Patrol, Archipelago II, Happy Birthday Robot, Spirit of the Century, Un train d’enfer, Les 1001 nuits, Mnémosyne, Dungeon World Boite rouge, Le comité pour l’exploration des mystères.
- Pas encore visibles sur le nouveau site, mais ce n'est certainement qu'une question de temps : les projets de traduction de Polaris de Ben Lehman et de Fate.
- Le Dernier Anneau, le projet de traduction de The last Ringbearer de Kirill Eskov.
- Gandahar, encyclopédie et jeu, un projet ambitieux pour faire vivre les univers de Réné Laloux, et pas seulement en paroles et dans les mémoire, qui mijote depuis deux ans et qui devrait chercher son financement participatif fin 2014 ou début 2015.
- Maître Sinh explique l’évolution et ses raisons sur Narrativiste : http://www.narrativiste.eu/2014/cest-fini/
Si vous ne connaissiez pas Narrativiste, découvrez Céphalopomme : c'est du bon. Et sinon... je n'ai certainement pas besoin d'essayer de vous convaincre ;)
- Horreur Cosmique, un projet de jeu Lovercraftien Powered by The Apocalypse, qui devrait être créé à travers des ateliers participatifs.
- Dread, le jeu d'horreur d'EPidiah Ravachol en VF.
- Shadows de Zak Arntson, un jeu pour enfants qui se joue comme son nom l’indique avec des ombres, en VF (traduction de Zeylion).
- Mobile Frame Zero, le jeux de combats de mecha en Lego de Vincent Baker en VF.
- Les classiques de Narrativiste édition : Danger Patrol, Archipelago II, Happy Birthday Robot, Spirit of the Century, Un train d’enfer, Les 1001 nuits, Mnémosyne, Dungeon World Boite rouge, Le comité pour l’exploration des mystères.
- Pas encore visibles sur le nouveau site, mais ce n'est certainement qu'une question de temps : les projets de traduction de Polaris de Ben Lehman et de Fate.
- Le Dernier Anneau, le projet de traduction de The last Ringbearer de Kirill Eskov.
- Gandahar, encyclopédie et jeu, un projet ambitieux pour faire vivre les univers de Réné Laloux, et pas seulement en paroles et dans les mémoire, qui mijote depuis deux ans et qui devrait chercher son financement participatif fin 2014 ou début 2015.
- Maître Sinh explique l’évolution et ses raisons sur Narrativiste : http://www.narrativiste.eu/2014/cest-fini/
Si vous ne connaissiez pas Narrativiste, découvrez Céphalopomme : c'est du bon. Et sinon... je n'ai certainement pas besoin d'essayer de vous convaincre ;)
16 août 2014
Two games and Vincent's thoughts.
Two games and Vincent's thoughts.
Originally shared by Vincent Baker
Two games!
Dulce et Decorum by Troels Ken Pedersen
Love in the Time of War by Mario Bolzoni & Luca Veluttini
In Dulce et Decorum, you play English soldiers in the trenches of WWI. At the end of each round of play, as a group you read WWI poems aloud, "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae, "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen, "When You See Millions of the Mouthless Dead" by Charles Sorley, and others. Your goal is for your character to survive the war, of course, but achieving it is very difficult, and you might decide along the way to sacrifice yourself in one way or another instead. It's an emotional gutpunch, a haunting and harrowing game to play.
In Love in the Time of War, you play lovers, one of you a soldier gone away to war and the other a civilian left behind. At the end of each round of play, one of you writes a letter to the other, or that is, you describe the letter you write. Your goal is for your relationship, your love, to survive the war, but achieving that is very difficult. Especially difficult each round is the decision whether to write a truthful letter, sharing the pain and weight of what you're experiencing with your lover who might not be able to bear it, or to conceal the worst, shouldering the pain and weight for yourself. It's also an emotional gutpunch, a haunting and a harrowing game to play.
This is, by the way, the beauty to me of game design: playing a game can give you an emotional experience, even though it's just cards, pawns, dice. Think of the sinking feeling when you discover you have the losing hand in Hearts, for instance, or the frustrating injustice when you're up against a better player in Go. And then in a roleplaying game, even further, the emotional experience of playing the rules can reinforce and serve and draw upon the emotional experience of identifying with the characters.
In both games, Dulce et Decorum and Love in the Time of War, good gameplay means generally the same thing: controlling your descent. You and your fellow players start the game with all the resources you'll ever have, and have to spend them as wisely and carefully as you can, to buffer and shelter yourself from the bad turns that are coming.
And this is what I want to say about both games: they're both gambling games, not pure resource management games, and they're both mathematically unforgiving. You do have the losing hand. Your board position is unjust.
I played Dulce et Decorum at Fastaval 2013, and I couldn't stay ahead of the gamble. My character died when he stopped caring whether there were enemy soldiers in the opposite treeline, and simply stepped out into a field in Belgium. He died bereft of friends and hope.
I played Love in the Time of War at EtrusCon just last week, and Talisa Tavella's character and mine reunited at the end of the war. They were both scarred and sad, but they were together and still able to make the life they wanted. It was never a given, but Talisa and I played hard and had good luck and managed to pull it off.
Anyhow, two gorgeous, exhausting, unforgiving games that I love.
Here's a link to Dulce et Decorum. I can't find a link to Love in the Time of War. Mario Bolzoni, Luca Veluttini, help me out?
Originally shared by Vincent Baker
Two games!
Dulce et Decorum by Troels Ken Pedersen
Love in the Time of War by Mario Bolzoni & Luca Veluttini
In Dulce et Decorum, you play English soldiers in the trenches of WWI. At the end of each round of play, as a group you read WWI poems aloud, "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae, "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen, "When You See Millions of the Mouthless Dead" by Charles Sorley, and others. Your goal is for your character to survive the war, of course, but achieving it is very difficult, and you might decide along the way to sacrifice yourself in one way or another instead. It's an emotional gutpunch, a haunting and harrowing game to play.
In Love in the Time of War, you play lovers, one of you a soldier gone away to war and the other a civilian left behind. At the end of each round of play, one of you writes a letter to the other, or that is, you describe the letter you write. Your goal is for your relationship, your love, to survive the war, but achieving that is very difficult. Especially difficult each round is the decision whether to write a truthful letter, sharing the pain and weight of what you're experiencing with your lover who might not be able to bear it, or to conceal the worst, shouldering the pain and weight for yourself. It's also an emotional gutpunch, a haunting and a harrowing game to play.
This is, by the way, the beauty to me of game design: playing a game can give you an emotional experience, even though it's just cards, pawns, dice. Think of the sinking feeling when you discover you have the losing hand in Hearts, for instance, or the frustrating injustice when you're up against a better player in Go. And then in a roleplaying game, even further, the emotional experience of playing the rules can reinforce and serve and draw upon the emotional experience of identifying with the characters.
In both games, Dulce et Decorum and Love in the Time of War, good gameplay means generally the same thing: controlling your descent. You and your fellow players start the game with all the resources you'll ever have, and have to spend them as wisely and carefully as you can, to buffer and shelter yourself from the bad turns that are coming.
And this is what I want to say about both games: they're both gambling games, not pure resource management games, and they're both mathematically unforgiving. You do have the losing hand. Your board position is unjust.
I played Dulce et Decorum at Fastaval 2013, and I couldn't stay ahead of the gamble. My character died when he stopped caring whether there were enemy soldiers in the opposite treeline, and simply stepped out into a field in Belgium. He died bereft of friends and hope.
I played Love in the Time of War at EtrusCon just last week, and Talisa Tavella's character and mine reunited at the end of the war. They were both scarred and sad, but they were together and still able to make the life they wanted. It was never a given, but Talisa and I played hard and had good luck and managed to pull it off.
Anyhow, two gorgeous, exhausting, unforgiving games that I love.
Here's a link to Dulce et Decorum. I can't find a link to Love in the Time of War. Mario Bolzoni, Luca Veluttini, help me out?
14 août 2014
Hillfolk wins 2014 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming!
Hillfolk wins 2014 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming!
The Diana Jones is awarded on merit, not popularity or commercial success. The winner is chosen by a closed, anonymous committee, so it is difficult for a manufacturer or publisher to stuff the ballot or interfere with the voting.
2014's shortlist was: Evil Hat Productions (publishing company), Hillfolk (rpg), Paizo Publishing (company), ROFL! (family card game) and Terra Mystica (strategy board game).
The Diana Jones is awarded on merit, not popularity or commercial success. The winner is chosen by a closed, anonymous committee, so it is difficult for a manufacturer or publisher to stuff the ballot or interfere with the voting.
2014's shortlist was: Evil Hat Productions (publishing company), Hillfolk (rpg), Paizo Publishing (company), ROFL! (family card game) and Terra Mystica (strategy board game).
13 août 2014
Bonjour, je suis Philippe, rôliste pratiquant depuis 30 ans.
Bonjour, je suis Philippe, rôliste pratiquant depuis 30 ans.
J'aime a priori la plupart des jeux et des approches, mais pas trop la compétition entre joueurs (si "gagner" a une importance réelle pour quelqu'un à la table, je risque de me lasser vite), le triturage long de règles (style créer un perso complet et optimisé à DD3.5 ou Shadowrun) ni les jeux où le système ne me laisse pas faire ce que la fiction promet. Je maîtrise plutôt en sandbox, en laissant la plus grande liberté possible aux joueurs, mais en tant que joueur j'apprécie également le dirigisme quand il est bien fait (particpationisme) (aka raconte moi mon histoire).
J'aime autant les jeux traditionnels qu'expérimentaux, et suis intéressé par découvrir ensemble de nouveaux jeux et sortir du confort bien balisé de mes parties IRL.
Je serais disponible en soirée en semaine (lu-je 21h00-01h00), pas vraiment souvent — 1 ou 2 fois par mois maximum. (Edit: et il me faut idéalement qq jours de préavis pour m'organiser.)
J'ai une expérience minuscule du jeu en voice chat via hangout (et rien d'autre de simialire), mais je ne demande qu'à pexer dans ce domaine.
J'aime a priori la plupart des jeux et des approches, mais pas trop la compétition entre joueurs (si "gagner" a une importance réelle pour quelqu'un à la table, je risque de me lasser vite), le triturage long de règles (style créer un perso complet et optimisé à DD3.5 ou Shadowrun) ni les jeux où le système ne me laisse pas faire ce que la fiction promet. Je maîtrise plutôt en sandbox, en laissant la plus grande liberté possible aux joueurs, mais en tant que joueur j'apprécie également le dirigisme quand il est bien fait (particpationisme) (aka raconte moi mon histoire).
J'aime autant les jeux traditionnels qu'expérimentaux, et suis intéressé par découvrir ensemble de nouveaux jeux et sortir du confort bien balisé de mes parties IRL.
Je serais disponible en soirée en semaine (lu-je 21h00-01h00), pas vraiment souvent — 1 ou 2 fois par mois maximum. (Edit: et il me faut idéalement qq jours de préavis pour m'organiser.)
J'ai une expérience minuscule du jeu en voice chat via hangout (et rien d'autre de simialire), mais je ne demande qu'à pexer dans ce domaine.
12 août 2014
Une des photos du travail de Thom Atkinson sur l'évolution de l'équipement des soldats anglais de 1066 à nos jours :...
Une des photos du travail de Thom Atkinson sur l'évolution de l'équipement des soldats anglais de 1066 à nos jours : 1ère photo de la série, équipement d'un huscarl pour la bataille de Hastings (1066).
11 août 2014
History of the roleplaying game industry, Designers & Dragons 2nd edition, 4 comprehensive volumes by Shannon...
History of the roleplaying game industry, Designers & Dragons 2nd edition, 4 comprehensive volumes by Shannon Appelcline.
2 août 2014
#firstRPG #myFirstRPG because I drew a new deathly maze and gmed it for my friends
#firstRPG #myFirstRPG because I drew a new deathly maze and gmed it for my friends
1 août 2014
In the mail today: John Wick's Wield :D
In the mail today: John Wick's Wield :D
A fantasy roleplaying game where you play an ancient, powerful weapon and the heroes you wield are disposable hit points.
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