
24 juillet 2018

If there is any #anydice guru among you.

If there is any #anydice guru among you... I am trying work out some Codex+ like dice probabilities. I'd like to do something like :

highest 2 of (1d12, 2d8, 1d6, 2d4)
which of course is syntactically incorrect, it's just to show you fellow humans (and sufficiently advanced AI) what I am trying to do.

Working on that, I notice that the following statements gives different results
output [highest 2 of 3d6]
output [highest 2 of 2d6+1d6]

which I sort of get, I suppose 3d6 is internally represented as a collection of 3 d6, while 2d6+1d6 collapses to a results/probabilities table, something like that.

Anyway, I am trying to find some workaround. Any ideas? Is there something, obvious or not, that I am missing? Some other tools that might do that easily?

Catlike Coding

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