This is important. There are only a few hours left to motivate our representatives to save the internet as we know it. Please, use the linked tool to send an email to or tweet your representative. To phonecall them if you can.
Without this, the disastrous Article 13 and Copyright Directive will be voted tomorrow 05th of July at the plenary session of the European Parliament, as they were on 20th of June by the Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI). The application of these regulations mandates the establishment of permanent publication control, totally preventing the publications blocked by the algorithms. It will probably lead to the disappeacance of internet's small actors face with the difficulty and cost of putting those measures in place. (In any case the impossibility to do it alone, but the intervention of an external solution has a financial cost and / or alive privacy and surveillance) And it will lead to major censorship. No proper defense mechanism against the blocking mechanism is provided. There is no penalty to block legitimate content, but letting content identified as undesirable by anyone is punishable. The mandated method leaves no space for legitimate use, as they are totally unable to identify them, they will block by default, without examination. Blocking is easy and inexpensive ; unlocking, if it is possible at all, because there is no obligation on this side, long, expensive and uncertain.
Please, act, now.
The European Parliament today voted to send the EU's new copyright law back to the drawing board, rejecting the idea of automated filtering of everything you share online.
RépondreSupprimerIn September MEPs will vote again, but this time they can table amendments, so they could actually help make a European copyright law which isn't a massive corporate power grab. Should Article 13 of the Copyright Directive proposal be adopted as-is, it would impose automated filtering of everything you share online.