
29 avril 2017

Difficult, very difficult question.

Difficult, very difficult question. What would be the optimal minimum dice selection? Suppose you're going to a con' or to a gaming club and you don't know what game you'll play. Might be OSR, might be a mainstream game, might be indie, whatever. What dice selection would you take with you? No cheating: only classical dice, no d-total, no dice-rolling cards, no mobile app.

10 commentaires:

  1. I usually would bring 1 or 2 of D4, 8, and 12 plus a few more 10s and 20s and enough d6s to play Fiasco with.

    But really, if you're playing an unfamiliar game, the person running the game should have some loaner dice that people can use if they don't have the right size pool of d8s or whatever.

  2. I guess one set of each dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d00, d12, d20) and a few more d6 (mini).

  3. While I've got a standard set -- one of each, plus a dpercent -- my goto is my chessex d6s.

    And very much agreed with Nick -- when running a game at a con, the game runner should bring all required materials. I know I do.

  4. À whole playset (including D100).
    Then some D6 and D10 (you will never know if you'll play L5R, Shadowrun or White Wolf games).
    I have yet to see à game where I would need several D8.
    À second D20 would be necessary for DD5

  5. 1d4, 3d6, 1d8, 2d10, 1d20 is the bare minimum. For comfort I'd add an extra d4, d8, and d20. Maybe a d3 and d30.

  6. I forgot the d12. There should be a d12 too =)

  7. you're all much more minimal then I, I feel shame. While I was pondering this, I kept adding dice to my minimal set. Some potential games are just dice eater - DiTV, Cortex+ (Prime soon), WoD (especially Werewolf oWoD,) Shadowrun... (and I don't even think about playing Mythender).

    I'd like to be able to roll a majority of test in one roll, rolling in two steps is acceptable, but three-steps rolls should be rare.

    With DD in mind, I'd go for 3d4 (level 6 magic missile in two rolls, might go to 4d4 for DiTV), 8d6 (Shadowrun, with 2 white 2 blacks for Fiasco), 3d8 (three colours for Oltrée!, might go to 4d8 if I were to GM a DD game), 10d10 (damn you WoD, with one or two tens dice thrown in the mix), 2d12 (I love the d12), 2d20. For a total of 28d.

  8. My actual mini-pouch contains:
    * one full set
    * 5 additional d6 (i.e. a total of 6d6)

    But I am such a dice gourmand, usually I take a normal pouch with me i.e. 6 full sets :-0

  9. (For Cortex+, I tried MHRPG when it still was legal... as I was GMing I bought dice for the whole table... that"s a dice-expensive game.)

  10. A friend in another channel said that I was asking the wrong question. That the what mattered is how many dice fit comfortably in my pouch. And that mini dice solve everything. Great! Now I have a whole new category of dice to acquire ;)
