
5 décembre 2017

#12RPG Question 1: You’re running an RPG to introduce new players to the RPG hobby this month.

#12RPG Question 1: You’re running an RPG to introduce new players to the RPG hobby this month. Which game and genre do you choose, and why?

It really depends on the persons, what they know, like and their commitment.

I'd easily go with Fall of Magic, because of the compelling material, the easy and short rules.

If I can interest them in archeology and metaphysical mysteries, I'd run (the french) Sphynx.

If they know and like lovecraftian horror - which is becoming common, Cthulhu Dark is a good candidate. For other cinema-like horror, I'd go with (the french) Sombre. Or Monster of The Week for a lighter mood. Or Murderous Ghosts if only one player.

Otherwise a small heist with Blades in The Dark, with pregen characters and the Crowfoot war.

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