
3 novembre 2017

Hello Fellow Game Designers & Publishers

Originally shared by Epidiah Ravachol

Hello Fellow Game Designers & Publishers,

It's time we had The Talk, the #Epimas talk. I know, I know. Halloween is barely in the grave and already we're talking Epimas? It seems to encroach on us earlier and earlier every year. But this needs to get out there before folks start asking me individually.

I 'm afraid that this year, I do not have the time to organize & run a full-bore Epimas this year. This is a little sad for me, because it would have been the 8th year in which we did it. It's brought me a lot of joy over those years.

But I'm choosing to treat this as a reason for celebration--a graduation of sorts. This is the dawn of a new Epimas. A decentralized Epimas. I'm inviting you, if you are so inclined, to run your own Epimas promotion this year.

What Makes an Epimas Promotion an Epimas Promotion

• Folks buying games for their friends & loved ones.

That's it. That's all. However you want to facilitate that is up to you. The details have changed a lot over the years, but the way I've done it in past has always looked a little like this:

• Person A buys a PDF bundle for Person B at a bit of a discount.
• Person A immediately receives a copy of that PDF bundle so they can read up on the games & be ready to run them on Epimas Day.
• Person B receives their gifts via email on Epimas Day (Dec. 24th, of course).
• Persons A & B spend all of Epimas Day playing games and generally just makin merry.

But you don't have to make it as complicated as all that! You may, in fact, be smarter if you don't. I am, as we all know, not smarter, so I'll be running my own quiet little Epimas promotion that will look a hell of lot like that. But you do you. Make it your own.

Tell Me About Your Epimas Promotion, I'll Promote It

If you do one, let me know! I'll shout about it on the social medias (socials media?). I'll make a list, I'll check it at least twice. If anyone with a podcast, radio program, or late night TV show wants to talk to me about the holiday, it's rich history, or just its crass commercialism, I'll be sure to mention everyone on my list. Just tell me what you got to offer and where to find it.

A Giant Thank You to Everyone Who Has Celebrated Epimas These Many Years

Game designers, game publishers, game players, friends & loved ones of game players who accepted these bizarre documents as gifts in good grace, thank you so much for all you've done for Epimas in years past. You've all be the best and have made a haphazard adventure so worthwhile. You'll be hearing more about my Epimas in about a month, but until then just thank you.

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