
13 novembre 2018

Turn looks like an excellent game from Brie Sheldon.

Turn looks like an excellent game from Brie Sheldon. The crowdfuning is still running for 17 days, it's funded and the stretch goals - a thing I normally don't like so much - are shaping so nicely <3 International shipping got sorted.

Turn is a slice-of-life supernatural roleplaying game about shapeshifters in small, rural towns who struggle between their beast and human sides in a quiet drama, while trying to find balance and community.

Slice-of-life, quiet drama and trying to find balance and community are such rare things in ttrpg.

I only regret I did not share this earlier in the project live.

Originally shared by Brie “Beau” Sheldon

We have 18 days to go on Turn, & many stretch goals to achieve including Anders Smith on Mormon community, Ezio Melega & Lavinia Fantini with Italian towns, & more like Meguey Baker, Gerrit Reininghaus, & Jaye Foster waiting to create towns for you! Please share!

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