
27 juillet 2016

Call the Midwife - how to rpg that?

Call the Midwife - how to rpg that? I really like the Call the Midwife BBC serie. I find it very moving, gently touching very humane and deep and important subjects. But with every episode I watch, I try to solve this: how to get these emotions AND these subjects around a rpg table. I know of no ttrpg that accomplish this. Sure, I can with my fellow players collaboratively invent and tell such stories with some story-games tricks, but that always prevents me (up till now) to really feel, enjoy and be moved by the story. How do I do that?

18 commentaires:

  1. I'd try it with something that supports slice-of-life, like Chuubo's (I keep reaching for Chuubo's....) or Maid RPG. Maybe even a Golden Sky Stories hack.

  2. Ooh, I would love to write a Call the Midwife larp.

  3. Je ne connais pas cette serie, mais dis moi si je comprends d bien : un jeu basé sur les émotions des personnages dans des situations pas simple ?

  4. Human-wise, you can't avoid players investing into their characters. And I mean with true emotion and care. That means everybody around the table is OK with playing naturalistic drama.
    Rule-wise, I would use Keys (Lady Blackbird like) and Motivations. And I would give partial control of one's character to other players (Polaris like).
    My 2 cents.

  5. Stephanie Bryant I hadn't thought about these. Now I will.
    Sara Williamson  yes, I believe it is an excellent fit for a larp. Which makes me think : it'll probably need a weekful of workshops to stay true to the naturalistic-ity of the original, and I believe it would be the way to go for a ttrpg or a freeform/rpg game.

  6. Matthieu B  (réponse séparée pour que les non-francophones puissent facilement utiliser la fonction de traduction). C'est difficile à dire... je crois d'ailleurs que si j'en avais une lecture plus claire, je serais d'autant plus avancé sur comment le traduire en jeu de rôle.

    Les situations sont quotidiennes pour les personnages principaux : les accouchements, même à risque, font partie de leur quotidien, comme les situations socialement difficiles dans ce quartier pauvre de Londres. Comme il s'agit d'une série-télé, l'impact émotionnel vise naturellement les spectateurs à travers la mise en scène des émotions des personnages mais aussi de la situation en elle-même. Souvent c'est la combinaison des émotions de toutes les personnes présentes, en accord ou en désaccord, et la scène en elle-même qui vont créer l'émotion finale chez le spectateur. La série suit une formule assez régulière et classique : le cas de la semaine (parfois deux), plus une ou deux difficultés personnelles dans les personnages principaux, et pourtant l'émotion me touche à chaque fois et je m'en lasse peu. Je crains que cet aspect ne marcherait pas aussi bien en jdr. Pourtant le jeu en campagne se lie tellement bien avec le naturalisme de l'original.

  7. The more I think about it, the more I think Golden Sky Stories would fit really well.

  8. Bastien Wauthoz yeah, what the would-be game proposes to play must be clear. I am afraid that some people, even willing to, couldn't invest themselves in the right way (ugh, I know). Or even fake it. I know I couldn't have before having kids myself.

    One other problem I see is that I am sure that the emotions the viewers feel isn't only or even mainly through the main characters, that would be through one's PC in a ttrpg, but rather through many characters' perceptions and the situation as a whole. That is what sends me on the collaborative story-telling track, which I know is a dead-end for me. I think I will struggle with this for some time :/ There I see the value of the Polaris approach, but I'll have to think at length about this.

    I wonder why LBB keys and motivations?

  9. Ok, je tente une invocation de Frédéric Sintes​ : il me semble qu'il explore ces thématiques depuis de nombreuses années avec son jdr les cordes sensibles, il pourra peut être t'en dire plus. Vous avez sans doute des choses à échanger sur ces thèmes 😃

  10. Motivations to give the characters a sound psychological background.
    Keys to show the way to the player (characters are expected to go along their keys until they buy them back) and to give meaning to their hard choices.

  11. Seen like that, it looks lile Primetime Adventures (duh, it's made for that) and Hillfolks/Dramasystem would be perfect matches. Of course, being me, i'd prefer something more PbTA, but...

  12. Okay, now I'm imagining them all as Angels in a post-apocalyptic London.

  13. I don't know if that would catch the same "feel," though.

  14. Don't know the show, not sure if I can say something smart about this subject.
    But I really enjoy playing drama in RPG. ;)
