
13 juillet 2016

Oooh shiny! A new version of Google Fonts just appeared before my eyes!

Oooh shiny! A new version of Google Fonts just appeared before my eyes!
#free   #fonts #font #fonts #font #fonts #font !

2 commentaires:

  1. Oh ! Je ne connaissais pas l'outil, merci ;o)

  2. Merci... je ne connaissais pas moi non plus...

    _"Question: Can I use the fonts for a book or other print publication, to create logos or other graphics or even to manufacture objects based on their outlines?

    Answer: Yes. You are very welcome to do so. Authors of fonts released under the OFL allow you to use their font software as such for any kind of design work. No additional license or permission is required, unlike with some other licenses."_

    Yesss... et Re-merci :)
