
31 juillet 2016

Quite interesting refresh.

Quite interesting refresh.

Originally shared by Tony Lower-Basch

Geek Community Fallacies (v.2)

Years ago, Michael Suileabhain-Wilson (great guy!) helped our community tremendously by enumerating Five Geek Social Fallacies. These were, as he explained, exaggerated versions of notions that are, in themselves, reasonable. They were also a product of their times: Aimed at questions of small groups, physical friendships, and how to organize real-world activities. This is an attempt to produce a similar taxonomy for some of the ways these fallacies play out on a larger scale. It is almost certainly incomplete. I hope that feedback and discussion can help create something worth posting in some more permanent and accessible way. With that context, on to the Geek Community Fallacies (in comments):

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