Whaaaaat o_O?
H.P. Lovecraft teams up with Nikola Tesla, Amelia Earhart, Albert Einstein, Harry Houdini, Sonia Greene, Marie Curie, Babe Ruth, Josephine Baker, Jack Dempsey, Charlie Chaplin,Clara Bow, Kandinsky, Trilussa, Keaton, the list goes on and on. So many joined the fight against the Cthulhu Mythos creatures who invaded our world in the 1920's. But this is no ordinary Call-back to Cthulhu style TTRPG, this is as much about the history and personalities of the notable figures alive in this exciting era. You can play as any well-known person from the 1920's, mix up history, have fun! Or create an unique character from scratch to join the fight.
Tu vois ^^ y a un public SaWo^^
RépondreSupprimerSavage World, c'est forcément un hack d'Apocalypse World, ça ne doit pas être très éloigné de RCW, non ?