
31 juillet 2016

EDIT: Geek Social Fallacies Geek Community Fallacies

Originally shared by Tony Lower-Basch

EDIT: Geek Social Fallacies Geek Community Fallacies

I'd like to discuss whether the Geek Social Fallacies can be usefully rewritten from their original formulation (in which the perspective was on a small group of friends characterized by individual relationships) to a broader formulation that can give insight into how this matrix of dysfunction shapes a larger community. Here's my first try, and I absolutely welcome suggested improvements, and discussions of what kind of consequences these rules would have:

(1) Ostracizers are evil => Members in good standing may not be corrected (consequence: Community policing must begin with invalidation)

(2) Friends accept me as I am => The community shall have no shared minimum standard of good behavior, except as laid out in the GSF

(3) Friendship before all => Setting personal boundaries is unacceptable

(4) Friendship is transitive => Any stranger who identifies into the group must be extended trust.

(5) Friends do everything together => Recognizing diversity in viewpoint and preference is prejudice.

I'm not thrilled with all of the formulation (though I think #2 and #3 are pretty spot on). Help me refine?

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