
5 juin 2015

Caitlynn Belle's personnal project to study local play cultures - this is an awesome idea!

Caitlynn Belle's personnal project to study local play cultures - this is an awesome idea!

Originally shared by Caitlynn Belle (Caitie)

Hey, everyone! I'm examining local play styles and cultures as they relate to roleplaying. If you'd like to help, here's a short quiz you can take that asks about your group and their roleplaying habits. I'll share the results publicly in some manner!

1) This is not for any sort of research project or institution - it is a personal project of mine and the data will be analyzed by me, summarized, and posted publicly. It is not for any kind of special thing, it's just a topic I am really interested in and am posting the information for others, if they are also interested.

2) None of the questions are required, including the one that asks your name. So if you would prefer to remain anonymous, don't include your name, or e-mail me at and let me know. This information belongs to you and I will not attribute it to you if you would rather I not.

3) I'm not sure when this information will get posted! Later. When I reach a critical mass.

4) I will invite certain people to publicly discuss or allow me to share their play cultures, to allow me to compare and contrast for the public certain trends or divergences in playstyles, to see how different people and different groups treat the same subject matter. This will be a private invitation and you are by no means obligated to if you would prefer your anonymity. 

5) If you do leave your name and you do not wish to remain anonymous, I may, but only with your permission, post excerpts of your responses as time goes on. I will only do this if you leave your name as well as an e-mail address to contact you at, both of which will be in the quiz.

6) Otherwise, I will merely review and summarize trends among quiz-takers, as well as where things differ, for informational purposes only.

7) Finally, if you allow me to attribute quotes to you or use your responses in a way that identifies you, you are also allowing anyone else to quote that information or discuss it. This is public data put up for everyone's review! Please inform me that you wish to remain anonymous if that is not okay with you.

Please share!

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