
21 décembre 2015

Strawman spotting.

Strawman spotting. Nobody never said that system doesn’t matter. What was and is said is ‘the system this game proposes does not matter because I can change it.’ That implies being conscious that system does matter, otherwise nobody would bother changing it.

9 commentaires:

  1. People totally did say it, though. "It doesn't matter what rules you use if you have a good GM."

  2. Yep. You're totally right. Because the good GM changed the system. Didn't he?

  3. (or maybe I am unwillingly engaged in recursive strawmaning)

  4. it's so dusty in here. What are all these cobwebs ?

  5. Yeah, I know. I warned, though. I wonder whether paleopathologists have a specific word for fossilized pus. (<-speaking about my own rant).

  6. Sure! That's part of why people did (and still do, I bet) say "system doesn't matter". They're assuming system = written rules.

  7. Yeah, I think this argument became one of exceptionalism: the system doesn't matter if the gm is good enough, and I am AWESOME.

    I love good system so that I don't have to hack it.

  8. There is no such thing as a system so good I don't have to hack it.
    Therefore: System doesn't matter that much and it definitely doesn't matter in the way the System Matters folks thought it did before the widespread availability of actual play videos proved they were wrong.

  9. That also, Zak. I wouldn't have worded it that way, but yeah.
