
21 octobre 2016

Hi, I pledged for the KS but I have some questions:

Hi, I pledged for the KS but I have some questions:

- What will the different books’ and cards’ illustrations like? Like the cover illustration and the typographical decorations? Or like the watercolors?

- Are the rules in the preview material almost final or will they still change significantly?

- What will be in the “Haunting the wires” toolbox? For Roll20 and outside Roll20 (I am not a fan of Roll20, I play online but through other means) ?

- Will we have access to room and card previews during the Kickstarter? Book layout preview? Electronic handout preview?

4 commentaires:

  1. I'm also extremely intriqued to see a example room. :)

  2. Hey Gherhartd!

    - We're still commissioning the art for the new material, but we will be going for a dark gothic feel.

    - The rules are final, the layout is not.

    - We're planning on including overlays, all of the cards, and probably some other nice bits such as the character sheets and supporting materials.

    - We're working on the layout for the book now, and will see if we can put some previews up. :)
