
29 août 2017

When you prep something for a game, do you generally have replay value in mind?

28 août 2017

À écouter de toute urgence !

À écouter de toute urgence !

Originally shared by Frédéric Sintes

Jay Setra compare les expériences de Labo GN a la consommation de drogues dures... et c'est vraiment magnifique.

Peut-être que vous le savez depuis longtemps, mais j'apprends que Monsterhearts 2 d'Avery Alder sera publié chez...

Peut-être que vous le savez depuis longtemps, mais j'apprends que Monsterhearts 2 d'Avery Alder sera publié chez Lapin Marteau (, traduit par Selene ( | que l'on peut entendre sur l'excellent podcast Ludologies ( Il sera présenté à la Queervention Rôliste de Rennes (2 et 3 septembre 2017). Une seule chose à dire : :D

26 août 2017

Les lignes continuent à bouger, c'est bien :)

Les lignes continuent à bouger, c'est bien :)

Le JdR progresse :)

Le JdR progresse :)

Originally shared by Acritarche

Sanctuaire servira à initier des ados en clinique de psychothérapie institutionnelle au jdr! Cette nouvelle me réjouit à un point, vous n'imaginez même pas!
Mille mercis à Jérémy GUILBON

25 août 2017

"Nier le sexisme, y compris dans cet écrin de notre société qu'est le jeu de rôle, c'est le banaliser -et il en va...

Originally shared by Gaël Sacré

"Nier le sexisme, y compris dans cet écrin de notre société qu'est le jeu de rôle, c'est le banaliser -et il en va de même pour les problématiques du racisme, de l'homophobie, etc. On se familiarise, on rend cela acceptable et on entre même dans un processus de déréalisation.

Pourquoi j'ai écrit tout ceci ? Pas pour tacler X ou Y. Mais parce que moi, en tant que joueuse et en tant que femme solidaire des autres membres de la sphère ludique, je souhaite une communauté plus saine, qui ne choisit pas de se voiler la face et de se laisser aveugler par son ego froissé ; y'a pas de "bouh, elle est vilaine, elle a vexé tel auteur", y'a "merde, ça a froissé pas mal de femmes parce que c'est insultant comme traitement" ; je veux une communauté qui se pose les bonnes questions, je veux une communauté qui réfléchit et qui fait des efforts pour se montrer plus saine pour tous." (Extrait)

24 août 2017

This is why I regularly read your posts here on G+, the articles you publish on your site or on your blogs, listen...

This is why I regularly read your posts here on G+, the articles you publish on your site or on your blogs, listen to your podcasts but exceedingly rarely watch your videos.

(All this is purely personnal assesment of the relative qualities of medias, speaking of what matters to me. For Video I specifically talk about Youtube video, including the arbitrary limitations of the android app.)

23 août 2017

Pourquoi je consulte facilement vos posts sur les réseaux sociaux, vos articles sur vos blogs, vos podcasts, mais...

Pourquoi je consulte facilement vos posts sur les réseaux sociaux, vos articles sur vos blogs, vos podcasts, mais très rarement vos vidéos.
"Property is stealth." Or is it disarm traps? Damnit, I always mix these things up.

22 août 2017

Mais pourquoi les anglophones disent-ils sensu stricto et les francophones stricto sensu

Mais pourquoi les anglophones disent-ils sensu stricto et les francophones stricto sensu ? (Et pourquoi les francophones n'utilisent pas exempli gratia ni id est ?)

21 août 2017

Google+ Where are my events gone again?

Google+ Where are my events gone again?

(Web UI, of course)

big thanks to Joshua Fox for sharing these - nice references for tropes to avoid that reveal the biases and...

Originally shared by Brie “Beau” Sheldon

big thanks to Joshua Fox for sharing these - nice references for tropes to avoid that reveal the biases and prejudices regarding queerphobia, sexism, and racism in your work, but super applicable to games!

This is excellent. (The article + the g+comments.)

This is excellent. (The article + the g+comments.)

In a sense, I think this frustration is the root of tangibility. A big part of a world feeling real is that it sometimes clings to its own self-consistent logic, refusing to conveniently bend to the needs of a good story, apt poignancy or instant drama. It just sits there, heavy and stubborn, forcing you to adapt to it.

Originally shared by Michael Prescott

Awesome Action vs. Tangible Obstacles
I'm noodling on how resolution mechanics contribute to play style in a particular way. This is a revision of my 2015 opinion, which was focused mostly on quantitative difficulty levels (or the lack of them, as in Dungeon World).

18 août 2017

Belgique : « le monde politique francophone doit atterrir et prendre de la hauteur ».

Belgique : « le monde politique francophone doit atterrir et prendre de la hauteur  ». L'esprit de Gustave Labarbe plane encore sur nous.

Le meilleur podcast qu’il m’ait été donné d’écouter ces derniers temps.

Le meilleur podcast qu’il m’ait été donné d’écouter ces derniers temps. Eugénie Bidet​ (avoue) se lance(r) dans la théorie, ramène à la pratique, recentre sur les joueuses et répond ainsi à plein de biais des théories et réflexions courantes. Et c’est beau ! Avec Julien Pouard​ des Voix d'Altaride (et de plein d'autres choses) à la batterie et Thomas Munier​ à la basse.

14 août 2017

I don’t believe anymore in the intrinsic value of endings, of properly closed games or fictions.

13 août 2017

In my mind the X-card is a tool to enable "nobody will be hurt" kind of play.

In my mind the X-card is a tool to enable "nobody will be hurt" kind of play. What is a tool for "I will not abandon you"?

12 août 2017

Of course this.

Of course this.

Originally shared by Brie “Beau” Sheldon

I've been hanging onto this post in my head for a bit and finally wrote it down.

It's not a personal attack. Y'all know I tell you how I feel most of the time.

9 août 2017

Sharing as a bookmark. The comments, also.

Sharing as a bookmark. The comments, also.

Originally shared by Stiainín Jackson

So yesterday when I was researching I ended up looking up women in the Renaissance – I was mainly looking for info on courtship, but I fell down a rabbit hole and ended up reading about Isotta Nogarola instead.

She was an Italian humanist, one of a large well-to-do family, and her family employed a tutor to teach her.

Her own writings attracted a fair bit of attention but it upset her that every praise she received brought notice to her gender – she wasn't getting noticed as an intellectual, but rather as a "female intellectual".

It was a thing for intellectuals seeking a humanist career to write to other academics and ask for them to review their work. She contacted one of the foremost academics and when he didn't respond after a year or two, she contacted him again to say it was upsetting that he hadn't responded, when in the past he had praised her work.

He responded to that one saying that he'd once thought her work held estimable qualities and was manly, but now he realised she was just like any other woman.

Later she was the subject of rumours that she was promiscuous – entirely on the basis that no smart woman was a virgin. The source of the rumours was never found.

She ended up moving elsewhere because her home in Verona felt tainted. She ended up writing more works and did become famous, but again, only as a woman writer, not as a writer, and this rankled with her. She wanted her intelligence to be recognised regardless of her gender.

She had proposals but never married and threw herself into religious writing and studies, having male friends with whom she discussed philosophy, but never any reported romantic entanglements.

I feel that it really sucks that her story bears so many similarities to stories today of females within intellectual fields.

I trust and hope that by having the internet with us now, it is possible to get that support and recognition for those that are "other", but there's clearly a long way to go yet.



Originally shared by Michael Prescott

I'm pecking away at my heartbreaker and wondering how long it is compared to, say, Moldvay D&D. Thus begins an hour of cutting and pasting PDF text into a text editor to get some rough and ready comparative sizes for RPG word counts.

Methodologically this is really quick and dirty; I'm just counting tokens - page numbers, separators, everything, but the relative sizes are the interesting thing.

Moldvay D&D is a little beefier than I was expecting. I think of it as a very concise game, but that tiny font is deceiving. I was thinking of it more like Monsterhearts in size, but it's halfway to being as big as Apocalypse World.

Still, it's got nothing on the heavyweights. I had no idea Stars Without Number was as massive as the brick games, Blades in the Dark, ACKS and Burning Empires. Dungeon Crawl Classics takes the cake for largest modern game I measured. It's 56,000 words longer than Burning Empires! Humongous.

But none of these even come close to the AD&D trilogy. The DMG alone is as big as DCC, and as a set it's bigger than DCC and ACKS stacked together. It's huge.

8 août 2017

" Across 128 domains of the mind and behavior, “78% of gender differences are small or close to zero.” A recent...

Originally shared by Rob Donoghue

" Across 128 domains of the mind and behavior, “78% of gender differences are small or close to zero.” A recent addition to that list is leadership, where men feel more confident but women are rated as more competent.

There are only a handful of areas with large sex differences: men are physically stronger and more physically aggressive, masturbate more, and are more positive on casual sex. So you can make a case for having more men than women… if you’re fielding a sports team or collecting semen."

Via Shan Fée Armor.

Via Shan Fée Armor.

Tout cela est parfaitement logique, et parfaitement vomitif.

7 août 2017

Si je vous dis « c’est capacitiste » ça vous parle

Si je vous dis « c’est capacitiste » ça vous parle ? C’est compréhensible ? Je subodore que non, mais à chaque fois taper un truc du genre « cela fait preuve d‘une discrimination fondée sur la capacité physique » c’est lourd… Même question pour « âgiste » qui à mon avis est un peu plus directement compréhensible ?

Fake profiles.

Fake profiles. I have been having a steady influx of fake G+ users subscribing to one of my G+ collection for days now. (I guess the bot are subscribing to the collection to get some credibility.) Probably a bit more then 200 fake subscribers right now. It really pollutes my notifications stream. And I don't like being used by what I suppose are spammers and scammers. What can I do? I can't go manually check and block so many profiles. What can I do? What should I do? (My experience with Google support is that they never answer back.)

6 août 2017

This. Except for the Oxford comma, of course.

This. Except for the Oxford comma, of course.

Originally shared by Brie “Beau” Sheldon

100% me


_I used to be a hardcore grammar fool until I realized that it's racist and there's multiple english vernaculars and nothing matters

like, is that tweet even in proper english? who cares, we all die

i will fight someone over an oxford comma though_

3 août 2017

Une table à dés partagée, en développement.

Une table à dés partagée, en développement.

Originally shared by Shane Liebling

So I made a thing...

If you play RPGs online much you might have some use for this tool. It's a dice roller that creates a custom URL for your "room." You can then send that to the friends you are playing with and you can all watch/use the same dice at the same time... You can move the dice around real-time, group them, delete some or all of them, reroll some of them, etc. (It should make playing games like Dogs in the Vineyard and In A Wicked Age easier...)

It is still very much in beta, so if you run into issues, take a look at to see if your problem is there, and if not log it!

If you get some use out of the site please consider making a donation to

Happy rolling!