
24 août 2017

This is why I regularly read your posts here on G+, the articles you publish on your site or on your blogs, listen...

This is why I regularly read your posts here on G+, the articles you publish on your site or on your blogs, listen to your podcasts but exceedingly rarely watch your videos.

(All this is purely personnal assesment of the relative qualities of medias, speaking of what matters to me. For Video I specifically talk about Youtube video, including the arbitrary limitations of the android app.)

1 commentaire:

  1. It's a reallly rare occurence for me to watch a video. I love podcast, I have used a text to speech app to listen to my RSS feeds (and I should try it again) if I don't find the time to actually read articles, but sitting in front of my computer, for dozens of minutes, doing nothing else?
    I do'nt have/find the time for this.
