
29 août 2017

When you prep something for a game, do you generally have replay value in mind?

6 commentaires:

  1. I love prepping games, so "replay value" translates to "lost opportunities" in my head.

  2. I don't think about replay value when I'm prepping, but I will reuse stuff anyway.

  3. Full disclosure: I am wondering about why do I think random tables for a one-off?

  4. For a con game, yes.
    For a home game, no.

  5. Gherhartd Sildoenfein Because random tables help build the world? Both at the table and in your mind: "There are blue dragons in this desert. They rarely leave their sandy lairs, but you keep hearing stories about their deadly lightning breath."

  6. I very rarely prepare anything for multiple uses (that is using it as prepared with different players), but when I stray into medieval fantasy, I have this urge to create random tables. And I know I won't probably use them. Still, the urge.
