
5 janvier 2017

Star Wars Ep.

Star Wars Ep. IV. Speculation about alternative story. Were Leia to escape Darth Vador long enough to reach Obi Wan on Tatooine, would they have picked up Luke? What would happen then?

3 commentaires:

  1. Enlighted matriarchy all over the galaxy.

    In place of the Darth Vador you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Light and the Dark! Fair as Alderaan and Mustafar and Hoth! Dreadful as the Death Star and the Light saber! Stronger than the foundations of the Force. All shall love me and despair!


  2. The Order 66 Podcast had an AU game where Leia turned to the Dark Side...

    But it started with a "What if Anakin and Mace had defeated Palpatine".
