31 août 2015
I can't believe this isn't here already! (sorry if I dumbly missed it)
I can't believe this isn't here already! (sorry if I dumbly missed it)
Originally shared by luke crane
Watch Ross Cowman unfurl his amazing Fall of Magic scroll!
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 30 – Favorite RPG playing celebrity: not to say Wil Wheaton and to stay with the French crowd,...
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 30 – Favorite RPG playing celebrity: not to say Wil Wheaton and to stay with the French crowd, I’ll name *Alexandre Astier* , of Kaamelott fame (for the English speaker, this stuff is more dangerous to medieval fantasy rpg gaming than Monty Python and the Holy Grail ever was.)
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 29 – Favorite RPG website / blog: Aware Studios' Du bruit derrière le paravent (this translates...
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 29 – Favorite RPG website / blog: Aware Studios' Du bruit derrière le paravent (this translates as Noise behind the screen). The most accessible French-speaking blog about rpg theory. There are games, too.
29 août 2015
Un écran pour Dungeon World.
Un écran pour Dungeon World. Kickstarter lancé par l'illustrateur des couvertures des VO et VF. Attention, si le 1er palier n'est pas atteint le côté meneur reste vierge.
Originally shared by Nate Marcel
It's Live! Please Share if you will.
Originally shared by Nate Marcel
It's Live! Please Share if you will.
Puisque les commentaires ne fonctionnent pas (désactivés ?).
Puisque les commentaires ne fonctionnent pas (désactivés ?)... c'est marrant le zeitgeist... demander à un paquet d'auteurs de dessiner 3 à 5 sous-bocks en tuiles géomorphiques (c'est comme ça qu'on dit quand c'est raccordable ?) ? Ou lancer la mode chacun qui veut fournissant ses tuiles ?
Originally shared by Côme Martin
Idée jeu de société spécial bistro, soufflée par David Girardey : un Dungeon Crawler aléatoire en se servant de sous-bocks, de verres (avec divers niveaux de remplissage) et de cacahuètes.
Le pire c'est que j'y ai réfléchi pendant 30 minutes sur le trajet retour.
Originally shared by Côme Martin
Idée jeu de société spécial bistro, soufflée par David Girardey : un Dungeon Crawler aléatoire en se servant de sous-bocks, de verres (avec divers niveaux de remplissage) et de cacahuètes.
Le pire c'est que j'y ai réfléchi pendant 30 minutes sur le trajet retour.
Le Baroudeur Ludique a mis en ligne deux enregistrements de Mort sur le Reik, joué avec _Warhammer 2e éd.
Le Baroudeur Ludique a mis en ligne deux enregistrements de Mort sur le Reik, joué avec _Warhammer 2e éd. Cher Baroudeur, je lis que l'épisode 3 est déjà monté, la mise en ligne est imminente ? Les épisodes suivants sont-ils déjà dans le tuyau ?
28 août 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 28 – Favorite game I no longer play: it’s more that I long for having the same free time and free...
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 28 – Favorite game I no longer play: it’s more that I long for having the same free time and free energy to invest in my gaming. My gaming used to be dispendious, high cost games. Now I want it to be efficient. Bleh.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 27 – Favorite idea for merging two games into one: Feng Shui × Runequest !
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 27 – Favorite idea for merging two games into one: Feng Shui × Runequest !
27 août 2015
Je viens de mettre en ligne sur mon site ma traduction augmentée de Cthulhu Dark, de Graham Walmsley.
Originally shared by John Grümph
Je viens de mettre en ligne sur mon site ma traduction augmentée de Cthulhu Dark, de Graham Walmsley.
C'est un très bon petit système de jeu pour faire du AdC like à travers les âges. Je l'ai aussi utilisé pour motoriser Cold City (avec un tout petit aménagement pour gérer la confiance). Le jeu de base de Walmsley est intéressant mais sans plus. Par contre, il proposait des options non testées dans des suppléments à CD, que j'ai reprises en partie, que j'ai pu tester et aménager et qui donnent une toute autre dimension au jeu !!! Par ailleurs, j'ai ajouté des règles très simples pour la santé physique (celles que j'avais trouvé sur le net ne me convenant pas complètement).
Bref, c'est dispo. Je vous invite à le tester sur table, c'est d'une redoutable efficacité (même si ça demande pas mal d'agilité mentale au MJ, il peut aisément plonger ses joueurs dans une vraie horreur bien flippante).
Empreintes et Horlas, de et avec Thomas Munier, accompagné de Arjuna Khan et Laury Chable
Empreintes et Horlas, de et avec Thomas Munier, accompagné de Arjuna Khan et Laury Chable
Originally shared by Thomas Munier
Originally shared by Thomas Munier
26 août 2015
Invitation à tous à rejoinder le Temple des échos, que ce soit pour découvrir de nouveaux enregistrements ou...
Invitation à tous à rejoinder le Temple des échos, que ce soit pour découvrir de nouveaux enregistrements ou proposer les vôtres !
La dernière et la seule fois que j'ai enregistré une partie de jdr sur table, je devais avoir 14 ans et c'était avec...
La dernière et la seule fois que j'ai enregistré une partie de jdr sur table, je devais avoir 14 ans et c'était avec ce modèle d'enregistreur... Mais quelqu'un a-t-il des conseils à me donner sur comment faire pour obtenir un résultat audible à un cout raisonnable ?
Enregistrement d’une partie d’Apocalypse World que j’ai eu le grand plaisir de jouer avec les formidables Eric...
Originally shared by Gherhartd Sildoenfein
Enregistrement d’une partie d’Apocalypse World que j’ai eu le grand plaisir de jouer avec les formidables Eric Nieudan, Juce Ferrer, Peggy Chassenet et Tom Z jeudi passé. Première session, partie courte, nous découvrons les personnages et leur univers. La tension monte déjà un peu.
La séance est courte (2h17), mais complète. J’avais juste oublié de lancer l’action de fin de partie (attribution des Hx) avant de couper l’enregistrement ; on l’a faite juste après.
Nous avons utilisé realtimeboard pour la communication visuelle. https://goo.gl/KBk39F montre l’état du board à la fin de la partie. La prochaine fois, on verra le board dans la vidéo… ici on le voit un peu à la fin de cette vidéo ci quand Éric a l’excellente idée de partager son écran.
Avec, par ordre d’apparition des personnages :
Tom Z — Dolarhyde l’Arrangeur.euse
Juce Ferrer — Azra le Chien de Guerre
Peggy Chassenet — Mirjane la Machiniste
Eric Nieudan — Jaxn la Taulière
Si vous avez la moindre question, remarque ou suggestion, n’hésitez pas un instant !
Enregistrement d’une partie d’Apocalypse World que j’ai eu le grand plaisir de jouer avec les formidables Eric Nieudan, Juce Ferrer, Peggy Chassenet et Tom Z jeudi passé. Première session, partie courte, nous découvrons les personnages et leur univers. La tension monte déjà un peu.
La séance est courte (2h17), mais complète. J’avais juste oublié de lancer l’action de fin de partie (attribution des Hx) avant de couper l’enregistrement ; on l’a faite juste après.
Nous avons utilisé realtimeboard pour la communication visuelle. https://goo.gl/KBk39F montre l’état du board à la fin de la partie. La prochaine fois, on verra le board dans la vidéo… ici on le voit un peu à la fin de cette vidéo ci quand Éric a l’excellente idée de partager son écran.
Avec, par ordre d’apparition des personnages :
Tom Z — Dolarhyde l’Arrangeur.euse
Juce Ferrer — Azra le Chien de Guerre
Peggy Chassenet — Mirjane la Machiniste
Eric Nieudan — Jaxn la Taulière
Si vous avez la moindre question, remarque ou suggestion, n’hésitez pas un instant !
25 août 2015
Les vidéos de Roll20, avec des enregistrements de parties. (En anglais)
Les vidéos de Roll20, avec des enregistrements de parties. (En anglais)
Un annuaire d'enregistrements anglophones sur Reddit
Un annuaire d'enregistrements anglophones sur Reddit
Les jeux menés par leurs créateurs.
Les jeux menés par leurs créateurs. Si vous voulez découvrir Fiasco! mené par Jason Morningstar, Dogs in The Vineyards mené par Vincent Baker ou Burning Wheel mené par Luke Crane, c'est là qu'il vous faut aller ! (En Anglais))
Bienvenue au Temple des échos
Bienvenue au Temple des échos ! Venez ici pour découvrir ou partager des enregistrements de parties de jeux de rôles, révéler vos coups de cœurs, transmettre vos techniques et recueillir des trésors audiovisuels !
•Indiquez et trouvez dans Annonces les nouveautés, les épisodes individuels ajoutés à un podcast et ou à une chaine, les annonces de projets, les demandes de participants, ... bref pour se tenir au courant de l’actualité.
• La catégorie Liens sert à indiquer les ressources d’enregistrements : adresses générales des chaines, podcasts et autre sites accueillant les enregistrements.
• Dans Outils, techniques et conseils échangeons nos outils d’enregistrement, de téléchargement ou d’écoute, les techniques efficaces et tout autre conseil utile.
•Indiquez et trouvez dans Annonces les nouveautés, les épisodes individuels ajoutés à un podcast et ou à une chaine, les annonces de projets, les demandes de participants, ... bref pour se tenir au courant de l’actualité.
• La catégorie Liens sert à indiquer les ressources d’enregistrements : adresses générales des chaines, podcasts et autre sites accueillant les enregistrements.
• Dans Outils, techniques et conseils échangeons nos outils d’enregistrement, de téléchargement ou d’écoute, les techniques efficaces et tout autre conseil utile.
L'introduction la plus basique pour enregistrer facilement les parties en Hangouts.
L'introduction la plus basique pour enregistrer facilement les parties en Hangouts.
Mes propres enregistrements de partie.
Mes propres enregistrements de partie... pour le moment il n'y qu'une partie d'Apocalypse World, normalement bientôt une deuxième...
Le jeudi, c'est JdR, enregistrements des parties par Axel Tentacle : BIenvenue à Poudlard, Sombre, Vampire la...
Le jeudi, c'est JdR, enregistrements des parties par Axel Tentacle : BIenvenue à Poudlard, Sombre, Vampire la Mascarade, Monster of The Week, ...
Par-delà les montagnes hallucinées et autres enregistrements de parties par Jean-Michel Abrassart.
Par-delà les montagnes hallucinées et autres enregistrements de parties par Jean-Michel Abrassart. Beaucoup de parties, surtout (mais pas uniquement) du Cthulhu.
La chaine youtube de booga1969, où vous trouverez des dizaines d'enregistrements de parties dans tous les genres.
La chaine youtube de booga1969, où vous trouverez des dizaines d'enregistrements de parties dans tous les genres.
La chaine youtube de Thomas Munier, où il enregistre des parties de ses propres jeux (Milleveaux Sombre, Inflorenza,...
La chaine youtube de Thomas Munier, où il enregistre des parties de ses propres jeux (Milleveaux Sombre, Inflorenza, Arbre, Dragonfly Hotel, Quitter les Faubourgs, Empreintes et Horlas, ...).
Enregistrement d’une partie d’Apocalypse World que j’ai eu le grand plaisir de jouer avec les formidables Eric...
Enregistrement d’une partie d’Apocalypse World que j’ai eu le grand plaisir de jouer avec les formidables Eric Nieudan, Juce Ferrer, Peggy Chassenet et Tom Z jeudi passé. Première session, partie courte, nous découvrons les personnages et leur univers. La tension monte déjà un peu.
La séance est courte (2h17), mais complète. J’avais juste oublié de lancer l’action de fin de partie (attribution des Hx) avant de couper l’enregistrement ; on l’a faite juste après.
Nous avons utilisé realtimeboard pour la communication visuelle. https://goo.gl/KBk39F montre l’état du board à la fin de la partie. La prochaine fois, on verra le board dans la vidéo… ici on le voit un peu à la fin de cette vidéo ci quand Éric a l’excellente idée de partager son écran.
Avec, par ordre d’apparition des personnages :
Tom Z — Dolarhyde l’Arrangeur.euse
Juce Ferrer — Azra le Chien de Guerre
Peggy Chassenet — Mirjane la Machiniste
Eric Nieudan — Jaxn la Taulière
Si vous avez la moindre question, remarque ou suggestion, n’hésitez pas un instant !
La séance est courte (2h17), mais complète. J’avais juste oublié de lancer l’action de fin de partie (attribution des Hx) avant de couper l’enregistrement ; on l’a faite juste après.
Nous avons utilisé realtimeboard pour la communication visuelle. https://goo.gl/KBk39F montre l’état du board à la fin de la partie. La prochaine fois, on verra le board dans la vidéo… ici on le voit un peu à la fin de cette vidéo ci quand Éric a l’excellente idée de partager son écran.
Avec, par ordre d’apparition des personnages :
Tom Z — Dolarhyde l’Arrangeur.euse
Juce Ferrer — Azra le Chien de Guerre
Peggy Chassenet — Mirjane la Machiniste
Eric Nieudan — Jaxn la Taulière
Si vous avez la moindre question, remarque ou suggestion, n’hésitez pas un instant !
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 25 – Favorite revolutionary game mechanic: There is no such thing.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 25 – Favorite revolutionary game mechanic: There is no such thing. But the intiative mechanics in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Game and in Fantasy Flight Star Wars games were nice surprises.
24 août 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 24 – Favorite house rule: ditch the XP! and other mechanical rewards.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 24 – Favorite house rule: ditch the XP! and other mechanical rewards.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 23 – Perfect game: there is no such thing.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 23 – Perfect game: there is no such thing. Or… Freeform! (I mean the rules are fluid, evoluting, negotiated and not an alternative for player trust.)
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 22 – Perfect gaming environment: it depends on the game, a tailored environment is always...
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 22 – Perfect gaming environment: it depends on the game, a tailored environment is always better, but otherwise, any friendly, non-distracting place. _Must be outburst-tolerant_.
À la recherche d'une table virtuelle souple, j'ai déjà essayé quelques solutions : realtimeboard (bien mais trop...
Originally shared by Gherhartd Sildoenfein
À la recherche d'une table virtuelle souple, j'ai déjà essayé quelques solutions : realtimeboard (bien mais trop cher), prezi (proche de realtimeboard, moins souple sur ce qui m'intéresse), cacoo (je ne sias pas mettre le doigt sur ce qui ne me convainc pas, mais...), Google docs (trop orienté texte), Google draw (1 seule page, problèmes de zoom et de navigation), ... je me demande si je n'ai pas trouvé mon nouveau poulain : Google slides ! Collaboration en temps réel (sans ça...), gratuit, plusieurs pages, on voit qui est où, miniatures mises à jour en temps réel, bons outils de dessins et pas mal de liberté, textes corrects, choix vaste des couleurs et des jeux de caractères, connecteurs pour les cartes relationnelles, ... <3. Chers joueurs, je pense que je vais vous infliger cela.
À la recherche d'une table virtuelle souple, j'ai déjà essayé quelques solutions : realtimeboard (bien mais trop cher), prezi (proche de realtimeboard, moins souple sur ce qui m'intéresse), cacoo (je ne sias pas mettre le doigt sur ce qui ne me convainc pas, mais...), Google docs (trop orienté texte), Google draw (1 seule page, problèmes de zoom et de navigation), ... je me demande si je n'ai pas trouvé mon nouveau poulain : Google slides ! Collaboration en temps réel (sans ça...), gratuit, plusieurs pages, on voit qui est où, miniatures mises à jour en temps réel, bons outils de dessins et pas mal de liberté, textes corrects, choix vaste des couleurs et des jeux de caractères, connecteurs pour les cartes relationnelles, ... <3. Chers joueurs, je pense que je vais vous infliger cela.
À la recherche d'une table virtuelle souple, j'ai déjà essayé quelques solutions : realtimeboard (bien mais trop...
À la recherche d'une table virtuelle souple, j'ai déjà essayé quelques solutions : realtimeboard (bien mais trop cher), prezi (proche de realtimeboard, moins souple sur ce qui m'intéresse), cacoo (je ne sais pas mettre le doigt sur ce qui ne me convainc pas, mais...), Google docs (trop orienté texte), Google draw (1 seule page, problèmes de zoom et de navigation), ... je me demande si je n'ai pas trouvé mon nouveau poulain : Google slides ! Collaboration en temps réel (sans ça...), gratuit, plusieurs pages, on voit qui est où, miniatures mises à jour en temps réel, bons outils de dessins et pas mal de liberté, textes corrects, choix vaste des couleurs et des jeux de caractères, connecteurs pour les cartes relationnelles, ... <3. Chers joueurs, je pense que je vais vous infliger cela.
Offer no stretch goals that require further creative work or that promise text you haven't written to final-edit...
Offer no stretch goals that require further creative work or that promise text you haven't written to final-edit condition, damnit!
Originally shared by Allen Varney
The best short treatise on small-press RPG Kickstarters I've seen yet, posted by Kevin Crawford of Sine Nomine Publishing (whose Kickstarter record is impeccable) on the RPG.net forum under the "Failstarter" topic:
"It is a very simple process for completing a successful small-publisher Kickstarter. It is by no means an easy process, but it is conceptually very simple.
"1) Complete the manuscript to final-edit condition.
2) Do a rough layout or line up your layout designer, paying for a few pages of it to get the workflow clean and the rough concept acceptable.
3) Line up your artists to fill the art slots, buying a slot from each beforehand to get art for your KS and get the lines of communication working.
4) Launch the KS, offering no physical goods except for the book, and that via at-cost codes from DTRPG and not you personally printing and mailing it. Offer no stretch goals that require further creative work or that promise text you haven't written to final-edit condition.
5) Collect your money. Subtract current expenses and save a third of the rest for taxes. Spend none of the rest on anything but project expenses until step 8.
6) Wait for your art slots to get filled or your layout designer to finish the rest of the book, doing monthly audits to project likely completion date based on to-date progress.
7) Email out the freebie .PDF codes and at-cost print POD codes to your backers.
8) Win.
"If you have a finely-tuned team of writers, artists, and designers at your disposal or a practical understanding of physical goods fulfillment with contacts to match, then maybe you can get fancier than this. For a small publisher doing their first Kickstarter, however, anything more than the steps above is an invitation to disaster. Too few people are willing to take a modest success; they plan like they're going to be the second coming of Numenera and just don't know when to say 'I have enough now. I'll come back for more later.' They just don't understand that the most trivial physical addition -- a set of dice, some pencils, a keychain -- doesn't just add the physical object to the cost, it adds the burden of finding suppliers, coordinating delivery on time, and worst of all, an obligation for a single non-professional to handle hundreds of shipping orders, many of which might be international. Or they stack on stretch goals or promise a finished project they just sort-of-know how they're going to write, blithely confident the muse will sing to them on deadline. If you're Lester Dent, I'll buy that. The rest of us? Not so much.
"The friendship and fan-club aspect of the hobby makes Kickstarter backing a very emotionally-fraught process, where you're not just pre-ordering a widget, you're backing this great idea from your pal X you see on G+ or blogging all the time. And who wouldn't be understanding toward a friend? It's very hard for creators to simultaneously accept the existence of that hobby zeitgeist, to sell their project based on personality or community ties, and then turn around and shut off that attitude when it comes to delivering the goods. You need to pitch your project like a tent revival preacher and deliver like you were an auto production line subcontractor. Everybody loves you, but it is a very shallow love, and they really don't want to have to express it in putting up with delays they'd never accept from a conventional retailer." (RPG.net forum):
Originally shared by Allen Varney
The best short treatise on small-press RPG Kickstarters I've seen yet, posted by Kevin Crawford of Sine Nomine Publishing (whose Kickstarter record is impeccable) on the RPG.net forum under the "Failstarter" topic:
"It is a very simple process for completing a successful small-publisher Kickstarter. It is by no means an easy process, but it is conceptually very simple.
"1) Complete the manuscript to final-edit condition.
2) Do a rough layout or line up your layout designer, paying for a few pages of it to get the workflow clean and the rough concept acceptable.
3) Line up your artists to fill the art slots, buying a slot from each beforehand to get art for your KS and get the lines of communication working.
4) Launch the KS, offering no physical goods except for the book, and that via at-cost codes from DTRPG and not you personally printing and mailing it. Offer no stretch goals that require further creative work or that promise text you haven't written to final-edit condition.
5) Collect your money. Subtract current expenses and save a third of the rest for taxes. Spend none of the rest on anything but project expenses until step 8.
6) Wait for your art slots to get filled or your layout designer to finish the rest of the book, doing monthly audits to project likely completion date based on to-date progress.
7) Email out the freebie .PDF codes and at-cost print POD codes to your backers.
8) Win.
"If you have a finely-tuned team of writers, artists, and designers at your disposal or a practical understanding of physical goods fulfillment with contacts to match, then maybe you can get fancier than this. For a small publisher doing their first Kickstarter, however, anything more than the steps above is an invitation to disaster. Too few people are willing to take a modest success; they plan like they're going to be the second coming of Numenera and just don't know when to say 'I have enough now. I'll come back for more later.' They just don't understand that the most trivial physical addition -- a set of dice, some pencils, a keychain -- doesn't just add the physical object to the cost, it adds the burden of finding suppliers, coordinating delivery on time, and worst of all, an obligation for a single non-professional to handle hundreds of shipping orders, many of which might be international. Or they stack on stretch goals or promise a finished project they just sort-of-know how they're going to write, blithely confident the muse will sing to them on deadline. If you're Lester Dent, I'll buy that. The rest of us? Not so much.
"The friendship and fan-club aspect of the hobby makes Kickstarter backing a very emotionally-fraught process, where you're not just pre-ordering a widget, you're backing this great idea from your pal X you see on G+ or blogging all the time. And who wouldn't be understanding toward a friend? It's very hard for creators to simultaneously accept the existence of that hobby zeitgeist, to sell their project based on personality or community ties, and then turn around and shut off that attitude when it comes to delivering the goods. You need to pitch your project like a tent revival preacher and deliver like you were an auto production line subcontractor. Everybody loves you, but it is a very shallow love, and they really don't want to have to express it in putting up with delays they'd never accept from a conventional retailer." (RPG.net forum):
21 août 2015
Hier j’ai eu le grand plaisir de jouer à Apocalypse World avec Eric Nieudan Juce Ferrer Peggy Chassenet et Tom Z.
Hier j’ai eu le grand plaisir de jouer à Apocalypse World avec Eric Nieudan Juce Ferrer Peggy Chassenet et Tom Z. Voici l’enregistrement de la partie. Première session, partie courte (2h17), nous découvrons le monde et les personnages. Et la tension monte déjà un peu.
Nous avons utilisé realtimeboard pour la communication visuelle, voici l'état du board à la fin de la partie : https://goo.gl/KBk39F
La prochaine fois, on le verra dans la vidéo (on le voit un peu à la fin de cette vidéo ci quand Éric a l’excellente idée de partager son écran). La séance est complète, seule l’action de fin de partie (attribution des Hx) a été oubliée, mais on l'a faite juste après.
Avec, par ordre d’apparition des personnages :
Tom Z Dolarhyde l’Arrangeur.euse
Juce Ferrer Azra le Chien de Guerre
Peggy Chassenet Mirjane la Machiniste
Eric Nieudan Jaxn la Taulière
Et je les remercie chaleureusement !
Nous avons utilisé realtimeboard pour la communication visuelle, voici l'état du board à la fin de la partie : https://goo.gl/KBk39F
La prochaine fois, on le verra dans la vidéo (on le voit un peu à la fin de cette vidéo ci quand Éric a l’excellente idée de partager son écran). La séance est complète, seule l’action de fin de partie (attribution des Hx) a été oubliée, mais on l'a faite juste après.
Avec, par ordre d’apparition des personnages :
Tom Z Dolarhyde l’Arrangeur.euse
Juce Ferrer Azra le Chien de Guerre
Peggy Chassenet Mirjane la Machiniste
Eric Nieudan Jaxn la Taulière
Et je les remercie chaleureusement !
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 21 – Favorite RPG Setting: Glorantha.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 21 – Favorite RPG Setting: Glorantha. I spent so many hours learning that setting, bringing it to live, trying to convey progressively as many of those marvelous things as I could to the players without boring them. I just love the many twists on familiar concepts. Yep, there are elves, dwarves, trolls, werebeasts, shaman, sorcerer, beast riders, paladins, knights, tribes and empire, but they are unlike any other that I know of, rich and detailed, with a true personality. I never felt that familiar disappointments of forced inclusion (“we must have X”) or of originality for originality’s sake (“but it must be different…”).
19 août 2015
Not about rpg, but relevant nonetheless for game designers who wants to kickstart their creations.
Not about rpg, but relevant nonetheless for game designers who wants to kickstart their creations.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 20 – Favorite Horror RPG: either Kult or Sombre.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 20 – Favorite Horror RPG: either Kult or Sombre. Mostly becausaaaarrh arrah raha arrhaahahgggh grhaaAAA AÄÄ ÄĨ¨ A Ä Ä Ä
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 19 – FavoriteSupers RPG: I don’t have one.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 19 – FavoriteSupers RPG: I don’t have one. I never had a game I really liked the few times I tried a super rpg. Marvel Heroic Roleplaying had a fun and interesting system, but I was left unhooked.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 18 – Favorite SF RPG: Greg Costikyan’s / WEG Star Wars (1st ed).And when I look back to it, I...
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 18 – Favorite SF RPG: Greg Costikyan’s / WEG Star Wars (1st ed).And when I look back to it, I wonder if, now, we’re not engaged in the wrong kind of fun.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 17 – Last monday, I lied was wrong.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 17 – Last monday, I lied was wrong. I know very well which fantasy RPG is my favorite. It’s one of my own house game: AB·OVO·IN·ÆTERNUM. To describe it shortly, mix Hurlements and Amber, a dash of Kult, with a slight mise en abyme on the question of why do freely and independently created PC with nothing in common cooperate ?
17 août 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 17 – Favorite fantasy RPG: another very difficult one.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 17 – Favorite fantasy RPG: another very difficult one. I’ll say Runequest (specifically the French translation of the 3rd edition), but Amber, Stormbringer, Nephilim, Agone, L5R, Herowar/quest, Ars Magica are all very close behind surround it on all sides.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 16 – Longest game session played: around 36 hours, Stormbringer 1st ed.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 16 – Longest game session played: around 36 hours, Stormbringer 1st ed. That means only bathroom breaks. We ate at the gaming table and did not sleep. I was probably fifteen or sixteen. Not my best game nor my smartest move.
16 août 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 15 – Longest campaign played: Donigor.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 15 – Longest campaign played: Donigor. I put 13 major game influences the title below. Can you recognize them?
Donigor, from the name of the city that is now central in the campaign. I joined the campaign around 1998, but it has already been live for a couple of years. Donigor has known more than 50 players. I played four major PC, a bunch of minor PC and some NPC. I GMed it also. It started as an ADD/ADD2 hybrid and went through many system changes and hacks along the years. It went to sleep uglily in 2013 as the second divorce in the core gaming group shattered the game. We’re talking about reviving it in the near future. And, as you can guess, I can talk about it for hours.
14 août 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 14 – Favorite RPG Accessory: mechanical pen?
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 14 – Favorite RPG Accessory: mechanical pen? paper? notebook? computer? tablet? fountain pen? dice? software? headphones with microphone? table and chairs? bluetooth speaker? glass counters? felt tip pen? sorry, I just don't have a favorite one.
13 août 2015
&maybetheywontkillyou, a live game experience where a player takes the role of a poor black American attempting to...
&maybetheywontkillyou, a live game experience where a player takes the role of a poor black American attempting to go to his corner store and return safely home. Along the way, they encounter microaggressions from strangers to the neighborhood, as well as from law enforcement. . Choose to speak out or remain silent and deal with the consequences of your choices. These can range from humiliating to lethal.
One player acts as the "Subject", the other as the "System". The game can end with the Subject making it home safe despite indignities, physically carrying their own Frustration score counter. Or it can end with the Subject dead.
There's a digital version that acts as a basic intro to the game design. The live action roleplay version is more powerful.
One player acts as the "Subject", the other as the "System". The game can end with the Subject making it home safe despite indignities, physically carrying their own Frustration score counter. Or it can end with the Subject dead.
There's a digital version that acts as a basic intro to the game design. The live action roleplay version is more powerful.
I’ve been almost unable to read narrative books (fiction and non-fiction) for the last four years.
I’ve been almost unable to read narrative books (fiction and non-fiction) for the last four years. It’s strange. I was an avid reader.
It is part time-management problem, as most time I devoted to reading disappeared, part internet addiction, as tablets is a kind of internet-made-book, but it’s mostly a kind of mental block. I read rpg and non-narrative books (essay, guides, science, technical, …) allright. I watch narratives on the television (but with less pleasure then before – I think). I don’t read comics anymore. I didn’t unbox them since I moved last year and read only one of those I received as a birthday gift from friends (I used to love comics.) And, on the whole, I read much less than before.
I have no idea where it comes from. I know when it started: that time I had a serious gming burnout. Maybe up to a year before that, while I was burning myself out, but I didn't notice at the time, I am not so sure.
I am going to experiment. I am going to force myself reading narratives again. I set this rule to myself : one reading in three will be a narrative, starting with the next book. It will be Terry Pratchett’s Snuff.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 13 – Favorite RPG Podcast: Les carnets ludographiques a French Podcast by Sebastien Delfino (aka...
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 13 – Favorite RPG Podcast: Les carnets ludographiques a French Podcast by Sebastien Delfino (aka Wenlock), an offshoot of David Girardey's Radio Rôliste. It's a pratical rpg podcast where Sebastien exposes his methods. I'd recommend it to every French-speaking GM (and even players, as there are some episodes that are player-oriented).
12 août 2015
What do you mean, I have to roll to smash the bottle against the wall?
What do you mean, I have to roll to smash the bottle against the wall?
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 12 – Favorite RPG Illustration: an impossible choice again.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 12 – Favorite RPG Illustration: an impossible choice again. At first, I thought I could not name one because I do not find RPG illustrations very interesting. Generally they’re more noise than signal to me. But as I started to search for one I realized I was wrong. I realized I like RPG illustrations. Or, at least, I did. The trouble is that I do not take the time necessary to look at them anymore. Because I spend less time reading RPG ? Because I read more onscreen ? I guess these are the two main reasons. But now I remember dwelling on RPG illustrations. So I have a few old one to share. I guess if I went back in my old RPG collection, I’d find many illustrations I loved which I forgot about.
I decided I will start paying attention to illustrations again.
Still can’t choose only one, though. So without further ado, I give you…
I decided I will start paying attention to illustrations again.
Still can’t choose only one, though. So without further ado, I give you…
11 août 2015
The Kickstarter for ViewScream 2nd Edition is now live!
Originally shared by Rafael “Francisco” Chandler
The Kickstarter for ViewScream 2nd Edition is now live!
ViewScream is a live-action game designed for online play through video-chat software like Google Hangouts. In this larp, the player characters are crew members aboard a damaged starship. They’re menaced by cosmic anomalies, malevolent robots, and tentacled horrors from beyond time and space -- but the greatest danger comes from within.
Am I excited about this? Hah! I’m as happy as a xenomorph in a ventilation duct! Thanks for helping to get the word out, amigos!
The Kickstarter for ViewScream 2nd Edition is now live!
ViewScream is a live-action game designed for online play through video-chat software like Google Hangouts. In this larp, the player characters are crew members aboard a damaged starship. They’re menaced by cosmic anomalies, malevolent robots, and tentacled horrors from beyond time and space -- but the greatest danger comes from within.
Am I excited about this? Hah! I’m as happy as a xenomorph in a ventilation duct! Thanks for helping to get the word out, amigos!
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 11 – Favorite RPG Writer: Avery Mcdaldno She decided to quit game design and gaming communities.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 11 – Favorite RPG Writer: Avery Mcdaldno She decided to quit game design and gaming communities. I sure hope and wish it was good for her, but still it leaves me sad. I miss her designs, I miss her in our communities. I wish her luck.
Donjon revient sur les écrans, mais ça au fond on s'en fout un peu.
Donjon revient sur les écrans, mais ça au fond on s'en fout un peu. Non, ce qui est vraiment important et intéressant, c'est qu'Aware reprend du service ! Et comme d'habitude, c'est pétillant !
Originally shared by Aware Studios
Je m'ennuyais ce dimanche.
Originally shared by Aware Studios
Je m'ennuyais ce dimanche.
10 août 2015
I steal this.
I steal this.
Originally shared by Grégory Pogorzelski
#10: favorite RPG Publisher. That's a good one. Maybe I've become this unsufferable hipster but my favorite games lately have all been self-published. But I'd say La Boite à Heuhh. They took mad risks and translated small print, self-published games in french because those games rocked and no one would. It's a labor of love, and their sweat and blood is all over those translations. Mad props. #RPGaDay2015.
Originally shared by Grégory Pogorzelski
#10: favorite RPG Publisher. That's a good one. Maybe I've become this unsufferable hipster but my favorite games lately have all been self-published. But I'd say La Boite à Heuhh. They took mad risks and translated small print, self-published games in french because those games rocked and no one would. It's a labor of love, and their sweat and blood is all over those translations. Mad props. #RPGaDay2015.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 9 – Favorite media you wish was an RPG: either My Big Fat Greek Wedding or Le fabuleux destin...
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 9 – Favorite media you wish was an RPG: either My Big Fat Greek Wedding or Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain. I don’t know any rpg that really helps doing these kind of stories. I am not thinking about the love stories, but more about everything that goes around them, poetry, humanity, that make these films tick. Any hints welcome.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 8 – Favorite appearance of RPGs in the Media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJnQY2Yc7VI
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 8 – Favorite appearance of RPGs in the Media: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJnQY2Yc7VI
7 août 2015
Up to now I stand validated.
Up to now I stand validated.
Originally shared by Sara Williamson
I'm curious: when you hear the word "freeform" used to describe a game, which of the below do you most often (or most quickly, or most strongly) associate that with?
(I ran out of poll options, but please feel free to give your other definitions in the comments if none of these fit!)
(donut waffles unrelated)
Originally shared by Sara Williamson
I'm curious: when you hear the word "freeform" used to describe a game, which of the below do you most often (or most quickly, or most strongly) associate that with?
(I ran out of poll options, but please feel free to give your other definitions in the comments if none of these fit!)
(donut waffles unrelated)
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 7 – Favorite free RPG: Thomas Munier’s Inflorenza (in French)
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 7 – Favorite free RPG: Thomas Munier’s Inflorenza (in French)
Inflorenza is a very distinctive game. Either in totally shared authority, either in a more traidtionnal GM+players way, you play heroes, bastards and martyrs in the forest hell of Millevaux, a post-apocalyptic Europe covered by a nasty, insidious, strange, mutant forest, where the oblivion syndrome makes people forget and destroyed civilization, where the Egregore field permeates everything, links every subconscious mind and gave birth to the Horlas, mystical, magical, monsters. Will you survive? What will it take? The game system is as specific as the game world: PC are defined only by sentences (they start with only one) that accumulate or are crossed out on their sheet depending on how the game goes. It’s a game where love, poetry or sadness can kill you or save you, where you might be able to destroy an army with a song or a single word, be defeated by remembrance or oblivion, destroyed in your dreams or become a legend.
It’s available in a variety of formats, some of which some of which are free (as in free beer), while others are pay-what-you-want, including the very nice handmade gamebook. There is also a fixed-price book on Lulu. They are kind of free-as-in-free-speech. Currently they are licensed as CC-BY-NC (not truly free, then), but Thomas is progressively moving all his work to Public Domain.
It was Game of the Month in May 2014 on the outstanding French rpg reference site legrog.org.
If you read French, check it out, it's well worth it.
Inflorenza is a very distinctive game. Either in totally shared authority, either in a more traidtionnal GM+players way, you play heroes, bastards and martyrs in the forest hell of Millevaux, a post-apocalyptic Europe covered by a nasty, insidious, strange, mutant forest, where the oblivion syndrome makes people forget and destroyed civilization, where the Egregore field permeates everything, links every subconscious mind and gave birth to the Horlas, mystical, magical, monsters. Will you survive? What will it take? The game system is as specific as the game world: PC are defined only by sentences (they start with only one) that accumulate or are crossed out on their sheet depending on how the game goes. It’s a game where love, poetry or sadness can kill you or save you, where you might be able to destroy an army with a song or a single word, be defeated by remembrance or oblivion, destroyed in your dreams or become a legend.
It’s available in a variety of formats, some of which some of which are free (as in free beer), while others are pay-what-you-want, including the very nice handmade gamebook. There is also a fixed-price book on Lulu. They are kind of free-as-in-free-speech. Currently they are licensed as CC-BY-NC (not truly free, then), but Thomas is progressively moving all his work to Public Domain.
It was Game of the Month in May 2014 on the outstanding French rpg reference site legrog.org.
If you read French, check it out, it's well worth it.
6 août 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 6 – Most recent RPG played: Apocalypse World, what else?
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 6 – Most recent RPG played: Apocalypse World, what else? (Let me lament, once again, on how it has been and still is unavailable in my native French for far too long.)
5 août 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 5 – Most recent RPG purchased: Star without numbers, free edition.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 5 – Most recent RPG purchased: Star without numbers, free edition. What? Not a purchase because it is free? Well, Microscope explorer then. What? No, I don’t have it yet, it’s just that my pledge was collected yesterday. Okayyy, then it is Nest • A World of Adventure for Fate Core, I bought it and received it. What again? Not an rpg, only a add-on? you’re kidding me, right? No?! … Can I say Stella Nova? It’s a crowdfunded French RPG, I received it two days ago, it is a full game. Can we stop now? No, no, I pledged more than a year ago… yes, not the most recent expense.
You know what, I give up. It was supposed to be a simple question, not this kind of quantum accountancy.
4 août 2015
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 4 – Most surprising game: Vincent Baker’s Apocalypse World, for how it (he, really) redefined...
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 4 – Most surprising game: Vincent Baker’s Apocalypse World, for how it (he, really) redefined how we can talk about RPG.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 3 – Favorite New Game of the last 12 months: Ross Cowman's Fall of Magic again.
#RPGaDAY2015 – Day 3 – Favorite New Game of the last 12 months: Ross Cowman's Fall of Magic again.
3 août 2015
#RPGaDay2015 – Day 2 – Kickstarter game most pleased I backed: Ross Cowman's Fall of Magic
#RPGaDay2015 – Day 2 – Kickstarter game most pleased I backed: Ross Cowman's Fall of Magic
Although Guide to Glorantha was close behind. (But is it a game?)
Although Guide to Glorantha was close behind. (But is it a game?)
#RPGaDay2015 – Day 1 – GUTS, a French RPG by delanghe gaelle, Jerome Larre and Pierre Legay is the forthcoming game...
#RPGaDay2015 – Day 1 – GUTS, a French RPG by delanghe gaelle, Jerome Larre and Pierre Legay is the forthcoming game I am most looking forward to.
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