
18 mai 2017

There are some pretty awesome people here on G+, defending splendid values of tolerance and inclusivity, sharing...

There are some pretty awesome people here on G+, defending splendid values of tolerance and inclusivity, sharing either intimate experiences or very refined and educating us all. I’ve learned much from them. But even awesome people missteps sometimes. I am aware of two occurrences of this on G+. I didn’t see the backlash, I can only imagine. Both times the problematic messages were deleted, I can only presume by the author.

Everybody makes mistakes. Even big mistakes. Nobody is perfect, even if you hold yourself at very high standards. I have no idea if erasing the awkward post is the best way to go. On one hand, it removes frictions, misunderstandings, things one might regret and sometimes needlessly hurtful expressions. But it also remove the sign that nobody is perfect, that to err is human. Even for the best of us. The removal also illustrates the power of negative pressures, internal and external, I am uncomfortable with that.

All in all, I just don’t know. But I wanted to share this.

And, Awesome People? We need you!

4 commentaires:

  1. En tout cas sur g+ j'ai l'impression de trouver moins de donneurs de leçons...

  2. Je suis de l'avis de Fabrice Brabon​. Mais c'est aussi parce que je fréquente des gens de qualité supérieure (tm)

  3. Oui, moi aussi, mais je pense que vous ne parlez pas de la même chose que moi. Enfin, je crois. On en parle en privé si vous voulez...
