
12 juin 2017

This could lead to some fun ttrpg warmups :)

This could lead to some fun ttrpg warmups :)

Originally shared by Ewen Cluney

I got the proof of This is Not a Card Game, so it's now up for sale on DriveThruCards!

It grew out of a combination of annoyance at Cards Against Humanity, reading A Book of Surrealist Games, and the fact that DriveThruCards now has tuck boxes that top out at 120 cards, which seemed like a good card count to go for. I wrote a blog post it (, but basically it's a weird little game (ha.) that has some basic question-and-answer type stuff, but also a lot of cards that divert you into weird little creative activities. (Also there's one that calls for taking a short coffee break. And technically the Asker does award a point to the player who coffee breaks the best, so that's a thing.)

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