Quand ton Hx avec quelqu'un passe à +4, remet le à +1 et coche une bulle d'expérience. De plus, tu peux lui poser une question.
Action sur mesure pour AW entendu dans le Gauntlet Podcast, pour remédier à l'aspect "quand tu progresse, tu recules" du reset des Hx.
30 octobre 2015
29 octobre 2015
These observations and questions.
These observations and questions.
Originally shared by Kit La Touche
A taxonomy (and its discontents)
This weekend, I played in two different clades of RPG: PbtA games and whatever family Primetime Adventures 3rd Edition is part of. Then, last night, I playtested my own game a bit, and some things started aligning in my head.
So, let's talk about how mechanics shape the experience of play.
First, all the games I played were excellent, both as pieces of design and experiences at the table. Do not mistake my discussion for condemnation.
Now, in PTA3, you have one roll (actually, card flip, but whatever) per scene. You establish what broad category of question the scene is about, then play through until a question of that form arises, then go to the cards, then play out the outcome.
Because of the knowledge that you get one roll per scene, the scenes are short and punchy—I've been watching season 3 of The Americans and observing a very similar thing there—most of the scenes are little more than intro, setup, dramatic question, hair's-breadth of resolution.
Contrast this with PbtA games. Each roll determines not a scene, but a moment. By necessity, you play slightly longer scenes, and have the ground shift under your feet a few times as the mechanics intervene and say "hey wait, I get to say something about this!"
Because rolls occupy a smaller surface, you get more of them, and you have to keep playing out the scene to see when they happen.
Is there a way to reconcile these two evolutionary paths?
I have two examples in my head that do so, I think: Dogs in the Vineyard and Poison'd. (I know, I know, I'm a broken record.)
In Dogs there is, by convention if not by rule, typically no more than one roll per scene. But that roll makes for a longer scene, as engaging the mechanic requires a pretty lengthy back-and-forth, allowing the emotional and fictive context to change with every beat (and sometimes change quite dramatically, if someone has escalated).
Now, in Poison'd, you have two major classes of roll. The first are small and a bit more like PbtA rolls (in that they crop up a few times per scene, are small and self-contained, etc.) The second are larger, more like scene resolution—there's some back and forth and potential for escalation, and eventually you see that you have won or lost the fight, and at what cost.
So what I think I hear myself saying is this: to wed these, either make your big resolution mechanic contain many beats, or make your big mechanic a bit smaller, and embed it in a matrix of beat-driven mechanics.
Finally, these are all pretty structured games. What other things are out there?
Originally shared by Kit La Touche
A taxonomy (and its discontents)
This weekend, I played in two different clades of RPG: PbtA games and whatever family Primetime Adventures 3rd Edition is part of. Then, last night, I playtested my own game a bit, and some things started aligning in my head.
So, let's talk about how mechanics shape the experience of play.
First, all the games I played were excellent, both as pieces of design and experiences at the table. Do not mistake my discussion for condemnation.
Now, in PTA3, you have one roll (actually, card flip, but whatever) per scene. You establish what broad category of question the scene is about, then play through until a question of that form arises, then go to the cards, then play out the outcome.
Because of the knowledge that you get one roll per scene, the scenes are short and punchy—I've been watching season 3 of The Americans and observing a very similar thing there—most of the scenes are little more than intro, setup, dramatic question, hair's-breadth of resolution.
Contrast this with PbtA games. Each roll determines not a scene, but a moment. By necessity, you play slightly longer scenes, and have the ground shift under your feet a few times as the mechanics intervene and say "hey wait, I get to say something about this!"
Because rolls occupy a smaller surface, you get more of them, and you have to keep playing out the scene to see when they happen.
Is there a way to reconcile these two evolutionary paths?
I have two examples in my head that do so, I think: Dogs in the Vineyard and Poison'd. (I know, I know, I'm a broken record.)
In Dogs there is, by convention if not by rule, typically no more than one roll per scene. But that roll makes for a longer scene, as engaging the mechanic requires a pretty lengthy back-and-forth, allowing the emotional and fictive context to change with every beat (and sometimes change quite dramatically, if someone has escalated).
Now, in Poison'd, you have two major classes of roll. The first are small and a bit more like PbtA rolls (in that they crop up a few times per scene, are small and self-contained, etc.) The second are larger, more like scene resolution—there's some back and forth and potential for escalation, and eventually you see that you have won or lost the fight, and at what cost.
So what I think I hear myself saying is this: to wed these, either make your big resolution mechanic contain many beats, or make your big mechanic a bit smaller, and embed it in a matrix of beat-driven mechanics.
Finally, these are all pretty structured games. What other things are out there?
28 octobre 2015
Bonjour, comme Fate Core arrive très prochainement dans vos boites à lettres, voilà pour ceux qui vont débuter avec...
Originally shared by beket
Bonjour, comme Fate Core arrive très prochainement dans vos boites à lettres, voilà pour ceux qui vont débuter avec cette édition française, un kit de démarrage.
Il regroupe bon nombre d'outils qui pourront vous aider à bien débuter.
Bon jeu !
Bonjour, comme Fate Core arrive très prochainement dans vos boites à lettres, voilà pour ceux qui vont débuter avec cette édition française, un kit de démarrage.
Il regroupe bon nombre d'outils qui pourront vous aider à bien débuter.
Bon jeu !
Let's talk about the cost of hobbies in terms of time. We'll loop this to RPGs, I promise.
Originally shared by Larry Spiel
Let's talk about the cost of hobbies in terms of time. We'll loop this to RPGs, I promise.
I ran my tenth and final marathon earlier this month. It just takes too much out of me. Gonna change things up a bit.
A friend of mine once told me that people value either money or time. It felt pretty true at the time, and still does.
Increasingly as we get older, I find many of us have the disposable income for the hobbies that interest us, but it's a matter of the time we have. What a hobby requires, vs what we get out of it. Last year I tried surfing for the first time and thought, "That was fun, but not fun enough to justify the time to make this a regular hobby."
RPGs can take a lot of time, although it doesn't have to be a lot of money. For a lot of us, we read the books(150 pages? Who wrote this game, Dostoyevsky?), schedule gatherings (cat herding), prepare the event (Do I have enough food? Should I clean the bathroom?[YES]). For many gamers, this is a very regular event.
And there was a time when, during most gaming sessions, I'd only occasionally be having fun as well. This is the 4 minute/4 hour thing. In a four hour game, I'd get four minutes of real fun out of it.
Then I discovered the games that really hit what I wanted. For me, that was the indie/story games. For others, it might be 5E, or Fate, or OSR.
Games have changed massively in the last decade and a half, and while I often talk about the things I love about that, in the end, they're trying to give you more for the time/money they cost.
Designers, back me up here.
"This isn't a complaint: those characters belong to the readers as well as to me, and each has their own life in the...
Originally shared by Alan De Smet
"This isn't a complaint: those characters belong to the readers as well as to me, and each has their own life in the heads of those who have read them. Sometimes the inner lives of characters as imagined by readers are not what I imagined for them, but the joy of books is that we all make our own mental cast. I've always enjoyed hearing about versions of Potter characters that exist in heads other than mine."
"I said above, and I stand by it, that every reader has the right to his or her own version of my characters."
- J.K. Rowling, "Why Dumbledore went to the hilltop", Oct 27, 2015 http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sno25c
There are a lot more interesting points in there, but I really liked this bit. Readers have never been passive consumers, and the idea that the author is the exclusive source of valid stories about the characters is nonsense.
"This isn't a complaint: those characters belong to the readers as well as to me, and each has their own life in the heads of those who have read them. Sometimes the inner lives of characters as imagined by readers are not what I imagined for them, but the joy of books is that we all make our own mental cast. I've always enjoyed hearing about versions of Potter characters that exist in heads other than mine."
"I said above, and I stand by it, that every reader has the right to his or her own version of my characters."
- J.K. Rowling, "Why Dumbledore went to the hilltop", Oct 27, 2015 http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sno25c
There are a lot more interesting points in there, but I really liked this bit. Readers have never been passive consumers, and the idea that the author is the exclusive source of valid stories about the characters is nonsense.
27 octobre 2015
Les séries télé ne sont pas le seul exemple à suivre en jeu de rôle. Vous pouvez pas passer à autre...
25 octobre 2015
So, as Sofia the First has an amulet that allows her to summons the Disney Princesses to help her (something like...
So, as Sofia the First has an amulet that allows her to summons the Disney Princesses to help her (something like once every six episodes) and Leia Organa is now a Disney Princess (isn’t she?), when will she stars in Sofia? Should I petition for that?
23 octobre 2015
21 octobre 2015
Fall of Magic est un de mes deux jdr de l'année 2015.
Fall of Magic est un de mes deux jdr de l'année 2015. Pour ceux qui ont raté le kickstarter, il est toujours possible de passer précommande de la VF. Et il existe aussi en pdf à un tarif bien plus abordable, ça a sûrement moins de charme, mais le jeu reste le même ;)
Originally shared by Ross Cowman
Preorder site for Fall of Magic. I've got about 150 unsold english copies, and less than 20-30 of each of the French, Italian, and Japanese translations left. It looks like we'll be shipping early to mid november for the 1st printing.
Originally shared by Ross Cowman
Preorder site for Fall of Magic. I've got about 150 unsold english copies, and less than 20-30 of each of the French, Italian, and Japanese translations left. It looks like we'll be shipping early to mid november for the 1st printing.
20 octobre 2015
Actual play de Headspace, jeu PbtA en Kickstarter pour le moment (jusqu'au 16 nov 15)
Actual play de Headspace, jeu PbtA en Kickstarter pour le moment (jusqu'au 16 nov 15)
Games are generally better like I imagine them then as I read them.
Games are generally better like I imagine them then as I read them. Then they are usually worse as I read them than as they are played. But… how do I know if they’ll be as good or better when played than what I imagined?
Encore un jeu qu'il est bien bien séduisant !
Encore un jeu qu'il est bien bien séduisant !
Originally shared by Mark Richardson
The moment we have all been waiting for (me, especially), HEADSPACE RPG is now live on Kickstarter!
Headspace is a cyberpunk game where the players are operatives fighting against evil corporations. You’ll need to make use not only of your own hyper-competence but also that of your teammates by way of shared mental and emotional consciousness: the Headspace. Using this technology, you can connect to your teammates' minds and use their skills as though they were your own. There's a catch though: Everyone's got emotional baggage and digging too deeply can pull a teammates emotions into your own actions. The Headspace is the edge you need to stand against the corruption of the world, are you and your fellow operatives ready to take up the challenge and make the world a better place?
Originally shared by Mark Richardson
The moment we have all been waiting for (me, especially), HEADSPACE RPG is now live on Kickstarter!
Headspace is a cyberpunk game where the players are operatives fighting against evil corporations. You’ll need to make use not only of your own hyper-competence but also that of your teammates by way of shared mental and emotional consciousness: the Headspace. Using this technology, you can connect to your teammates' minds and use their skills as though they were your own. There's a catch though: Everyone's got emotional baggage and digging too deeply can pull a teammates emotions into your own actions. The Headspace is the edge you need to stand against the corruption of the world, are you and your fellow operatives ready to take up the challenge and make the world a better place?
Not again... My wallet! My poor wallet!
Not again... My wallet! My poor wallet!
Originally shared by Mark Richardson
The moment we have all been waiting for (me, especially), HEADSPACE RPG is now live on Kickstarter!
Headspace is a cyberpunk game where the players are operatives fighting against evil corporations. You’ll need to make use not only of your own hyper-competence but also that of your teammates by way of shared mental and emotional consciousness: the Headspace. Using this technology, you can connect to your teammates' minds and use their skills as though they were your own. There's a catch though: Everyone's got emotional baggage and digging too deeply can pull a teammates emotions into your own actions. The Headspace is the edge you need to stand against the corruption of the world, are you and your fellow operatives ready to take up the challenge and make the world a better place?
Originally shared by Mark Richardson
The moment we have all been waiting for (me, especially), HEADSPACE RPG is now live on Kickstarter!
Headspace is a cyberpunk game where the players are operatives fighting against evil corporations. You’ll need to make use not only of your own hyper-competence but also that of your teammates by way of shared mental and emotional consciousness: the Headspace. Using this technology, you can connect to your teammates' minds and use their skills as though they were your own. There's a catch though: Everyone's got emotional baggage and digging too deeply can pull a teammates emotions into your own actions. The Headspace is the edge you need to stand against the corruption of the world, are you and your fellow operatives ready to take up the challenge and make the world a better place?
Parce que c'est important.
Parce que c'est important.
Ca parle de la crainte paralysante et permanente de contrarier qui que ce soit, dans n'importe quelles circonstances, en tant que séquelle d'une éducation maltraitante. Blessure invisible mais bien réelle et douloureuse pour ceux qui en souffrent.
Ca parle de la crainte paralysante et permanente de contrarier qui que ce soit, dans n'importe quelles circonstances, en tant que séquelle d'une éducation maltraitante. Blessure invisible mais bien réelle et douloureuse pour ceux qui en souffrent.
16 octobre 2015
Petit retour inconséquent sur la Caravelle : je m'attendais à avoir quelque chose comme un magazine, avec un édito...
Petit retour inconséquent sur la Caravelle : je m'attendais à avoir quelque chose comme un magazine, avec un édito et quelques trucs autour plutôt que "seulement" les jeux (ce qui est tout de même le principal)... je ne sais pas où j'avais été pêcher cette idée, mais c'est ainsi. Suis-je le seul ?
C'est moi ou baser une traduction sur celle de Google (dans le Google translate toolkit) est plus une gène qu'une...
C'est moi ou baser une traduction sur celle de Google (dans le Google translate toolkit) est plus une gène qu'une aide, important de vilaines tournures de phrases anglicisées et étant un obstacle à une traduction plus élégante qui nécessite parfois de restructurer les phrases (là où le GTT utilise une correspondance phrase à phrase stricte) ?
15 octobre 2015
Réductions chez Lulu, comme l’ont signalé John Grümph et Anthony Combrexelle (Yno).
Réductions chez Lulu, comme l’ont signalé John Grümph et Anthony Combrexelle (Yno).
Le code-coupon EVG15 réduit le prix des livres physiques de 5%, et OCTOBER15 vous offre jusqu’au 19 octobre à 23h59 la livraison par courrier postal gratuite (ou par « territoire » à moitié prix).
Bien sûr, les excellents et séduisants jeux des deux précités compères sont en ligne de mire, mais malgré cette effroyable concurrence, mon petit chouchou cette fois-ci est Sphynx de Fabien Hildwein. Dans mon panier, il y a également Omniscience de Christophe ELBJ et Yokai de Kco Quidam.
Comme le veut la coutume, je suppose que l’un de vous pourrira bien mon groove en me signalant le jeu que j’aurais vraiment dû commander…
Le code-coupon EVG15 réduit le prix des livres physiques de 5%, et OCTOBER15 vous offre jusqu’au 19 octobre à 23h59 la livraison par courrier postal gratuite (ou par « territoire » à moitié prix).
Bien sûr, les excellents et séduisants jeux des deux précités compères sont en ligne de mire, mais malgré cette effroyable concurrence, mon petit chouchou cette fois-ci est Sphynx de Fabien Hildwein. Dans mon panier, il y a également Omniscience de Christophe ELBJ et Yokai de Kco Quidam.
Comme le veut la coutume, je suppose que l’un de vous pourrira bien mon groove en me signalant le jeu que j’aurais vraiment dû commander…
14 octobre 2015
(tldr: preparing to play in a oWod campaign seems loooong and inefficient today, but still exciting.) Three weeks...
(tldr: preparing to play in a oWod campaign seems loooong and inefficient today, but still exciting.) Three weeks ago, I wrote a basic background for my character in an upcoming 2-storytellers, 7-players Werewolf: The Apocalypse game (revised edition, as there is still no French translation of the 20th anniversary ed.). The background is rather shortish for this kind of game - just over half a page - and full of hooks for the storytellers and the other players. One week ago, I had a private session with the two storytellers. We fine-tuned the background. We created the characters mechanically - that is the storytellers had already filled sheet, leaving me with the advantages/flaws and the freebie points to distribute. Then we played my character's First Change, garou abduction, quick garou primer (I still do not like these "shouldn't you be freaking out over all these incredible new things?" games very much) and cut the moment my character was tossed in a meeting where she is supposed to meet the other PC and the Cairn's Elders on the next and true first session...
Let's say the storytellers still need 1.5 weeks per player (a very optimistic estimation) for the 6 remaining ones, that puts that session in 1.5 months, so we'll play it mid-january, more probably in february at the soonest. That's so loooong awayyy…
Practicing all that again, I am shocked at how long and how inefficient this is. So many pages to pore over, so many points to attribute to so many possible choices. But how many are significant?
I was struck by how unguided the players are for creating a usable and interesting character (for him, for the other players, for the storytellers). How there is no safety to get a workable group.
I knew this all these years ago, I did not forget, but, still… Freedom (?) and its price, I guess.
I was, in part, frustrated.
Yet I am excited. Impatient to start. Maybe it's the investment already made (but I really limited mine), maybe it's the friends and people I am gonna play with, maybe it's the game's themes and promises, but nonetheless I very much want to play this game.
Let's say the storytellers still need 1.5 weeks per player (a very optimistic estimation) for the 6 remaining ones, that puts that session in 1.5 months, so we'll play it mid-january, more probably in february at the soonest. That's so loooong awayyy…
Practicing all that again, I am shocked at how long and how inefficient this is. So many pages to pore over, so many points to attribute to so many possible choices. But how many are significant?
I was struck by how unguided the players are for creating a usable and interesting character (for him, for the other players, for the storytellers). How there is no safety to get a workable group.
I knew this all these years ago, I did not forget, but, still… Freedom (?) and its price, I guess.
I was, in part, frustrated.
Yet I am excited. Impatient to start. Maybe it's the investment already made (but I really limited mine), maybe it's the friends and people I am gonna play with, maybe it's the game's themes and promises, but nonetheless I very much want to play this game.
13 octobre 2015
Which one are you at the gaming table?
Which one are you at the gaming table?
12 octobre 2015
Et voilà une chaîne Youtube avec enregistrement de mes parties jouées via Fantasy Grounds.
Originally shared by Golgorosh
Et voilà une chaîne Youtube avec enregistrement de mes parties jouées via Fantasy Grounds.
Et voilà une chaîne Youtube avec enregistrement de mes parties jouées via Fantasy Grounds.
8 octobre 2015
il faut absolument arrêter de dire "jeux de rôles traditionnels" pour faire une comparaison avec un...
I wasn't there at the right time. I am jealousy.
I wasn't there at the right time. I am jealousy.
Originally shared by Paolo Greco
Inverness got pretty skies last night
Originally shared by Paolo Greco
Inverness got pretty skies last night
"PbtA works much better" is 2015's "have you tried FATE?"
Originally shared by Paolo Greco
"PbtA works much better" is 2015's "have you tried FATE?"
Both beat 1990s' "D&D is not an RPG".
Not yet any replacement for "games where GMs keep secrets are abusive toward other players".
"PbtA works much better" is 2015's "have you tried FATE?"
Both beat 1990s' "D&D is not an RPG".
Not yet any replacement for "games where GMs keep secrets are abusive toward other players".
7 octobre 2015
Un peu d'inspiration graphique symbolico-apocalyptique ?
Un peu d'inspiration graphique symbolico-apocalyptique ?
6 octobre 2015
4e séance de jeu de notre mini-campagne d'Apocalypse World, avec Eric Nieudan (Jaxn la Tauliière), Juce...
4e séance de jeu de notre mini-campagne d'Apocalypse World, avec Eric Nieudan (Jaxn la Tauliière), Juce Ferrer (Azra, le Chien de guerre*), Peggy Chassenet (Mirjane, la Machiniste), Tom Z (Dolarhyde, l'Arrangeur.euse) et moi-même.
4 octobre 2015
Argh, je me rends compte que j'avais finalement oublié de poster Apocalypse Bubonique, la suite d'Apocalypse...
Argh, je me rends compte que j'avais finalement oublié de poster Apocalypse Bubonique, la suite d'Apocalypse Aoutienne. 2e séance de jeu de jeu de notre mini-campagne d'Apocalypse World avec Eric Nieudan (Jaxn la Taulière), Juce Ferrer (Azra, le Chien de guerre*), Peggy Chassenet (Mirjane, la Machiniste), Tom Z (Dolarhyde, l'Arrangeur.euse) et moi-même. Mil, le légat du Roi Vautour s'installe à la Chapelle, l'Auberge de l'enclave. Sélim, l'apprentie de Mirjane semble attirer son attention. Dolarhyde et Richard se démènent pour gérer l'Enclave, la protéger de la fièvre bubonique et rassembler le tribu dû au Roi-Vautour. Azra négocie de manière inattendue sa loyauté. Mirjane essaye de comprendre ce qui se trame, pourquoi les hommes de Mil quadrillent l'Enclave à la recherche d'on ne sait quoi. Tout cela se termine par un diner au sommet...
Cela s'écoute très très bien en activant l'option vitesse 1.25x cachée derrière l'engrenage dans Youtube.
Cela s'écoute très très bien en activant l'option vitesse 1.25x cachée derrière l'engrenage dans Youtube.
Argh, je me rends compte que j'avais finalement oublié de poster Apocalypse Bubonique, la suite d'Apocalypse...
Argh, je me rends compte que j'avais finalement oublié de poster Apocalypse Bubonique, la suite d'Apocalypse Aoutienne. 2e séance de jeu de jeu de notre mini-campagne d'Apocalypse World avec Eric Nieudan (Jaxn la Taulière), Juce Ferrer (Azra, le Chien de guerre*), Peggy Chassenet (Mirjane, la Machiniste), Tom Z (Dolarhyde, l'Arrangeur.euse) et moi-même. Mil, le légat du Roi Vautour s'installe à la Chapelle, l'Auberge de l'enclave. Sélim, l'apprentie de Mirjane semble attirer son attention. Dolarhyde et Richard se démènent pour gérer l'Enclave, la protéger de la fièvre bubonique et rassembler le tribu dû au Roi-Vautour. Azra négocie de manière inattendue sa loyauté. Mirjane essaye de comprendre ce qui se trame, pourquoi les hommes de Mil quadrillent l'Enclave à la recherche d'on ne sait quoi. Tout cela se termine par un diner au sommet...
Cela s'écoute très très bien en activant l'option vitesse 1.25x cachée derrière l'engrenage dans Youtube.
Cela s'écoute très très bien en activant l'option vitesse 1.25x cachée derrière l'engrenage dans Youtube.
3e séance de jeu de notre mini-campagne d'Apocalypse World, avec Eric Nieudan (Jaxn la Tauliière), Juce...
3e séance de jeu de notre mini-campagne d'Apocalypse World, avec Eric Nieudan (Jaxn la Tauliière), Juce Ferrer (Azra, le Chien de guerre*), Peggy Chassenet (Mirjane, la Machiniste), Tom Z (Dolarhyde, l'Arrangeur.euse) et moi-même. Mil, le légat du Roi Vautour va-t-il révéler ses intentions ? L'épidémie de fièvre bubonique va-t-elle s'étendre ? Jaxn épousera-t-elle Azra ? Et sera-ce suffisant pour s'assurer de la loyauté du Chien de guerre ? Qui veut quoi à Sélim ?
2 octobre 2015
La Caravelle est arrivée à bon port après son premier voyage.
La Caravelle est arrivée à bon port après son premier voyage. Dans ses soutes, deux jeux de John Harper ehfin en VF : The regiment et Colonial Marines.
Originally shared by Maitre Sinh
Originally shared by Maitre Sinh
1 octobre 2015
Spéciale dédicace à Bastien Wauthoz !
Spéciale dédicace à Bastien Wauthoz !
Originally shared by catty _big
I like to think that if pioneering American geologist Florence Bascom had been called upon to settle disputes between colleagues, this is the method she'd have used.
C'est certainement la St Facteur... :D
C'est certainement la St Facteur... :D
(Damien me fait remarquer que la photo est anormalement petite. Donc, nous avons Planète Hurlante (Batronoban), Lord of The Fries (Cheapass Games), Pairs (Cheapass Games), Rushmore (Yno), Patient 13 (Yno). Mieux ?)
The mini-adventure Desperate Remedy, the hidden file tucked into every copy of Risus, is a "deconstructed adventure...
The mini-adventure Desperate Remedy, the hidden file tucked into every copy of Risus, is a "deconstructed adventure seed," which is to say, it's not just a useable adventure outline, it's a usable adventure outline designed to be like those educational plastic human bodies with transparent parts and removable plastic lungs and things. There's a part of me (my plastic brain) that wants to write a whole book of these, someday. The rest of me is just happy I did the one.
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