
14 octobre 2015

(tldr: preparing to play in a oWod campaign seems loooong and inefficient today, but still exciting.) Three weeks...

(tldr: preparing to play in a oWod campaign seems loooong and inefficient today, but still exciting.) Three weeks ago, I wrote a basic background for my character in an upcoming 2-storytellers, 7-players Werewolf: The Apocalypse game (revised edition, as there is still no French translation of the 20th anniversary ed.). The background is rather shortish for this kind of game - just over half a page - and full of hooks for the storytellers and the other players. One week ago, I had a private session with the two storytellers. We fine-tuned the background. We created the characters mechanically - that is the storytellers had already filled sheet, leaving me with the advantages/flaws and the freebie points to distribute. Then we played my character's First Change, garou abduction, quick garou primer (I still do not like these "shouldn't you be freaking out over all these incredible new things?" games very much) and cut the moment my character was tossed in a meeting where she is supposed to meet the other PC and the Cairn's Elders on the next and true first session...

Let's say the storytellers still need 1.5 weeks per player (a very optimistic estimation) for the 6 remaining ones, that puts that session in 1.5 months, so we'll play it mid-january, more probably in february at the soonest. That's so loooong awayyy…

Practicing all that again, I am shocked at how long and how inefficient this is. So many pages to pore over, so many points to attribute to so many possible choices. But how many are significant? 
I was struck by how unguided the players are for creating a usable and interesting character (for him, for the other players, for the storytellers). How there is no safety to get a workable group.
I knew this all these years ago, I did not forget, but, still… Freedom (?) and its price, I guess.

I was, in part, frustrated.

Yet I am excited. Impatient to start. Maybe it's the investment already made (but I really limited mine), maybe it's the friends and people I am gonna play with, maybe it's the game's themes and promises, but nonetheless I very much want to play this game.

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