Quand je veux initier rapidement quelqu’un au jdr, je lui propose souvent d’improviser une partie, que j’essaye de calquer sur ses gouts. La question « qu’est-ce que tu as bien aimé comme roman, film ou série récemment » est alors bien précieuse. En tous cas devrait l’être, parce que j’en consomme de moins en moins, je suis peu au courant de l’actualité, … Et donc je risque de me retrouver le bec dans l’eau. Et c’est là que mon esprit pervers me dit : et alors ?
Et alors : tu leur demande d’expliquer l’histoire, et à un moment donné tu dis « tiens, et si la protagoniste elle avait plutôt fait ça, il se serait passé quoi ? » Parce que ça aussi c’est du jdr. Avha, ça fonctionnerait ?
(C’est quand même curieux, 9 fois sur 10 ce sont des meneurs qui expliquent le jdr et ils font toujours passer en premier le rôle du joueur.)
31 mai 2016
30 mai 2016
Alors là le tire mon chapeau aux Black Book Éditions : bravo !
Alors là le tire mon chapeau aux Black Book Éditions : bravo !
Pour des raisons inenvisageables mais nécessairement inquiétantes, Volsung 2d6plusCool n'a pas encore partagé cet AP.
Pour des raisons inenvisageables mais nécessairement inquiétantes, Volsung 2d6plusCool n'a pas encore partagé cet AP.
Originally shared by The Jank Cast
Our twosie APs continue!
NOTE: these two games can potentially be spoilered by listening to this, so don't listen without being aware of that first!
Originally shared by The Jank Cast
Our twosie APs continue!
NOTE: these two games can potentially be spoilered by listening to this, so don't listen without being aware of that first!
Les sorties se succèdent !
Les sorties se succèdent !
Originally shared by Côme Martin
Nouvel hors-série sur Radio Rôliste : Steve Jakoubovitch parle d'enquête (quelle surprise !) avec Benjamin K. !
Originally shared by Côme Martin
Nouvel hors-série sur Radio Rôliste : Steve Jakoubovitch parle d'enquête (quelle surprise !) avec Benjamin K. !
29 mai 2016
Première session d'une campagne de l'AdC. (pas de mon fait, je répercute seulement)
Première session d'une campagne de l'AdC. (pas de mon fait, je répercute seulement)
Originally shared by Golgorosh
Originally shared by Golgorosh
25 mai 2016
Remember. Remember those who fought and fell for hardboiled eggs, truth, justice and reasonably priced love, who died - and in Reg Shoe's case rose and kept fighting - in the Glorious Revolution of Treacle Mine Road.
189€ le sabre laser "sportif". Trop cher pour moi, mais je tiens à partager l'épreuve de volonté ;)
189€ le sabre laser "sportif". Trop cher pour moi, mais je tiens à partager l'épreuve de volonté ;)
24 mai 2016
Les comptes-rendus de partie de Cédric Ferrand sur son enquête motorisée avec Dread m'avaient beaucoup intéressés,...
Les comptes-rendus de partie de Cédric Ferrand sur son enquête motorisée avec Dread m'avaient beaucoup intéressés, je suis impatient de l'entendre en parler !
Originally shared by Côme Martin
Nouvel hors-série sur Radio Rôliste, cette fois-ci avec +Cédric Ferrand qui nous parle enquête et briquettes !
Originally shared by Côme Martin
Nouvel hors-série sur Radio Rôliste, cette fois-ci avec +Cédric Ferrand qui nous parle enquête et briquettes !
21 mai 2016
Yes, the title sounds like a car crash waiting to happen, but it's a solid read.
Originally shared by Rob Donoghue
Yes, the title sounds like a car crash waiting to happen, but it's a solid read.
Yes, the title sounds like a car crash waiting to happen, but it's a solid read.
20 mai 2016
Thanks to Luke Wayland, I realize that Apocalypse World 2nd edition playbook preview officialy allows to use...
Thanks to Luke Wayland, I realize that Apocalypse World 2nd edition playbook preview officialy allows to use Seduce/Manipulate to lie or bluff. As I previously vigorously fighted against this interpretation of the move (I can explain), this changes things a bit for me. Anyway, does this mean that you can force another PC to believe in a lie as a side effect?
19 mai 2016
Waf waf waf !
Waf waf waf !
Originally shared by François A
Ah la classe, le glamour, la finesse, la culture...
Originally shared by François A
Ah la classe, le glamour, la finesse, la culture...
18 mai 2016
Il va falloir que je budgete du temps pour répondre aux commentaires sur Radio Rôliste.
Il va falloir que je budgete du temps pour répondre aux commentaires sur Radio Rôliste. Je n'avais pas prévu, ça. Pourtant ça me semble maintenant évident.
16 mai 2016
Sexisme et illustration de jdr : analyse sommaire au niveau de la représentativité des livres du joueur de DD,...
Sexisme et illustration de jdr : analyse sommaire au niveau de la représentativité des livres du joueur de DD, Pathfinder, Shadowrun, Fate et Numenera. L'analyse est purement quantitative (neutre /femme/homme), mais c'est déjà une donnée.
14 mai 2016
❝Mais non ce n'est pas injuste ! Je suis mon scénar. Et je l'ai écrit il y a trois mois.❞
❝Mais non ce n'est pas injuste ! Je suis mon scénar. Et je l'ai écrit il y a trois mois.❞
"Nan mais là c'est aux USA, c'est bien pire que chez nous.
"Nan mais là c'est aux USA, c'est bien pire que chez nous. En France ce n'est pas comme cela." Bhein voyons. Paille-poutre.
Originally shared by Anna Kreider
There's been a lot of positive reaction to this year's lineup of Industry Insider Featured Presenters at GenCon 2016, given that it has achieved gender parity for the first time EVER.
That alone is a big deal, but it's actually a bit more historic than most people realize. Out of conventions in the US and Canada that includes gaming as a primary or secondary focus with attendance greater than 10,000, only MarCon has greater representation of women in it's featured guest lineup, and MarCon is primarily NOT a gaming convention.
Originally shared by Anna Kreider
There's been a lot of positive reaction to this year's lineup of Industry Insider Featured Presenters at GenCon 2016, given that it has achieved gender parity for the first time EVER.
That alone is a big deal, but it's actually a bit more historic than most people realize. Out of conventions in the US and Canada that includes gaming as a primary or secondary focus with attendance greater than 10,000, only MarCon has greater representation of women in it's featured guest lineup, and MarCon is primarily NOT a gaming convention.
13 mai 2016
Pour continuer sur la thématique du sexisme, je pose ceci ici.
Pour continuer sur la thématique du sexisme, je pose ceci ici. "Mais pourquoi si peu de témoignages s'il y a vraiment un problème ?"
(Deux liens en anglais.)
(Deux liens en anglais.)
Première "vrai" partie du groupe après la création des personnage.
Originally shared by Acritarche
Première "vrai" partie du groupe après la création des personnage. Que nous réserve le printemps? Que nous réservent les Héros de Hautepierre?
Nous serons en improvisation totale du début à la fin.
Première "vrai" partie du groupe après la création des personnage. Que nous réserve le printemps? Que nous réservent les Héros de Hautepierre?
Nous serons en improvisation totale du début à la fin.
12 mai 2016
Gros jeux et foulancements de luxe, la publication (effective) de la v7 du CoC a fait surgir un faisceau d'avis chez...
Gros jeux et foulancements de luxe, la publication (effective) de la v7 du CoC a fait surgir un faisceau d'avis chez mes contacts G+ anglophones dont je n'ai pas beaucoup vu l'équivalent chez mes contacts francophones : dieu que c'est gros, trop gros, pourquoi si gros, est-ce bien nécessaire, est-ce utile, je n'aurai jamais le temps, le courage de lire tout cela, d'y jouer. L'aspect objet de collection semble moins important que l'aspect jeu.
6 mai 2016
Patreon Update:
Originally shared by Andrew Medeiros
Patreon Update:
In case you didn't know, I have a Patreon where I primarily create small PBTA hacks. My first project was The Woodlands; a game where you play woodland creatures defending their homes from predators and hazards.
I have a ton of hacks on the go but it's looking like my next two to release will be Raising Stakes and Infinite Stars.
Raising Stakes is a Western drama game that uses playing cards and poker chips instead of dice to resolve its moves. I've had a ton of fun in playtesting it so far and look forward to doing some more of that to get it ready for release.
Infinite Stars is sci-fi / fantasy, my love letter to franchises like Star Wars, Farscape, and Firefly. I have play-tested these rules a tiny bit but most of its skeleton is built on my free Star Wars World game; so it's further along than Raising Stakes imo. It's good fun and I want to run more of it, like, now.
Why am I telling you this? For one thing, to generate interest because I'm super excited about them.
But also, if you want to get both of these games and the many to come, you need to sign up before they release. Subscription only gains you access to games as they're produced, not the one's that have come before them. Eventually they'll all be for sale on my website (which is in production atm), but it'll always be significantly cheaper to get the games through my Patreon; not to mention early access.
Patreon Update:
In case you didn't know, I have a Patreon where I primarily create small PBTA hacks. My first project was The Woodlands; a game where you play woodland creatures defending their homes from predators and hazards.
I have a ton of hacks on the go but it's looking like my next two to release will be Raising Stakes and Infinite Stars.
Raising Stakes is a Western drama game that uses playing cards and poker chips instead of dice to resolve its moves. I've had a ton of fun in playtesting it so far and look forward to doing some more of that to get it ready for release.
Infinite Stars is sci-fi / fantasy, my love letter to franchises like Star Wars, Farscape, and Firefly. I have play-tested these rules a tiny bit but most of its skeleton is built on my free Star Wars World game; so it's further along than Raising Stakes imo. It's good fun and I want to run more of it, like, now.
Why am I telling you this? For one thing, to generate interest because I'm super excited about them.
But also, if you want to get both of these games and the many to come, you need to sign up before they release. Subscription only gains you access to games as they're produced, not the one's that have come before them. Eventually they'll all be for sale on my website (which is in production atm), but it'll always be significantly cheaper to get the games through my Patreon; not to mention early access.
RPG theory post
Originally shared by Vincent Baker
RPG theory post
I want to talk about the theoretical underpinnings of MF0:Firebrands, but oof, right? Where on earth to start?
So friends check me on this. If I say:
1. When you create a game, rpg or not, you create a model of a system of dynamic parts in interaction.
2. The model you create has an editorial view, let's call it, intentional or unintentional.
3. Many, many rpgs, their model's editorial view is that disagreeing with a friend is fundamentally similar to sword fighting an enemy.
...Am I making sense? Agree with me or disagree, do you see what I'm saying?
RPG theory post
I want to talk about the theoretical underpinnings of MF0:Firebrands, but oof, right? Where on earth to start?
So friends check me on this. If I say:
1. When you create a game, rpg or not, you create a model of a system of dynamic parts in interaction.
2. The model you create has an editorial view, let's call it, intentional or unintentional.
3. Many, many rpgs, their model's editorial view is that disagreeing with a friend is fundamentally similar to sword fighting an enemy.
...Am I making sense? Agree with me or disagree, do you see what I'm saying?
Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands - Gameplay
Originally shared by Vincent Baker
Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands - Gameplay
MF0:Firebrands is the strangest game I've made yet.
It's a highly structured, turn-based game with no GMs, no character sheets, no stats, barely any dice. It consists of nine individual, independent, thematic mini-games. On your turn, you choose one or more of the other players, choose one of the mini-games, and play it with them. Once the mini-game ends, it's the next player's turn, and they do the same: choose player(s), choose a game, play.
It's technically a role-playing game, I assert, but it's not much like most other role-playing games. It doesn't include any free play, any "we go here what do we find?" or "bang, this happens, what do you do?"
It's also Powered by the Apocalypse, I assert, but it's not much like Apocalypse World proper. It's Powered by the Apocalypse because its mini-games are elaborations of Apocalypse World's moves, designed explicitly to treat your conversation as the medium of play.
At least one person has been disappointed by how unlike Apocalypse World it is, so look out.
Anyhow back to how it plays.
Each of the mini-games plays out in a series of alternating questions or challenges and answers. You choose your questions or challenges from the lists in the book, and, in most of the games, your counterpart answers them however they want.
For instance, in the grand Free-for-all, you might choose me as your opponent and ask me: "I open fire on you, pounding you with everything I’ve got. Can your mobile frame take it? How?"
And I might answer: "You know it can't! As soon as your first round hits me I dive for cover and scramble away."
Or, in a Conversation Over Food, you might choose me as your conversational partner and ask me: "I accidentally spill the secret that —. I cover it gracefully, but do you pick up on it anyway?"
And I might answer: "Haha! No! I chatter blithely on. Pass the mussels, I love them cooked this way, nobody prepares them like this but here on Bantral."
In all of the games, what you do is, you take the other players' characters' measure. You find out who they are, what they are, what they're committed to, what they care about, what you are to them, where they can bend, where they can't.
The object of the game is to fight with your friends and fall in love with your enemies. You might not be able to do it, though! The games are designed to build emotional momentum between you, by consequentially revealing you more and more clearly to one another. By the end, you might find that, no matter how dashing, passionate, and conflicted, your enemy really is your enemy after all.
So, that's an overview of the game. You can read one of the mini-games, An Animated Disagreement, here:
You can buy it in PDF or in print, if you're interested, here:
And as always I'm delighted to answer any questions you have, here, by email, or anywhere.
Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands - Gameplay
MF0:Firebrands is the strangest game I've made yet.
It's a highly structured, turn-based game with no GMs, no character sheets, no stats, barely any dice. It consists of nine individual, independent, thematic mini-games. On your turn, you choose one or more of the other players, choose one of the mini-games, and play it with them. Once the mini-game ends, it's the next player's turn, and they do the same: choose player(s), choose a game, play.
It's technically a role-playing game, I assert, but it's not much like most other role-playing games. It doesn't include any free play, any "we go here what do we find?" or "bang, this happens, what do you do?"
It's also Powered by the Apocalypse, I assert, but it's not much like Apocalypse World proper. It's Powered by the Apocalypse because its mini-games are elaborations of Apocalypse World's moves, designed explicitly to treat your conversation as the medium of play.
At least one person has been disappointed by how unlike Apocalypse World it is, so look out.
Anyhow back to how it plays.
Each of the mini-games plays out in a series of alternating questions or challenges and answers. You choose your questions or challenges from the lists in the book, and, in most of the games, your counterpart answers them however they want.
For instance, in the grand Free-for-all, you might choose me as your opponent and ask me: "I open fire on you, pounding you with everything I’ve got. Can your mobile frame take it? How?"
And I might answer: "You know it can't! As soon as your first round hits me I dive for cover and scramble away."
Or, in a Conversation Over Food, you might choose me as your conversational partner and ask me: "I accidentally spill the secret that —. I cover it gracefully, but do you pick up on it anyway?"
And I might answer: "Haha! No! I chatter blithely on. Pass the mussels, I love them cooked this way, nobody prepares them like this but here on Bantral."
In all of the games, what you do is, you take the other players' characters' measure. You find out who they are, what they are, what they're committed to, what they care about, what you are to them, where they can bend, where they can't.
The object of the game is to fight with your friends and fall in love with your enemies. You might not be able to do it, though! The games are designed to build emotional momentum between you, by consequentially revealing you more and more clearly to one another. By the end, you might find that, no matter how dashing, passionate, and conflicted, your enemy really is your enemy after all.
So, that's an overview of the game. You can read one of the mini-games, An Animated Disagreement, here:
You can buy it in PDF or in print, if you're interested, here:
And as always I'm delighted to answer any questions you have, here, by email, or anywhere.
4 mai 2016
Autre question à la con : est-ce que le jeu par hangouts ou autre voice ou video chat ne pousse pas plus souvent et...
Autre question à la con : est-ce que le jeu par hangouts ou autre voice ou video chat ne pousse pas plus souvent et plus longtemps les joueuses et les joueurs en position de spectateur ? J'ai bien l'impression que oui.
Question en apparence un peu provoc et un peu à la con, mais en réalité honnête et sincère.
Question en apparence un peu provoc et un peu à la con, mais en réalité honnête et sincère.
Est-ce que vous avez déjà essayé de jouer sur base d'un script ? En connaissant le scénario quoi. Si oui, ça a donné quoi ? Si cela vous parait complètement con et que pourtant vous appréciez l'ironie dramatique, pourquoi ?
Est-ce que vous avez déjà essayé de jouer sur base d'un script ? En connaissant le scénario quoi. Si oui, ça a donné quoi ? Si cela vous parait complètement con et que pourtant vous appréciez l'ironie dramatique, pourquoi ?
I don't have enough ears.
I don't have enough ears.
Originally shared by Jason Cordova
+1 Forward is here!
For the first episode, Richard Rogers is joined by Meguey Baker to talk Apocalypse World (2E).
I think Rich is off to a great start. A lot of RPG casts are about reviews and promotion, but this format is focused pretty squarely on play, and I think it shows a lot of promise. I can't wait to see where it goes from here!
And thanks to Mischa Krilov for the outtro!
Here are the time-codes:
Read a Sitch
Sex moves (01:37)
Dealing with reset Hx in the fiction (05:12)
Open Your Brain - Apocalypse World (2E)
Release date goals (07:23)
Pre-orders for people who missed the KS? (09:49)
After KS fulfillment, where can folks get it? (10:53)
How do the new Lifestyle mechanics work? (11:37)
The Waterbearer playbook (14:21)
Act Under Pressure
Water towers and croquet balls (16:24)
BALLZ! (19:49)
Originally shared by Jason Cordova
+1 Forward is here!
For the first episode, Richard Rogers is joined by Meguey Baker to talk Apocalypse World (2E).
I think Rich is off to a great start. A lot of RPG casts are about reviews and promotion, but this format is focused pretty squarely on play, and I think it shows a lot of promise. I can't wait to see where it goes from here!
And thanks to Mischa Krilov for the outtro!
Here are the time-codes:
Read a Sitch
Sex moves (01:37)
Dealing with reset Hx in the fiction (05:12)
Open Your Brain - Apocalypse World (2E)
Release date goals (07:23)
Pre-orders for people who missed the KS? (09:49)
After KS fulfillment, where can folks get it? (10:53)
How do the new Lifestyle mechanics work? (11:37)
The Waterbearer playbook (14:21)
Act Under Pressure
Water towers and croquet balls (16:24)
BALLZ! (19:49)
3 mai 2016
OMG finally factual feathered velociraptor figures!
OMG finally factual feathered velociraptor figures!
Beasts of the Mesozoic is a line of scientifically accurate, highly detailed, and articulated dinosaur action figures. Being a serious toy collector myself, I've seen great advancements in the toy market the past several years with innovative companies raising the bar of what's possible with detail, articulation, and value. However, despite my love for dinosaurs and for toys, my dinosaur toy shelf is surprisingly small compared to the other collections I have. Why? Well they simply haven't changed much at all in the past several decades and honestly aren't that good compared to other action figures. It just doesn't seem like you get much for your money.
This first series of Beasts of the Mesozoic will be the 1/6th scale Raptor Series consisting of mid-sized dromaeosaurs and related species. The campaign will begin with three species: Velociraptor, Atrociraptor, and Tsaagan with more to follow as the campaign progresses. (I will also be adding a Kickstarter exclusive figure the second week of the campaign). Each figure will have 26 points of articulation, realistic detail and movement based on the most recent scientific discoveries, and will also feature a base with posing rod as well as alternate running toes.
Beasts of the Mesozoic is a line of scientifically accurate, highly detailed, and articulated dinosaur action figures. Being a serious toy collector myself, I've seen great advancements in the toy market the past several years with innovative companies raising the bar of what's possible with detail, articulation, and value. However, despite my love for dinosaurs and for toys, my dinosaur toy shelf is surprisingly small compared to the other collections I have. Why? Well they simply haven't changed much at all in the past several decades and honestly aren't that good compared to other action figures. It just doesn't seem like you get much for your money.
This first series of Beasts of the Mesozoic will be the 1/6th scale Raptor Series consisting of mid-sized dromaeosaurs and related species. The campaign will begin with three species: Velociraptor, Atrociraptor, and Tsaagan with more to follow as the campaign progresses. (I will also be adding a Kickstarter exclusive figure the second week of the campaign). Each figure will have 26 points of articulation, realistic detail and movement based on the most recent scientific discoveries, and will also feature a base with posing rod as well as alternate running toes.
Pyramid of (information transmission) in rpg. Good?
Pyramid of (information transmission) in rpg. Good?
Edit: obviously not. The comments explain what I meant.
2 mai 2016
Il vient de devenir nettement plus facile de publier un jeu Cortex+ :)
Il vient de devenir nettement plus facile de publier un jeu Cortex+ :)
Doc Dandy tiens.
Doc Dandy tiens.
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