
3 novembre 2016

Heart breaking heartbreaker

Heart breaking heartbreaker

11 commentaires:

  1. Ma sélection dans le kickstarter

    In medieval times, the Low Countries (known in present time as Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) were constantly the stage for war and strife (...) Ambrosia aims to put some amount of historical accuracy back into role-playing games. (...) we're taking a more adult approach to role-playing (...) we offer a gritty, realistic setting that's still supported by easily accessible game mechanics (...) First and foremost, Ambrosia is a game of storytelling. (...) As we keep focusing on the story, we will be developing more Chronicles, but only until the metaplot is fully resolved (...) Each player character is fully customisable in a skill-based system with talents and flaws, (...) It's heavily influenced by narrative-heavy games like Vampire: The Masquerade, Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play and Call of Cthulhu, but also takes newer developments in the world of role-playing at heart, also not forgetting those house rules we all made up to streamline those games from the eighties.

    Et puis ma sélection dans le quickstart

    Each character in Ambrosia is built up from three Primary
    Ability Scores (Physical, Mental and Social), and almost every other stat is derived from them: what weapons you’re able to use, how powerful your magical Skills are, even how many henchmen you can get to follow you around. Each of these Primary Ability Scores are divided into two Secondary Ability Scores; Strength and Dexterity for Physical; Knowledge and Intuition for Mental; and Charisma and Appearance for Social.
    For each of the Primary Ability Scores, a set of 40 possible Traumas are specified on your character sheet, each represented by a single dot.
    Each round of combat follows the order of the combatants’ Initiative, from highest to lowest. It is recommended to also seat your players in order of Initiative.
    Ambrosia is unique, however, in that it allows you to take actions anywhere between the start of your turn (when your Initiative is called in order) and the beginning of your next turn.
    Each turn, every character can perform one or more actions. Actions have a cost, expressed in Action Points (AP)
    Depending on your descent, your Primary Ability Scores will be determined, as per the table below:
    Levels & Experience
    Fighters, Clerics, Druids, Alchemist, Hieratic magic, Agnostic Magic, Arcany, Esoteric Magic, Ecomancer, Hemomancer, Morphomancer, Necromancer, Pseudomancer, Sciadomancer, Thermomancer, Chronomancer.

  2. Et puis c'est un jeu belge (flamand), je serais plutôt pour le soutenir, mais là non merci, c'est vraiment trop éloigné de mes cames actuelles. 5 jours restant et le foulancement est à seulement 15% de financement, c'est probablement totalement mort.

  3. Perso j'aime bien la version courte:
    1: A game which is absolutely bog-standard Fantasy RPG 101 except for a good idea at its core, which due to everything else being Fantasy RPG 101 will be ignored. Which is a shame, hence "Heartbreaker".

    2: A game which is absolutely bog-standard Fantasy RPG 101 but where the creators involved have worked hard at and possibly sunk their own savings into publishing this same-old system. Heartbreak here for those involved.

  4. Tout s'éclaire, en effet... ;-)
    Merci pour cette explication limpide, Gherhartd Sildoenfein

  5. J'ai pas été voir le quickstart, mais le KS est trop mignon : "Donc, pour ça aussi, on a fait les choses différemment de D&D".
