
9 novembre 2016

We might live some interesting times.

11 commentaires:

  1. Right now, I would say rather depressing times.

  2. Interesting for straight white dudes with not much to lose; scary as shit for everyone else.

  3. The end is scary but it's only what come before a new beginning. But we shouldn't doubt the destiny the Gods wrote for us. We should fight and strive to deserve our place at the banquets of the Gods!
    This civilisation is dying and you better stop being scared infants.

  4. Côme Martin​ don't you know the proverbial Chinese curse?

  5. Oh, I do; just not sure if it applies when the first sign of Something Really Fucking Terrible rears its head.

  6. (Also wanted to remind you that some people can't be as detached as we are about the matter.)

  7. You mistake our focused realism for detachment. Detached or scared are not the only options here.
    Not to say that you assume that non white non privileged non straight people are all cowards and have to be scared.

  8. So scared = coward for you? If so, you can count me out of this conversation.

  9. Ce n'est rien, c'est Mars qui est entré dans la constellation de l'Éléphant, les natifs du troll sont survoltés.
