
29 septembre 2015

Hey Phil Lewis, Marissa Kelly, Richard Rogers, Ariana Ramos!

Hey Phil Lewis, Marissa Kelly, Richard Rogers, Ariana Ramos! What is so good in Masks that it fills my G+ Stream? What got YOU so excited!?

6 commentaires:

  1. A few things! There aren't many good super hero role-playing games, particularly after the license for Marvel Heroes got pulled.

    I also know that Mark Diaz Truman and Brendan Conway are maniacs when it comes to PbtA games, and have a level of understanding of that system that's super impressive! So if that is any way up your alley, I'm sure they'll deliver.

    The most interesting thing to me, though, is the way relationships are handled using influence. And how that changes characters and drives the story!

  2. (I know the answer but still I am interested)

  3. Yes, but more concretely? What feature, move, palybook, mechanism, fiction got through?

  4. Hi! I saw this in my feed because someone plussed it. I am going to reshare a post my friend Stras wrote about it and could tag you in if that's okay. He wrote about mechanics and stuff in it. :)
