
7 septembre 2015

So, the thing is, even in traditional RPGs, I don't game for story.

So, the thing is, even in traditional RPGs, I don't game for story. I'm pretty transparent about it: if you look at my work, my preferred points of focus (characters, problem-solving, exploring, roleplaying, emotion, tone, free of narrative goal, focused on the subjective fictional perspective) get the love. Story just isn't something I want in a game. I don't want it. You want it? Awesome. I don't. You use some of my stuff to pursue it? How cool is that? Rock on! I don't. But whenever this comes up, the response ranges from some level of surprise or disbelief to ... recommendations for games focused on story, often accompanied by the declaration that I obviously, totally want story and it's just some kind of semantic confusion. It's pretty much this scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding, where I'd be the vegetarian.

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