
30 décembre 2014

I have moved to the city of Nephthys, and taken lodging in a let-room in a private home, with little rent and modest...

I have moved to the city of Nephthys, and taken lodging in a let-room in a private home, with little rent and modest protection dues. I share my lodgings with an ascetic priest[ess], stern and silent.

Freebooting Venus First Look

Please do not playtest!... is this that reverse psychology thing I keep hearing about?


29 décembre 2014

Le résumé de la partie de White Books d'Eric Nieudan, avec lui-même et Peggy Chassenet.

Le résumé de la partie de White Books d'Eric Nieudan, avec lui-même et Peggy Chassenet. La légende des ancêtres des personnages de notre playtest d' AW: Dark Age auquel jouent également Rahyll Zephyr et Volsung J.O..


Le résumé de la partie de White Books d'Eric Nieudan avec lui-même et Peggy Chassenet. La légende des ancêtres des...

Le résumé de la partie de White Books d'Eric Nieudan avec lui-même et Peggy Chassenet. La légende des ancêtres des personnages de notre playtest d' AW: Dark Age auquel jouent également Rahyll Zephyr et Volsung J.O..


24 décembre 2014

Des dés pour cette fin d'année

Des dés pour cette fin d'année ? The Dice Shop Online offre -20% jusqu'à la fin du Boxing Day (le 26/12) avec le code SALE20. Ils ont un grand choix, des prix déjà très raisonnables et j'ai toujours été satisfait de la qualité et du service.

9 décembre 2014

#3x3RPGs as initiated by Paul Czege.

#3x3RPGs as initiated by Paul Czege.

The 3 last RPG I played: Fiasco!, Apocalypse World: Dark Age (2nd playtest version), Star Wars Edge of the Empire.

The 3 I most enjoyed, as remembered right now: Runequest, Star Wars (West End Games), Apocalypse World.

The 3 I most want to play at the moment: Oltrée!, The Clay That Woke, Swords Without Master.

2 décembre 2014

Podcast Outsider no 8 sur les bacs à sables en jdr, animé par Thomas Munier (Outsider, Inflorenza, Millevaux,...

Podcast Outsider no 8 sur les bacs à sables en jdr, animé par Thomas Munier (Outsider, Inflorenza, Millevaux, S'échapper des Faubourgs, ...) , avec Bastien « Acritarche » Wauthoz (Space Frontiers, Masques-tombes d'Olinmar, Les Terres Barbares, Sanctuaire), Laury « Shiryu » Chable (Sacrifices, Noeuds Gordiens), Arjuna Khan et moi-même qui eus le grand plaisir d'y participer. Nous fûmes très disserts (3h31, une bonne petite partie quoi) et j'ai trouvé cela très enrichissant à entendre :D

Originally shared by Thomas Munier

[Podcasts Outsider] Podcast N°8 : Game Design JDR : Les bacs à sable.
Quand le jeu de rôle joue avec le décor, que se passe-t-il ?
Thomas Munier sur la ludographie du podcast 8 : micro*scope* et pas -cosme.

24 novembre 2014

I haven't taken delivery on the books yet, but after four years bringing it to life I just can not wait any longer.

Originally shared by Paul Czege

I haven't taken delivery on the books yet, but after four years bringing it to life I just can not wait any longer. So you can now buy The Clay That Woke. Here's the deal.

21 novembre 2014

Wouldn't you like to see how Vincent Baker runs Dogs In The Vineyard?

Wouldn't you like to see how Vincent Baker runs Dogs In The Vineyard? Or how David R. Megarry leads his game Dungeon? Go and check How We Role, a web series devoted to showing great role playing game designers running their own game.

7 novembre 2014

Ce soir, c'était la partie la plus surréaliste que j'ai jouée depuis bien longtemps.

Ce soir, c'était la partie la plus surréaliste que j'ai jouée depuis bien longtemps. Les protagonistes : un imposant homme-chien ambassadeur, la hobbit cuisinier-traiteur, obsédée par la cuisine, chargée du banquet de la réception et la jeune et paresseuse félys au pelage partiellement teinté en bleu qu'elle a engagé pour la plonge. Ils se rendent compte avec effroi que le dessert, attendu de tous et faisant la réputation des réceptions à l'ambassade (« une expression du bon goût »), a disparu. Ils mènent l’enquête pour retrouver le dessert, essentiel à la réussite de la soirée. Après enquête dans la propriété où l'on s'aperçoit que les quatre chiens de l'enfer qui la gardaient (poétiquement nommés Un, Deux, Trois et Quatre, le propriétaire original était très pragmatique) ont disparu, nos improbables héros concluent que les desserts furent emportés à travers de minuscules tunnels. Un fontis (effondrement du sol) plus tard, causé par le poids excessif d'une pomme magique de la hobbit, ils peuvent emprunter un tunnel plus praticable qui gisait sous le terrain. Celui-là débouche dans les ordonnés égouts de la ville, à la grande terreur de la félys qui se révèle aquaphobe. Là, ils suivent la piste des desserts, trouvent d'abord de petites taupes, mortes brûlées et portant des desserts maintenant plus que caramélisés dans leurs petites griffes métalliques. Ensuite, il rattrape un des chiens de l'enfer, qui avance dodelinant vers une musique qui devient à peine audible. Comprenant que taupes et chiens démoniaques sont charmés par cette musique, nos braves se bouchent immédiatement les oreilles. L'homme-chien avec du céleri, la félys avec une pomme chantante, produits tous deux issus du sac à dos cuisine de la hobbit. Qui, elle, oublie de se boucher les oreilles et se met à suivre la musique ensorcelée. Le cortège débouche dans un collecteur d’égout où pousse une forêt enchantée. L'eau y est pure. Un feu brûle, autour duquel dansent un chien nimbé de flammes, des taupes porteuses de friandises, la hobbit avec un sac à dos remplis de casserole et un très jeune faune en transe, l'auteur de l’ensorcelante musique. Une fois le faune sorti de sa transe, l'homme chien ambassadeur put le sauver du chien démoniaque, discuter avec lui et l'inviter à demeurer dans le parc de l'ambassade et à manger des desserts, à condition qu'il ne joue plus de musique si près de la surface.

(Photo par Vincent Desjardins (endymion120) : España : Cataluña, Figueras, El Teatro-Museo Dalí : " El Caimán " / Salvador Dalí i Domènech / Figueres, 11 mai 1904 - 23 janvier 1989 - License CC-by 2.0)

4 novembre 2014

29 octobre 2014

Rappel d'intérêt général : Night Witches, le nouveau jeu de Jason Morningstar, l'auteur de notamment Fiasco et The...

Rappel d'intérêt général : Night Witches, le nouveau jeu de Jason Morningstar, l'auteur de notamment Fiasco et The Climb, est en kickstarte. Edit : financé en quelques heures.

There was a night bomber regiment in World War Two composed entirely of women. Natural-born Soviet airwomen.

These 200 women and girls, flying outdated biplanes from open fields near the front lines, attacked the invading German forces every night for 1,100 consecutive nights. When they ran out of bombs they dropped railroad ties.

To each other they were sisters, with bonds forged in blood and terror. To the Red Army Air Force they were an infuriating feminist sideshow. To the Germans they were simply Nachthexen—Night Witches.

Night Witches is a tabletop role-playing game about women at war. As a member of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment, you'll answer the call of your Motherland in her darkest hour. Can you do your duty and strike blow after blow against the Fascists? Can you overcome discrimination and outright sabotage and rise above your sexist comrades? Are there limits to patriotism - or endurance? Play Night Witches and find out!

Originally shared by Jason Morningstar

The Night Witches Kickstarter is live. I am super proud of the work that has gone into this game. 

Propeller, do sing louder
Lifting the spread out wings.
To fight the very last battle
And to bring lasting peace
Is the aim of Two Squadron!

28 octobre 2014

Entre Imam ensorcelés, plans maléfiques et mercenaires américains drogués, entre la Casa Negra et d'inaccessibles...

Entre Imam ensorcelés, plans maléfiques et mercenaires américains drogués, entre la Casa Negra et d'inaccessibles Dogons, j'ai eu le grand plaisir d'être l'invité de l'excellent Thomas Munier en compagnie de Magister Phantom pour cette partie enregistrée de Sombre Zéro dans l'univers de Millevaux.

Originally shared by Thomas Munier

[Podcasts Outsider] N°7 / Magnéto JDR / Millevaux Sombre / Sheitan & Haschischins. Un périple mystique et putride de la foisonnante Casa Negra jusqu'aux confins du désert du Sahara !

1 octobre 2014

Je cherche après des rôlistes proches (belges ?) qui seraient intéressés par Designers & Dragons (l’histoire...

Je cherche après des rôlistes proches (belges ?) qui seraient intéressés par Designers & Dragons (l’histoire décennie par décennie du jdr, éditeur par éditeur, pour économiser les frais. Le pack complet des 4 tomes coûte $80 + $24 de frais de port ($20+$6 le livre), mais il y a $29 de frais fixe pour l’ensemble de la commande, c’est sur cette somme qu’il est possible d’économiser. Ce n’est pas énorme, donc. (Ajoutez à cela le risque de payer des frais de douanes.)

30 septembre 2014

"rôliste à éclipses" précise ma bio G+.

"rôliste à éclipses" précise ma bio G+... là je suis au début d'une très belle. Je n'ai jamais eu un tel programme, que ce soit professionnellement ou familialement. Ce n'est pas que le jeu en souffre, c'est qu'il en est presque annihilé :'( J'espère que cela ira mieux l'année prochaine (ou plus vite, mais ce serait étonnant).

18 septembre 2014

En 2013, j'ai acheté la boite de la vf de Dungeon World.

En 2013, j'ai acheté la boite de la vf de Dungeon World. En 2014, c'est le D&D Starter Set, celui de SW: Age of Rebellion, Les lames du Cardinal et Bimbo. C'est le retour des boites ? Car avant cela, je dois remonter à Dark Sun, Planescape (ça fait un bail), l'_AdC_ (la trad de la 3e édition VO - je crois, car je ne l'ai plus) et Runequest vf (également disparu). C'est moi qui évolue (régresse ?), où les jdr ? Nostalgie ? ou réel avantage ?


Originally shared by Cam Banks


As you’ve probably heard by now, Feng Shui, the classic game of Hong Kong-inspired cinematic action, is back in all its explodey, chi-blasting glory!

Robin Laws  has refurbished this 90’s classic RPG of martial arts mayhem and cinematic guns-blazing action with a fresh bag of ammo for a new roleplaying generation! Feng Shui 2 is Kickstarting right now, and Atlas Games wants your help to make it as awesome as possible.

The Kickstarter is now LIVE with preview graphics, details on backer levels and rewards … and if you back the project at $10 or above, you get immediate access to the current draft of the rules! 

Keep up with all the Atlas Games social media feeds between now and October 17th, 2014 for details on the campaign’s progress as we make Feng Shui 2 explode!

16 septembre 2014

Ma frustration est grande.

Ma frustration est grande. Toutes ces tables et si peu de temps. Par contre, en écoutant Par delà les montagnes hallucinées, podcast-enregistrement de parties, je me rends compte à quel point ces enregistrements m'intéressent alors que j'étais de prime abord très sceptique sur l'intérêt du concept. Ce n'est pas très dense, et au final c'est une qualité que je peux l'écouter d'une oreille en faisant autre chose. C'est divertissant. Et c'est pour moi un excellent support pour réfléchir au jdr, que ce soit en game design ou en conduite de jeu. D'où ma question : enregistreriez-vous vos parties ? (Il suffit de créer un hangout public et il est automatiquement enregistré et mis sur youtube.) Me feriez-vous ce plaisir ? D'autres seraient-ils intéressés à les écouter ? (mes propres réponses sont bien entendu 3 x oui.)

9 septembre 2014

Through September 15, our Ptolus & Malhavoc Bundle gives you the most lavish citybook in the history of tabletop...

Originally shared by Bundle of Holding

Through September 15, our Ptolus & Malhavoc Bundle gives you the most lavish citybook in the history of tabletop fantasy roleplaying. Get the complete Ptolus: Monte Cook's City by the Spire -- the 808-page city sourcebook itself plus a full range of digital extras, all as DRM-free .PDF ebooks -- a retail value of US$60 -- for just $19.95.

And if you pay just a bit more -- the threshold price starts at just $24.95 -- you'll level up and get our entire collection of five bonus Malhavoc Press OGL rulebooks by Monte Cook (retail value $42). These are the house rules from Monte's own campaign -- creative options for any D&D 3.x, Pathfinder, or other OGL fantasy game:

- Books of Experimental Might I (retail $9) and II ($7)
- Complete Book of Eldritch Might (retail $13)
- Books of Hallowed Might I (retail $6) and II ($7)

There's a reward for buying early: When we add more titles, all previous purchasers get them added automatically to their download pages. The starting average price of this bundle is weighted to keep it from rising too fast. The sooner you buy, the lower the threshold price will be, and the cheaper it is to get the bonus books. Ten percent of your purchase (after payment gateway deductions) is split evenly between two charities selected by Monte Cook, Human Rights Watch and Women's Learning Partnership.

Remember, now you can give a Bundle of Holding as a gift -- either a generic gift code good for any one bundle, or a gift download link for this specific offer that's good even after it ends. With one quick purchase, you can recruit a friend to help you hunt treasure beneath the City by the Spire.

Act fast -- this Ptolus & Malhavoc Bundle offer ends this Monday morning, September 15.

8 septembre 2014

Kickstarter is pure, concentratred evil. Don't go, don't even look, flee while you still can.

Kickstarter is pure, concentratred evil. Don't go, don't even look, flee while you still can.

13th Age in Glorantha kickstarter almost funded in a day (20 hours, $36,509 of $39,500).

13th Age in Glorantha kickstarter almost funded in a day (20 hours, $36,509 of $39,500). There are actually two products: the actual 13th Age in Glorantha 196+ pages hardcover 13th Age supplement and a 128+ pages hardcover The Glorantha Source Book. $55 for both pdf, $80 (+shipping if out of USA) for both hardcovers and pdf. Of course I backed.

7 septembre 2014

Last 2 days for Designers & Dragons, the 4 books history of (mainly american) RPG and RPG indistry history.

Last 2 days for Designers & Dragons, the 4 books history of (mainly american) RPG and RPG indistry history. Out of USA backers beware: the (at cost) shipping fees are high.

Mainly for Belgians: I backed and it seems that adding more books as addons through backerkit will allow a more cost effective group purchase... Stay tuned. I'd suggest you back the kickstarter at least at the $15 PDF only level as a security.

Originally shared by Fred Hicks

The countdown by hours has begun! And with it, our final project stretch goal:

3 septembre 2014

Star Wars d6 1ère édition en VF Jeux Descartes.

Star Wars d6 1ère édition en VF Jeux Descartes... mes préééccccieuux :) Arrivés aujourd'hui, ça faisait longtemps,très longtemps que je regrettais de ne pas les avoirs à moi, à moi, rien qu'à moi. J'<3 mon facteur. Bimbo et le D&D Starter Set sont arrivés presqu'en même temps, et je suis impatient aussi de m'y plonger... d'ici un mois ou deux...

Illustration de Ben Chen qui m'a fait bien rire

Illustration de Ben Chen qui m'a fait bien rire

2 septembre 2014

Elle a du succès cette auberge, ça fait chaud au cœur :D même si je n'y suis pour rien du tout, mais voir autant de...

Elle a du succès cette auberge, ça fait chaud au cœur :D même si je n'y suis pour rien du tout, mais voir autant de rôlistes en tous iastes <3 <3 <3

1 septembre 2014

Reçu ce matin : Perdus sous la pluie, de Vivien Feasson :D Le jeu se présente sous la forme d'un livre à couverture...

Reçu ce matin : Perdus sous la pluie, de Vivien Feasson :D Le jeu se présente sous la forme d'un livre à couverture souple d'une soixantaine de pages. La mise en forme rappelle les livres pour enfants, ce qui plonge tout de suite dans l'ambiance. Après l'introduction, il semble que le cœur des règles est rédigé à la première personne, ce qui donne une ambiance particulière mais - je crois - correspond à la manière dont le jeu se déroule. Je suis impatient de m'y plonger ^^

martin vidberg loue superbement les jeux dans sa Sélection du dimanche :) Je pense que je vais l'encadrer !

martin vidberg  loue superbement les jeux dans sa Sélection du dimanche :) Je pense que je vais l'encadrer !

29 août 2014

Ce soir je teste Star Wars: Edge of the Empire avec des potes.

Ce soir je teste Star Wars: Edge of the Empire avec des potes. La dernière fois qu’on a joué à un jeu SW c’était le SW d6 paru chez Jeux Descartes… Malgré le temps – ou peut-être à cause de lui ? , malgré tout le mal que l’on a pu dire entre nous sur les prequels. –  la magie de l’univers est toujours là et l’anticipation monte avec les heures qui passent :D Je sais déjà que la soirée sera bonne, j’espère que le jeu sera à la hauteur.

28 août 2014

Could you write a game like a mystery novel, pulling the reader ever farher into the rules by not giving him what...

Could you write a game like a mystery novel, pulling the reader ever farher into the rules by not giving him what he'd like to know? Shouldn't hooking and inspiring players and gamemasters be at least as important as being a clear procedural explanation?

Originally shared by Paul Czege

My "near final" text for The Clay That Woke is now out to a handful of readers for final feedback on stuff like problematic sentence construction and punctuation, so I came up for air and posted a Kickstarter Update about the text and the uniquely constructed Table of Contents I have planned for it.

SW:EoE D-1 :D

SW:EoE D-1 :D

Originally shared by Bruce Baugh

25 août 2014

Les jeux qu'il me plairait vraiment bien d'essayer (plutôt en tant que joueur) sont :

Les jeux qu'il me plairait vraiment bien d'essayer (plutôt en tant que joueur) sont :
* Fiasco
* Fate
* Monsterhearts
(Je suis disponible en soirée du lundi au jeudi à partir de 21h00.)

Les jeux qu'il me plairait vraiment bien d'essayer (pas nécessairement en tant que meneur) pour le moment sont :

Les jeux qu'il me plairait vraiment bien d'essayer (pas nécessairement en tant que meneur) pour le moment sont :
* Hillfolk,
* Swords without masters.
Mais il faut d'abord que je retrouve un peu d'énergie.

22 août 2014

I need to try this. Neeeeed.

I need to try this. Neeeeed.

Originally shared by Teo Morgan

And they say compulsivity is a bad thing?
I made a bunch of pool noodle lightsabers for my girls.
My perception of Self Efficacy has allowed me to consider that I can tackle doing Darth Maul's now. 

I recommend the floppy sort of noodle. In the is pic the Purple, Blue, and Yellow sabers are a bit more firm. This doesn't lead to pain when small kids swing them, but it can be more bracing. The floppier the noodle the more air resistance will slow its velocity, and impact. It makes it so that the person swinging doesn't have to hold back at all. I use the really floppy Green, and Red ones to avoid accidentally wapping a kid into tears.

I recommend getting at least two colors of duct tape (regular, and black), but adding chrome, and gold made things perk up a lot.

P.S. Inverting the sabers, then striking each other with the handles is only advised for those who are Chaotic Evil. It brings sadness, and ocular moistening.

19 août 2014

Switching from oral tradition to writen transmission changes Nordic larps, writes Lizzie Stark.

Switching from oral tradition to writen transmission changes Nordic larps, writes Lizzie Stark. A very interesting article that echoes with the (at least French) current trend of wanting to produce "complete game" objects and dismiss or revile oral tradition. mue et devient Céphalopomme mue et devient Céphalopomme ! Maitre Sinh -  en profite pour nous proposer un site revu et corrigé, beaucoup plus actuel. Et beau. Au menu du lancement du site :

- Horreur Cosmique, un projet de jeu Lovercraftien Powered by The Apocalypse, qui devrait être créé à travers des ateliers participatifs.

- Dread, le jeu d'horreur d'EPidiah Ravachol en VF.

- Shadows de Zak Arntson, un jeu pour enfants qui se joue comme son nom l’indique avec des ombres, en VF (traduction de Zeylion).

- Mobile Frame Zero, le jeux de combats de mecha en Lego de Vincent Baker en VF.

- Les classiques de Narrativiste édition : Danger Patrol, Archipelago II, Happy Birthday Robot, Spirit of the Century, Un train d’enfer, Les 1001 nuits, Mnémosyne, Dungeon World Boite rouge, Le comité pour l’exploration des mystères.

- Pas encore visibles sur le nouveau site, mais ce n'est certainement qu'une question de temps : les projets de traduction de Polaris de Ben Lehman et de Fate.

- Le Dernier Anneau, le projet de traduction de The last Ringbearer de Kirill Eskov.

- Gandahar, encyclopédie et jeu, un projet ambitieux pour faire vivre les univers de Réné Laloux, et pas seulement en paroles et dans les mémoire, qui mijote depuis deux ans et qui devrait chercher son financement participatif fin 2014 ou début 2015.

- Maître Sinh explique l’évolution et ses raisons sur Narrativiste :

Si vous ne connaissiez pas Narrativiste, découvrez Céphalopomme : c'est du bon. Et sinon... je n'ai certainement pas besoin d'essayer de vous convaincre ;)

16 août 2014

Two games and Vincent's thoughts.

Two games and Vincent's thoughts.

Originally shared by Vincent Baker

Two games!

Dulce et Decorum by Troels Ken Pedersen
Love in the Time of War by Mario Bolzoni & Luca Veluttini

In Dulce et Decorum, you play English soldiers in the trenches of WWI. At the end of each round of play, as a group you read WWI poems aloud, "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae, "Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen, "When You See Millions of the Mouthless Dead" by Charles Sorley, and others. Your goal is for your character to survive the war, of course, but achieving it is very difficult, and you might decide along the way to sacrifice yourself in one way or another instead. It's an emotional gutpunch, a haunting and harrowing game to play.

In Love in the Time of War, you play lovers, one of you a soldier gone away to war and the other a civilian left behind. At the end of each round of play, one of you writes a letter to the other, or that is, you describe the letter you write. Your goal is for your relationship, your love, to survive the war, but achieving that is very difficult. Especially difficult each round is the decision whether to write a truthful letter, sharing the pain and weight of what you're experiencing with your lover who might not be able to bear it, or to conceal the worst, shouldering the pain and weight for yourself. It's also an emotional gutpunch, a haunting and a harrowing game to play.

This is, by the way, the beauty to me of game design: playing a game can give you an emotional experience, even though it's just cards, pawns, dice. Think of the sinking feeling when you discover you have the losing hand in Hearts, for instance, or the frustrating injustice when you're up against a better player in Go. And then in a roleplaying game, even further, the emotional experience of playing the rules can reinforce and serve and draw upon the emotional experience of identifying with the characters.

In both games, Dulce et Decorum and Love in the Time of War, good gameplay means generally the same thing: controlling your descent. You and your fellow players start the game with all the resources you'll ever have, and have to spend them as wisely and carefully as you can, to buffer and shelter yourself from the bad turns that are coming.

And this is what I want to say about both games: they're both gambling games, not pure resource management games, and they're both mathematically unforgiving. You do have the losing hand. Your board position is unjust.

I played Dulce et Decorum at Fastaval 2013, and I couldn't stay ahead of the gamble. My character died when he stopped caring whether there were enemy soldiers in the opposite treeline, and simply stepped out into a field in Belgium. He died bereft of friends and hope.

I played Love in the Time of War at EtrusCon just last week, and Talisa Tavella's character and mine reunited at the end of the war. They were both scarred and sad, but they were together and still able to make the life they wanted. It was never a given, but Talisa and I played hard and had good luck and managed to pull it off.

Anyhow, two gorgeous, exhausting, unforgiving games that I love.

Here's a link to Dulce et Decorum. I can't find a link to Love in the Time of War. Mario Bolzoni, Luca Veluttini, help me out?

14 août 2014

Hillfolk wins 2014 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming!

Hillfolk wins 2014 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming!

The Diana Jones is awarded on merit, not popularity or commercial success. The winner is chosen by a closed, anonymous committee, so it is difficult for a manufacturer or publisher to stuff the ballot or interfere with the voting.

2014's shortlist was: Evil Hat Productions (publishing company), Hillfolk (rpg), Paizo Publishing (company), ROFL! (family card game) and Terra Mystica (strategy board game).

13 août 2014

Via Geeks are sexy (

Via Geeks are sexy (

Bonjour, je suis Philippe, rôliste pratiquant depuis 30 ans.

Bonjour, je suis Philippe, rôliste pratiquant depuis 30 ans.

J'aime a priori la plupart des jeux et des approches, mais pas trop la compétition entre joueurs (si "gagner" a une importance réelle pour quelqu'un à la table, je risque de me lasser vite), le triturage long de règles (style créer un perso complet et optimisé à DD3.5 ou Shadowrun) ni les jeux où le système ne me laisse pas faire ce que la fiction promet. Je maîtrise plutôt en sandbox, en laissant la plus grande liberté possible aux joueurs, mais en tant que joueur j'apprécie également le dirigisme quand il est bien fait (particpationisme) (aka raconte moi mon histoire).

J'aime autant les jeux traditionnels qu'expérimentaux, et suis intéressé par découvrir ensemble de nouveaux jeux et sortir du confort bien balisé de mes parties IRL.

Je serais disponible en soirée en semaine (lu-je 21h00-01h00), pas vraiment souvent — 1 ou 2 fois par mois maximum. (Edit: et il me faut idéalement qq jours de préavis pour m'organiser.)

J'ai une expérience minuscule du jeu en voice chat via hangout (et rien d'autre de simialire), mais je ne demande qu'à pexer dans ce domaine.

12 août 2014

Une des photos du travail de Thom Atkinson sur l'évolution de l'équipement des soldats anglais de 1066 à nos jours :...

Une des photos du travail de Thom Atkinson sur l'évolution de l'équipement des soldats anglais de 1066 à nos jours : 1ère photo de la série, équipement d'un huscarl pour la bataille de Hastings (1066).'-inventories/

1 août 2014

In the mail today: John Wick's Wield :D

In the mail today: John Wick's Wield :D
A fantasy roleplaying game where you play an ancient, powerful weapon and the heroes you wield are disposable hit points.

26 juillet 2014

Pour reprendre un discussion avec Jerome Larre sur la révolte en jdr, qui pollue le fil original de Aware Studios

Pour reprendre un discussion avec Jerome Larre  sur la révolte en jdr, qui pollue le fil original de Aware Studios 

Originally shared by Aware Studios

Les ouacances c'est bien mais je m'emmerde un peu. Et si on jouait ?


Je vous décris un gidéaire en 140 caractères maxi dans un commentaire et vous essayez de le retrouver en commentant. Je pluzun la première réponse juste. Y'aura du classique, de l'indie, de la grosse machine de guerre, etc. Parti ? Parti.

Read also the comments.

Read also the comments.

Originally shared by Jesse Burneko

Thought: Both Burning Wheel and Sorcerer have at their core the idea that if anything is going to change SOMEONE has to get hurt.  They both ask you to decide who that's going to be.  "No one" is not a valid answer, but "myself" is.

I think that's part of what makes those games uncomfortable for some people to play.

25 juillet 2014

Thanks to Ezio Melega for making me discover Table Titans webcomic.

Thanks to Ezio Melega for making me discover Table Titans webcomic. Now I have two years of biweekly comics to catch up :D

Originally shared by Ezio Melega


So you are an happy GM if your friends (not the characters) are fighting between them, starting getting hot and insulting each other (not the characters)?
An Enjoyable Game is one that puts tons of pressure on the collective social shoulders of the people you are gaming with?

That's not my hobby.

Table Titans is now officialy off my reading list.

It's not interesting, the characters are mostly boring and unattractive and it depicts roleplaying game in a way that's very different from what I've experienced or what I would like it to be, exalting what I consider bad habits and geek fallacies.

Next in line are Weregeek and Goblins.

7 juillet 2014

Almost a month late, but better then never.

Almost a month late, but better then never. Are we really getting serious? An university-level (Carnegie Mellon) study of rpg design and playtesting process. Yeah! (If still valid - I do not know - game designers do not need to be from / in USA to participate, this is a global study.)

Originally shared by Jessica Hammer

Please reshare widely!


Have you designed and released a role-playing game, hack, or supplement? We are a research team from Carnegie Mellon University conducting online interviews with role-playing game creators about their design and playtesting process. We would like to talk to independent designers of all sorts, including story-game designers, the OSR, fan supplement creators, and more.

Interviews will happen online, and will last about an hour. 

To be eligible for this study, you must have independently released a role-playing game, hack, or supplement (e.g. not work-for-hire or part of your full-time job). You must also be over the age of eighteen.

If you would like to participate, or if you have any questions, please contact us at

We look forward to hearing from you!

Hé Places To Go, People To Be (VF) est-ce que ce vieil article ne vous chatouillerait pas

Hé Places To Go, People To Be (VF) est-ce que ce vieil article ne vous chatouillerait pas ? Moi je vois encore à l'oeuvre aujourd'hui et de notre côté de l'atlantique ce qu'il dénonce.

1 juillet 2014

Vous connaissez sans doute l’excellent éditeur de texte collaboratif Framapad (

Vous connaissez sans doute l’excellent éditeur de texte collaboratif Framapad ( Un super outil pour faire de la prise de note ensemble lors d'une partie ou même pour jouer à distance.
L’association Framasoft ( mène un projet pour améliorer la dernière version (qui est une refonte technologique complète) sur Ulule ( Il vise à permettre des comptes utilisateurs, de créer des groupes de pads, de gérer les partages et les droits d’accès, … Le projet est financé à 89%, il ne manque plus qu’un petit coup de pouce pour le réaliser.

30 juin 2014

Attention, sous le sable, un pavé !

Originally shared by Laury Chable

Attention, sous le sable, un pavé !
Première partie de ma réflexion sur les jeux bac à sable. La suite demain.

28 juin 2014

Wield de John Wick est maintenant disponible chez DriveThruRPG. Qui fait la comparaison avec Bloodlust ?

Wield de John Wick est maintenant disponible chez DriveThruRPG. Qui fait la comparaison avec Bloodlust ?

Originally shared by John Wick

Now available at Drivethrurpg as PDF/Epub download!

Rob Donoghue nous encourage à backer Urban Shadows, grosso-modo une version Powered by the Apocalypse du World of...

Rob Donoghue nous encourage à backer Urban Shadows, grosso-modo une version Powered by the Apocalypse du World of Darkness.

Originally shared by Rob Donoghue

It is absolute self-interest that pushes me to encourage you to back Urban Shadows.

If it were not, then I would not tell you about it, because
a) it has funded
b) it is absolutely awesome as is
c) i don't want to share.


The stretch goals! The damnable stretch goals!

See, if they hit $28k, Ajit George writes the guide to Bangalore. 

Maybe the awesomeness of that is not immediately obvious to you.  That's cool.  But it is obvious enough to me that I feel I must promote this kickstarter rather than attempt to hide it away in the darkness.

I get that just saying "It's awesome" is a poor pitch, so I lay down a few more data points:

* It's basically what happens when the structures of Urban Fantasy (on the darker, more WW end of the spectrum) mash up with the *World system.
* As such, in addition to cool magic and monsters, it has an entire system for handling group,s organizations and stuff like that. I have already stolen some of the ideas from that in my own game. 
* The writers are top-notch, but that is only half the picture.  If you look at the stretch goals that have unlocked so far, you will find a number of interesting city guides written by people you may or may not recognize. If you take some time to dig into who these people are, you will find they are uniquely qualified to write the their particular section, so much so that I'm excited to see what they have to say.

I am pretty sure this game is going to be as influential as Dungeon World. I would place money on it. And it has funded, so you can absolutely afford to wait and see.

But I have no idea why you would want to.[1]

[1] - I mean, aside from the fact that it costs money. That is occasionally inconvenient.

27 juin 2014

Today is the final day to preorder Unframed: The Art of Improvisation for Game Masters | Gnome Stew - The Game...

The Complete Guide to Glorantha = 6 kg de savoir gloranthien ^^

The Complete Guide to Glorantha = 6 kg de savoir gloranthien ^^

Originally shared by Jeff Richard

Gloranthaphiles! Did you miss out on the Kickstarter for the Guide to Glorantha? Have you begun to worry that you would never get your hands on over 12 pounds (6 kilograms) of full-color, oversized Gloranthan Gold? Never fear – you can now Pre-Order the Guide to Glorantha and the Argan Argar Atlas. You can even pre-order the Poster Map Sets!

This offer includes discounted shipping and PDFs for the bundle. It is time limited until July 7, 2014, however, so order now!

Une discussion un peu intéressante pour les férus de The Forge et du GNS. Et les fans de Vincent Baker.

Une discussion un peu intéressante pour les férus de The Forge et du GNS. Et les fans de Vincent Baker.

Originally shared by Jesse Burneko

Over on twitter Vincent Baker mentioned that he'd almost posted a boring opinion of The Forge and GNS.  He chose not to.  So, I'll post my boring opinion.

I think GNS is a fairly accurate taxonomy of the core "pleasures" of gaming.  It answers the question of when we're having fun and appreciating each other's contribution to the game what are we appreciating?

Story Now: The heightening and resolution of the real-world human issues at stake in the characters and setting.

The Right To Dream: The expression and celebration of a shared aesthetic be that realism, or genre or just some wacky fun to think about idea.

Step On Up: The skill of the players as applied to the challenges at hand.

The problem isn't that this is incomplete.  The problem isn't the "controversy" over whether these can be accomplished at the same time or not.  The problem is that this understanding is boring and rather self evident once you start looking at the real-world social reactions and interactions of the players.  Who's laughing?  Who's bored?  Who's engaging?  Who's not?  Why?  Over what.  The game is either fulfilling their social/creative needs or it is not.

The only real revelation to be had here is that there is nothing that is "required" in an RPG and if you're making your own it might be a good idea to take a good hard look at what you actually want and whether or not your design is serving that.

The real problem, if you're interested in theory is that absolutely nothing concrete seems to exist between GNS and discussing the details of a specific game.   There is no taxonomy or lexicon for discussing the design skeleton of Burning Wheel vs. Primetime Adventures even though both are about confronting the issues inherent in the characters.  But that doesn't mean you can just drop a PtA fan into a Burning Wheel game and expect them to have fun.

The closet I've seen is Ron Edwards's efforts at grouping RPGs into "families".  Those families, as far as I can tell, are based around common clusters of techniques.  But we don't have design patterns, gems, or templates abstracted from these families.  Maybe that's not even possible.  I don't know.  But people don't seem interested in discussing it.  They're either hung up on "fixing" GNS or really into the specifics and working of a particular game.

26 juin 2014

Fate vs Dungeon World - How they differ in fiction building.

Fate vs Dungeon World - How they differ in fiction building.

Fate is predicated on the idea that the smallest practical element of fiction is descriptive of character or situation. The brave knight. The locked room. The haunted duchess. The action and interaction of these make for fiction. Notably, Fate is not terribly unique in this, and games like Heroquest and Risus use similar units of fiction.
Dungeon World is predicated on the idea that key elements are the actions that define things. The clash of blades. The race over rough terrain. The duel of wits. It is these actions which reveal and transform the other elements of the fiction. This is, I think, a focus which is fairly unique to the *World games.

25 juin 2014

My sister Jo Jordan is an experienced stage actress and occasional gamer.

Originally shared by Josh T Jordan

My sister Jo Jordan is an experienced stage actress and occasional gamer. I've asked her for advice about getting into character. She sent me a top ten list that I believe tabletop and live-action roleplayers should adapt to their games.
[Resharing this from yesterday.]

24 juin 2014

(fr) Je suis rotomontades. <3

<3 Google translate : (en) I am ranting. -> (fr) Je suis rotomontades. <3

Ex-fan de Star-Wars (je ne renie pas, mais je ne suis plus aussi investi ni connaisseur qu'avant) et ayant des...

Ex-fan de Star-Wars (je ne renie pas, mais je ne suis plus aussi investi ni connaisseur qu'avant) et ayant des excellent souvenir du SW d6, je me suis fait plaisir et offert la boîte starter kit d'Age of Rebellion (non ce n'est pas un jeu indie sur l'adolescence). J'avance dedans à la vitesse d'un escargot cachectique et je ne devrais pas commenter en étant à peine au début du truc, mais :

1. Pfff, c'est écrit petit et trop léger, c'est vraiment fatiguant pour mes yeux de vieux.
2. nondedjoderogntudju ça devrait être interdit d'écrire un scénario aussi idiotement linéaire sur un thème potentiellement aussi ouvert (et je n'en suis qu'à la fin de la rencontre 2).

17 juin 2014

Pour celles et ceux qui auraient des regrets d'avoir manqué le kickstarter de Wield: A Little Game about Ancient...

Pour celles et ceux qui auraient des regrets d'avoir manqué le kickstarter de Wield: A Little Game about Ancient Powers de John Wick, où il s'agit de jouer des armes magiques qui contrôlent leur porteur (qui n'a pas dit Bloodlust ?), il est maintenant possible de passer une précommande via backerkit : ($15 le jeu en couverture souple et $10 pour les frais de port, il y a également des addons disponibles.)

16 juin 2014

Tiens, Chill un autre classique auquel je n'ai jamais joué (ni lu, ni même feuilleté...).

Tiens, Chill un autre classique auquel je n'ai jamais joué (ni lu, ni même feuilleté...). Mais il semblerait promis à une nouvelle édition.

Originally shared by Christopher Helton

More news over at Bleeding Cool, this time about the announcement of the new edition of the Chill RPG.

15 juin 2014

(Aware Studios, suis toujours aussi frustré de ne pas pouvoir répondre sur ton blog... :/)

(Aware Studios, suis toujours aussi frustré de ne pas pouvoir répondre sur ton blog... :/)

Pour moi, un bon exemple d'affordance en jdr, c'est l'achat des attributs lors de la création de personnage à Ambre. Le système d'enchères montre implicitement et donne la permission aux joueurs d'entrer en compétition pour la suite du jeu. Le fait qu'il y ait plusieurs étapes, que l'on doive garder des points pour la suite, pour faire ce que l'on veut faire et qu'il faut s'arranger pour que les autres dépensent leurs points là où cela ne t’intéresse pas pour être libre et ne pas devoir payer trop cher là où cela t’intéresse montre et ouvre la voie des plans et des secrets.

12 juin 2014

" I’ve heard stories about people realizing through play that they had a calling to a career, I have seen people use...

Originally shared by Avery Mcdaldno

" I’ve heard stories about people realizing through play that they had a calling to a career, I have seen people use games to explore or come to terms with their sexual identity or spirituality. I’ve heard a few stories about how game experiences have lifted people out of the process of suicidal ideation. I’ve seen couples work through their problems through game – and accept that their problems were irreconcilable through game. I’ve also heard some stories that were less on the happy path."

Mo unpacks the power of games to transform us. A great article.

À voir tant de gens qui dorment et s'endorment à la nuit

À voir tant de gens qui dorment et s'endorment à la nuit,
J'aurais fini, c'est fatal, par pouvoir m'endormir aussi
Mais si s'endormir c'est mourir, ah laissez-moi mes insomnies.
J'aime mieux vivre en enfer que dormir en paradis.

- Barbara

8 juin 2014

Plus que 20 heures...

Plus que 20 heures...

Originally shared by Bundle of Holding

Ding! We just sold copy #1,000 of our King Arthur Pendragon Bundle offer. Thanks to all our customers! Still 22 hours left to get NINE Pendragon RPG books, including the current Edition 5.1 rules and the mammoth 437-page, 85-year Great Pendragon Campaign, for a bargain price (currently just over US$22):

Aaah Runequest... une magnifique madeleine... soupir

Aaah Runequest... une magnifique madeleine... soupir

Originally shared by Lawrence Whitaker

We are releasing RQ6 in a much-reduced, introductory PDF edition called RuneQuest Essentials. Designed for those who want to try RuneQuest before migrating to the full rules, it offers a great way of getting to know one of the most celebrated roleplaying game systems out there.

What's more, RuneQuest Essentials is free. You can download it from (or via DrivethruRPG and our publisher page there). If you feel we're being overly generous, then there's a Donate button you can use to make a contribution of whatever you feel appropriate - or, at Drivethru, you can Pay What You Want.

What we want is for you to try RuneQuest. We'll be publishing an introductory scenario, Sariniya's Curse, very soon, and there's already a wealth of additional free material available on the Downloads page.

So if you've never tried RuneQuest before, there's no better time, and no better way, than with RuneQuest Essentials.

3 juin 2014

Urban Shadows is a dark urban fantasy tabletop RPG Powered by the Apocalypse.

Urban Shadows is a dark urban fantasy tabletop RPG Powered by the Apocalypse. Fight the darkness or let it swallow you whole!

You’ll play characters struggling to survive in a dark urban environment drowning in supernatural politics. The game focuses heavily on the gritty drama and tense violence that we see so often in works like The Dresden Files, Angel and Supernatural.

Vincent Baker says "Yay!"

Originally shared by Andrew Medeiros

The moment has finally arrived, the Urban Shadows Kickstarter is officially LIVE!!! I could not be more excited and I have too many people to thank for helping me get this far. Please check out our project and if you could +1 or share this post with your gaming communities I would really appreciate the additional coverage. Thank you again, lots of love!

D'autres Belges amateurs ?

D'autres Belges amateurs ?

Originally shared by Martin Ralya

Preorders for Unframed: The Art of Improvisation for Game Masters are now live in the Engine Publishing online store:! If you preorder, you'll immediately receive the digital edition, weeks before it's available anywhere else.

You can read more about the book and download a preview PDF on its product page:

There are also four reviews you can check out:

The Game's the Thing:
Windsor Gaming Resource:
Smiling Jack's Bar and Grill:
Tenkar's Tavern:

And of course if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them here!

27 mai 2014

21 mai 2014

Results from around half of clinical trials have never been published.

Results from around half of clinical trials have never been published. Information on what was done and what was found in these trials could be lost forever to doctors and researchers, leading to bad treatment decisions, missed opportunities for good medicine, and trials being repeated. The contributions of the hundreds of thousands of patients who took part in those trials remain unused and unusable.

15 mai 2014

Les candidats du Game Chef francophone sont absolument épatants.

Les candidats du Game Chef francophone sont absolument épatants. Ils développent leur jeu à une vitesse salement hallucinante !

14 mai 2014

After Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots, Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs, Never Unprepared: Complete Guide to Prep and...

After Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots, Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs, Never Unprepared: Complete Guide to Prep and Odyssey: Guide to Campaign Management, Engine Publishing ( prepares Unframed : The Art of Improvisation for GM 

The table of contents is here :

Originally shared by Martin Ralya

It's time for another preview of Engine Publishing's upcoming system-neutral GMing book, Unframed: The Art of Improvisation for Game Masters! Today's teaser is the full table of contents, which I'll let speak for itself:

Improvising Dialogue Sequences, by Robin D. Laws
Yes, and: A Recipe for Collaborative Gaming, by Emily Care Boss
Coherence and Contradictions, by D. Vincent Baker
Getting Off the Railroad and Onto the Island, by John Arcadian
Gaming Like an Actor, by Filamena Young
Scaffolding to Support Improv, by Scott Martin
Just in Time Improvisarion: The Procrastinator’s Tale, by Jennell Jaquays
Improvisation in Horror Games, by Kenneth Hite
Agreement, Endowment, and Knowing When to Shut Up, by Jason Morningstar
Why Improv, by Meguey Baker
You’re in a Bar, by Eloy Lasanta
An Ear in the Grass: What David Lynch Can Teach You about GMing, by Alex Mayo
On the Herding of Cats, by Kurt Schneider
I Say, Then You Say: Improvisational Roleplaying as Conversation, by Michelle Lyons-McFarland
Names, Voices, and Stereotypes, by Wolfgang Baur
Selling the Experience, by Don Mappin
Building Worlds by the Seat of Your Pants, by Monica Valentinelli
Hitting Rock Bottom, by Phil Vecchione
Off the Rails: When the Party Jumps the Track, by Stacy Dellorfano
The Social Sandbox, by Walt Ciechanowski
Why Trollworld Has Two Moons . . . and Other Tales, by Ken St. Andre
The Unspoken Request and the Power of Yes,* by Jess Hartley
It’s Okay to be Weird, by Martin Ralya
Additional Contributor Bios

13 mai 2014

Reversing the harm move in AW

Reversing the harm move in AW

Originally shared by Patrick Henry Downs

Last night we played Apocalypse World using the Harm move in the opposite way as written. That is, the results for a miss and a 10+ were swapped. I'm writing about this here because Vincent Baker  asked me to report how it went, but the thread where he mentioned this has been closed to further commenting.
We found that the Harm move didn't feel very different but complications were more frequent. Only three PCs suffered harm during the session and most of that was either 1- or 0-harm. However, one PC got attacked by a gang and suffered 3-harm and the Harm move, when swapped like this, becomes very beneficial to the PC getting grievously injured because with a Harm+3 roll you would now have a 50% chance of getting the "miss" result, as written you would only get this result on a roll of 2 or 3.
The real purpose, I think, of the Harm move is to include a complication to the PCs' narrative positioning, and by swapping the results it means that PCs who would get seriously hurt can potentially have their harm lowered at the cost of a complication. As an MC, I thought it worked really well and it felt like a better use of the harm move from my side of the table.

Nahual is a Mexican role-playing game set on the universe created by the comic book artist Edgar Clément, started in...

Nahual is a Mexican role-playing game set on the universe created by the comic book artist Edgar Clément, started in the graphic novel Operación Bolivar.

“When our Spanish ancestors first arrived to this continent they were not alone, with them came their gods and their armies of angels. For our Indian ancestors angels were not the incense sellers of today, they were the harbingers of destruction. Between the sword of Cortés and St. Michael the Archangel’s there was no difference, and neither made a clean cut to the roots. The brujos resisted. Nahuales, the most powerful shamans, took on the task of fighting the invading angels.”

-Edgar Clément. Operación Bolívar

Players are angel hunters, descendants from the powerful brujos nahuales. They have the dormant gifts that enable them to touch the gods and their harbingers, but their memory is lost, impoverishing the greatness of these wonders.
Sometimes they do not know such gifts exist, let alone the scale of these powers.
Many just struggle for survival, other look for answers, they all agree on one thing: a nahual lives to hunt down angels.

Originally shared by Mike Espinoza (Azlath)

A little explanation for the setting of Nahual RPG. A Mexican roleplaying-game with nahuales, angels, drug cartels, the church, politics, corruption and folklore. Powered by the Apocalypse!
#nahualrpg #rpggames

Tiens Aware Studios, à propos de jeux éducatifs et de serious games.

Tiens Aware Studios, à propos de jeux éducatifs et de serious games.

12 mai 2014

Fred Hicks groks Dungeon World

Fred Hicks groks Dungeon World

Originally shared by Fred Hicks

Some praise for Dungeon World, in brief, now that I'm getting around to reading the book more closely thanks to Rob Donoghue running a game:

- Very few pages you actually "have to" read to get the game goin' on.

- Layout's super smart and does not fear white space.

- Each standard move as a page spread with facing page showing several short examples of play: also super smart.

- Does not put me off the content of the text/discovery of the system like Apocalypse World did. (I normally don't give praise that amounts to "totally better than this other game", but here it feels important; if the Apocalypse Engine intrigues but the game does not, DW achieves much in terms of approachability.)

- Rob has observed that DW is essentially a diceless game where you occasionally roll dice. That's a useful perspective and an important fusion of approaches to system/play; for me it means that I can be heads-up focused on the fiction, but that there's mechanical scaffolding to interact with to give things structure that diceless and/or freeform play lacks. Structure gives such things (again, for me) more weight and significance. It's a sweet spot.

- I find it wholly objectionable that my schedule is not as compatible with how often the game's gonna get run.
Tiens, qui a essayé Hillfolk / le Dramasystem de Robin D. Law ? Ça donne quoi en jeu ?

11 mai 2014

Une conversation intéressante sur AW : les bases de quand le MC fait ses moves et lesquels.

Une conversation intéressante sur AW : les bases de quand le MC fait ses moves et lesquels.

Originally shared by Joshua Fox (Rabalias)

Help me internets.
I've noticed in Apocalypse World and other AW-engined games that I find it tricky to avoid lurching between unmediated in character conversation and rapidly escalating mayhem. Sometimes that's fine, but sometimes it feels like it makes the game move too fast, too aggressive, and too focused on what I, the MC, am doing.

Apocalypse World MC moves
"[a list of the MC moves, and then...]
Whenever there’s a pause in the conversation and everyone looks to you to say something, choose one of these things and say it."

I've tended to not read this literally. After all, sometimes when there's a pause in the conversation and everyone looks at me to say something, they're actually waiting for one of my NPCs to say something. So I just say what they would say, right? Not always as a move. Similarly, sometimes I'm helping to elaborate on what the world is like by just describing stuff. I'm following the principles rather than making a move. Technically, by the above text, I'm breaking the rules right there. (Right?)

However, sometimes it's obvious that it's time to make a move. The most obvious time being, someone fails a roll. Then you really have no choice but to take one of the options on the list. I tend to find that this very rapidly escalates the situation.

There's another time when I believe I'm meant to go for the options on the list, and that's when an action taken by a player hasn't triggered a
player move of some kind. For example: in Sagas of the Icelanders, female characters don't have any kind of move for a physical challenge, so if one comes up it seems I have to make a move. (An obvious possibility is inflict harm, but not the only possibility.) Again, I find that this means outside the player moves we move into a situation of rapid escalation.

I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong here. It's not that the game isn't fun, but sometimes the action gets a bit samey, as it's either talking or MAYHEM.

So, I'd like to hear what the flow of your *W games is like. How literally do you read the above text? How far does your MCing mostly involve making moves, and how far does it take a less prescribed approach? When you are making the moves, is it always rapidly escalating action, and if not - what's it like?

7 mai 2014

Le kickstarter pour Storium se termine

Le kickstarter pour Storium se termine
ce 9 mai à 3h00 du mat', (donc dans approximativement 34 heures). Je ne backe pas ce projet, mais il me semble tout de même intéressant.

5 mai 2014

Le futur retour de Feng-Shui (le seul jeu où un fantôme, un singe cybernétique, un vieux mage du feu et un moine...

Le futur retour de Feng-Shui (le seul jeu où un fantôme, un singe cybernétique, un vieux mage du feu et un moine shaolin s'allient pour en mettre plein la gueule à des eunuques sorciers et éviter que leur présent ne soit effacé depuis le passé) cherche des testeur pour sa nouvelle édition.

Originally shared by Atlas Games

Feng Shui Golden Comeback Update!

Le bundle of holding de la semaine est consacré à Trail of Cthulhu

Le bundle of holding de la semaine est consacré à Trail of Cthulhu

Un excellent choix !

Un excellent choix !

Originally shared by Thomas Munier

[Inflorenza] Elu Jeu du Mois sur le Grog. Champagne ! Merci à tous les playtesteurs, les relecteurs et les illustrateurs qui ont rendu ça possible !

24 avril 2014

Storium, le système de jeu de rôle en ligne qui est en crowdfunding chez Kickstarter pour le moment, est un peu...

Storium, le système de jeu de rôle en ligne qui est en crowdfunding chez Kickstarter pour le moment, est un peu difficile à saisir. Voici quelques explications.

Originally shared by Fred Hicks

Un livre, épisode 1.

Un livre, épisode 1.
Ce matin, le livre que je lisais hier a disparu sans laisser de trace. Personne à la maison ne l’a vu ni pris. Étonné, et doutant presque de moi-même, je me suis renseigné auprès du libraire qui me l’avait vendu. Il a tout d’abord nié me l’avoir vendu – il n’était pas enregistré sur ma carte de fidélité. Je lui ai montré le même livre dans la vitrine, pour illustrer, mais il a dit qu’il n’avait pas le droit de me le vendre. Je lui ai mis le ticket de caisse sous le nez, il a admis : il était nuitamment venu me reprendre le livre qu’il m’avait vendu. Sans me prévenir. Sans me rembourser.

22 avril 2014

Encho's Pulse, International Game Chef 2013 winner, English translation, Indiegogo crowdfunding.

Encho's Pulse, International Game Chef 2013 winner, English translation, Indiegogo crowdfunding.

Bunch of prestigious and interesting indie rpg for a modest price: Nathan Paoletta's Annalise (2010), Matt Machell's...

Bunch of prestigious and interesting indie rpg for a modest price: Nathan Paoletta's Annalise (2010), Matt Machell's The Agency (2012), Matt Snyder's Dust Devils (2002, 2002 Indie RPG of the Year, revised 2007), Daniel Cruz Chan's God-King (2012), Tim C. Koppang's Mars Colony (2010, runner up for Indie Game of The Year 2010), Gregor Hutton's 3:16 - Carnage Amongst the Stars (2008, Indie RPG Awards 2008: Game of the Year (2nd), Greywulf's Game of the Year Winner (2008)), Liam Liwanag Burke's Dog Eat Dog (2012, Winner of the 2013 Indiecade Impact Award, Nominee for the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming 2013), Josh T. Jordan's Heroine (2012), Mark Diaz Truman's Our Last Best Hope (2012), Ron Edwards' Sorcerer (Annotated Upgrade) (2001, Diana Jones Award 2002, annotated 2013). Enjoy !

19 avril 2014

Le dernier billet de Grégory Pogorzelski, que je partage puisqu'il ne l'a pas fait ^^