
21 janvier 2016

With v0.3 today we clarified some things we'd deliberately (and not so deliberately) left vague about A Storm...

Originally shared by Sage LaTorra

With v0.3 today we clarified some things we'd deliberately (and not so deliberately) left vague about A Storm Eternal. This is mostly just John Harper and I distilling down how we run this game.

Not quite moves: rulings
For a while we've struggled with how to communicate how the core moves in our game actually work. They aren't really like the moves in most Powered by the Apocalypse games. Most of the time the GM just calls for rolls (using the AW dice mechanic and ranges, usually but not always). The things we have as core moves are more like rulings we've generated over time. Sometimes we make the ruling early on, sometimes we do a thing one way for a while and then write it down.

I expanded the text to be clear on this, hopefully. We're referring to what were "Rules" or moves as "Rulings" and inviting you to make your own (and modify ours), but to mostly rely on just going to the dice on the spur of the moment.

(I could digress on how I think this relates to AW, both on its own and as a historical precedent for other games, but that's for another time.)

Advancement: it's all clocks
When John and I run the game, the most interesting advancement has been all based on telling a player to draw a countdown clock and when they fill it they can have the thing they want (a move from another playbook, etc.). We're toying with that as the sole means of advancement.

It's all true (until it's not)
This is a larger approach to running games, but it's particularly important to ASE: all the things the rules say, and all the laws of nature and the gods, are set in stone. That is, until some mortal decides they want to change that. It may not be easy or entirely possible, but there's always a way. Everything is negotiable, but it's negotiable in-game. You want to bring someone back from the dead? Who are you going to ask how to do that?/How are you going to figure it out? Okay, let's go with that.

All of that together makes the new document a lot closer to what we're actually playing. Hope you enjoy it!

2 commentaires:

  1. yes. je le parcours, là, et je suis assez séduit par certains aspects.

    La transformation des Dommages permanents en modification du Destin du perso, c'est gritty. (oui, les dommages permanents ne peuvent pas être soignés. t'as eu 2 pts permanents ? au lieu d'avoir 6 points, tu n'en as plus que 4).

    Le fait de pouvoir négocier les "Rulings" (avec un coût, c'est certain, je vois pas un GM laisser tranquillement les PJ s'en sortir avec de nouveaux super-pouvoirs à l'aise...)

    Certains Moves (renommés Rulings) sont vraiment chouettes : Invoke the Forms, où on peut carrément utiliser des traditions d'une peuplade pour plaider sa cause. Je ne sais pas si j'ai bien interprété, mais il semble que ça autorise à "inventer" une coutume pour parvenir à ses fins.

  2. Yeah, invoke the form, s'il ne fallait en garder qu'un, ce serait c celui-là :)
